Thursday, May 23, 2019

Trump's fear about impeachment

Don Surber  "President Donald John Trump had Nancy Pelosi and company at the White House to discuss fixing the nation's infrastructure. The meeting lasted three minutes because he asked her to back off on impeachment proceedings.
"She cannot. He knows this. He staged this. She is trapped by the resistance she and Obama and others allowed to fester for two years. This helped propel her back into the speakership after Obama lost the House in 2010.
"But now the new members want to impeach the president. After all, he is Hitler, right?
"That was what they meant by resistance.
"Failure to impeach makes one complicit in the Orange Man's war crimes. After he is gone, Nuremberg trials await those who fail to impeach.
"Never mind that there [are] no grounds for impeachment, Never mind that the Mueller Report found nothing even after an exhaustive investigation. Never mind that there is no groundswell of public support for this.
"Democrats want to impeach." . . .

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