Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday night document dump: Clinton-Era Kagan Documents Are Released

WSJ "About 260 of the pages released Friday were provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee but not to the public. Releasing those pages would have revealed confidential information, such as matters related to individuals' privacy or confidential advice that aides gave Mr. Clinton, the Clinton library said.
"If nothing else, the materials demonstrate the vast scope of national and regional issues that Ms. Kagan touched, or was at least glancingly acquainted with, while working at the heart of the White House policy operation. "

What is a document dump?   "A document dump is the act of responding to an adversary's request for information by presenting the adversary with a large quantity of data that is transferred in a manner that indicates unfriendliness, hostility, or a legal conflict between the transmitter and the receiver of the information. The shipment of dumped documents is unsorted, or contains a large quantity of information that is extraneous to the issue under inquiry, or is presented in an untimely manner*, or some combination of these three characteristics. ...It is often seen as part of the characteristic behavior of an entity that is engaging in an ongoing pattern of activities intended to cover up unethical or criminal conduct."
*Such as a Friday evening

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