Friday, June 4, 2010

Israel Alone

Obama 'stands with Israel'...except when he doesn't. "When its most powerful ally sits on the sidelines and does little to back Israel's moves, the world will notice this and act accordingly. What a tragedy to have this bunch of starry eyed amateurs running our foreign policy as the enemies of the US and Israel are strengthened by one misstep after another."
Israelis, Foxnews and GOP only friend in the world? "Israeli everyday people feel under siege and all alone in the world. Betrayed - thrown to the wolves by every nation, desperate for defense against an   onslaught of Jihadis bombarding with rockets, exploding on buses and ambushing at sea while pretending to be 'peace activists'."
IDF video one of most-watched on Youtube  "IDF clips of clash aboard a Gaza flotilla aid ship viewed by some 3 million people Wednesday. Al Jazeera video of same incident comes in fourth with 616,000 views."
Statement by Prime Minister Netanyahu: "No Love Boat"  "...Hamas is smuggling thousands of Iranian rockets, missiles and other weaponry - smuggling it into Gaza in order to fire on Israel's cities. These missiles can reach Ashdod and Beer Sheva - these are major Israeli cities. And I regret to say that some of them can reach now Tel Aviv, and very soon, the outskirts of Jerusalem. From the information we have, the planned shipments include weapons that can reach farther, even farther and deeper into Israel."
“They had murder in their eyes”   "The attackers had already seized two pistols from the commandos, and fired repeatedly at them. Facing more than a dozen of the mercenaries, and convinced their lives were in danger, he and his colleagues opened fire, he said. S. singlehandedly killed six men. His colleagues killed another three."
Glenn Foden Cartoon.

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