Saturday, June 5, 2010

LIz Cheney Calls Out Obama's Anti-Semitism

Atlas Shrugs "President Obama is contributing to the isolation of Israel, and sending a clear signal to the Turkish-Syrian-Iranian axis that their methods for ostracizing Israel will succeed, and will be met by no resistance from America. There is no middle ground here. Either the United States stands with the people of Israel in the war against radical Islamic terrorism or we are providing encouragement to Israel’s enemies—and our own.  calls on President Obama to reverse his present course and support the state of Israel immediately and unequivocally.” "

Friday night document dump: Clinton-Era Kagan Documents Are Released

WSJ "About 260 of the pages released Friday were provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee but not to the public. Releasing those pages would have revealed confidential information, such as matters related to individuals' privacy or confidential advice that aides gave Mr. Clinton, the Clinton library said.
"If nothing else, the materials demonstrate the vast scope of national and regional issues that Ms. Kagan touched, or was at least glancingly acquainted with, while working at the heart of the White House policy operation. "

What is a document dump?   "A document dump is the act of responding to an adversary's request for information by presenting the adversary with a large quantity of data that is transferred in a manner that indicates unfriendliness, hostility, or a legal conflict between the transmitter and the receiver of the information. The shipment of dumped documents is unsorted, or contains a large quantity of information that is extraneous to the issue under inquiry, or is presented in an untimely manner*, or some combination of these three characteristics. ...It is often seen as part of the characteristic behavior of an entity that is engaging in an ongoing pattern of activities intended to cover up unethical or criminal conduct."
*Such as a Friday evening

Friday, June 4, 2010

Selling Out Israel for the Praise of Dictatorships and Rivals

JINSA Report "On Friday, as Americans were heading off for the long Memorial Day holiday, the Obama Administration threw Israel down the well as the U.S. delegation to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty Review in New York voted for the conference final document, in which the Arab states demanded–and won–the singling out of Israel. Not Iran. Not North Korea. Not Pakistan."

Judicial Watch Statement on Sestak Scandal

Judicial Watch "Rep. Sestak’s allegations are extremely serious and yet we’ve heard nothing from the Obama White House so far but vague denials of wrongdoing and outright stonewalling.
It’s time for everyone involved in this scandal to come clean. There is simply no wiggle room. Either Sestak lied about the federal job offer or someone at the White House likely committed a felony. It’s that simple.
Attorney General Eric Holder’s refusal to appoint a special counsel in the matter is a disgrace and will not stand...." More:

911 Mega Mosque Imam Rauf's "Muslim Leader of the Future"

Atlas Shrugs "Further, Mr. Qadhi put forth a spirited and absolute defense of imams caught (undercover) preaching vitriol against gays ("If I were to call homosexuals perverted, dirty, filthy dogs that should be murdered, that’s my freedom of speech isn’t it?"); women ("Allah has created the woman, even if she gets a Phd, deficient. Her intellect is incomplete, deficient."); and non-Muslims ("We love the people of Islam and we hate the people of kufr [non-belief]").  Are these the messages that will be taught at the Ground Zero mosque? After all, Abdul Rauf's group hand-selected Yasir Qadhi as a "Muslim Leader of Tomorrow" and featured him in their promotional video."

Helen Thomas: “Get the hell out of Palestine.”

Breitbart TV  "Helen Thomas Tells Jews — ‘Get the Hell Out of Palestine’ and Go Back to Germany and Poland "

Want to Stop Iran? Hold Firm on Gaza Blockade

Jonathan Tobin     "If the West hasn’t the stomach to hold firm on the sanctions that have been imposed on Hamas-run Gaza, how will it do so in Iran? The Iranian regime is surely drawing dangerous conclusions about Western resolve from the way the administration is succumbing to the propaganda campaign orchestrated by its Hamas ally. Far from being obstacles to action on Iran, Israel’s attempts to preserve the blockade of Hamas is a fundamental element of any coherent strategy that aims at restraining Tehran’s influence."

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Standardizing Mediocrity; Why national standards won’t fix American education.

NRO  "Some states do have higher standards than others. But the same pressures that drive down state standards would likely plague national standards — and if national standards were defined down, they would undercut states with higher standards, such as Massachusetts. This would let the goal of uniformity trump the pursuit of excellence." ....
"National standards wouldn’t improve academic achievement. They would merely strengthen federal control over education." via Heritage

What Our Media Taught Me

Victor Davis Hanson  "...but thanks to the watchdog media during various ethical problematics in the Bush administration — from the federal attorney firings to Halliburton — I now realize that there can be no tolerance for even the appearance of moral ambiguity. So let the tough media inquiries continue."

Boehner to Sir Paul: Apologize to the American People

Human Events  " “Like millions of other Americans, I have always had a good impression of Paul McCartney and thought of him as a classy guy, but I was surprised and disappointed by the lack of grace and respect he displayed at the White House,” Boehner told HUMAN EVENTS. “I hope he'll apologize to the American people for his conduct which demeaned him, the White House and President Obama.” " He may be a classy guy, but he's still a limousine liberal.

Israel Alone

Obama 'stands with Israel'...except when he doesn't. "When its most powerful ally sits on the sidelines and does little to back Israel's moves, the world will notice this and act accordingly. What a tragedy to have this bunch of starry eyed amateurs running our foreign policy as the enemies of the US and Israel are strengthened by one misstep after another."
Israelis, Foxnews and GOP only friend in the world? "Israeli everyday people feel under siege and all alone in the world. Betrayed - thrown to the wolves by every nation, desperate for defense against an   onslaught of Jihadis bombarding with rockets, exploding on buses and ambushing at sea while pretending to be 'peace activists'."
IDF video one of most-watched on Youtube  "IDF clips of clash aboard a Gaza flotilla aid ship viewed by some 3 million people Wednesday. Al Jazeera video of same incident comes in fourth with 616,000 views."
Statement by Prime Minister Netanyahu: "No Love Boat"  "...Hamas is smuggling thousands of Iranian rockets, missiles and other weaponry - smuggling it into Gaza in order to fire on Israel's cities. These missiles can reach Ashdod and Beer Sheva - these are major Israeli cities. And I regret to say that some of them can reach now Tel Aviv, and very soon, the outskirts of Jerusalem. From the information we have, the planned shipments include weapons that can reach farther, even farther and deeper into Israel."
“They had murder in their eyes”   "The attackers had already seized two pistols from the commandos, and fired repeatedly at them. Facing more than a dozen of the mercenaries, and convinced their lives were in danger, he and his colleagues opened fire, he said. S. singlehandedly killed six men. His colleagues killed another three."
Glenn Foden Cartoon.