Thursday, October 21, 2010

Obama: You know who’s a pretty good president? Me

Hot Air   "“For all the problems we’re going through right now, we still have the best workers on earth, the finest universities on earth, we’ve got the best entrepreneurs on earth, we’ve got the freest, most vibrant economy on earth,” he said.
"One female supporter then yelled out “the best president on earth” and Obama replied, “Well, I won’t say that, but we got a pretty good president.”"

Three Wars, Little News

Victor Davis Hanson  "Does President Obama plan to win, or is he willing to concede the war with the Taliban? Does the media fear that depressing coverage of Afghanistan will damage this administration in the way daily headlines of violence from Iraq nearly destroyed the prior one?"

No Time for Defeatism in Afghanistan  "Kristof’s prescriptions would make sense only if we had already fought and lost in Afghanistan. But with the last of the surge forces having arrived only last month, our outstanding troops have barely begun to fight. And as Carlotta Gall’s report makes clear, in areas where we are applying substantial combat power, we are making progress on the ground. This is no time for defeatism."

Coalition Forces Routing Taliban in Key Afghan Region "Some of the gains seem to have come from a new mobile rocket that has pinpoint accuracy — like a small cruise missile — and has been used against the hideouts of insurgent commanders around Kandahar. That has forced many of them to retreat across the border into Pakistan. Disruption of their supply lines has made it harder for them to stage retaliatory strikes or suicide bombings, at least for the moment, officials and residents said."

Firing offense: NPR axes Juan Williams for opinions on Muslims & post-9/11 travel (Updated)

Jihad Watch photo
Michelle Malkin  "That’s right. Government-funded NPR has apparently caved into left-wing attack dogs on the Internet.
"Also in the lynch mob: CAIR, of course."....
"As I’ve said many times before: Political correctness is the handmaiden of terror.
"Condolences to Juan Williams, whom I’ve debated –vigorously, but always with respect and cordiality — many times over the years.
"Hope this accelerates his journey on the ideological learning curve. And I hope he doesn’t back down."

"What’s the connection? Well, Cokie Roberts is a senior news analyst at NPR.So, apparently, it’s outrageous and a firing offense to compare Muslims on an airplane to terrorists, but it’s just fine to compare Glenn Beck to terrorists. No double standard here at all.
"Sarah Palin is right. It’s time for National Private Radio."

NPR report on Williams' firing   "His remarks on The O'Reilly Factor this past Monday were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and undermined his credibility as a news analyst with NPR," the statement read.
"Williams' presence on the largely conservative and often contentious prime-time talk shows of Fox News has long been a sore point with NPR News executives."

What did Juan Williams say to get him fired from NPR?  "But the statement he made on O'Reilly's show that got him canned from NPR is so innocuous and beyond that, so true of most Americans, that you have to figure that either the liberal Public Radio network was looking for an excuse to get rid of Williams, or they are so drenched in political correctness that every other factor takes a back seat to their slavish devotion to that ideology."  Rick Moran, American Thinker

Fox News gives background on the interview   "The conversation with O'Reilly stemmed from a well-publicized argument the previous week between O'Reilly and "The View" hosts Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg, who walked off their own set when O'Reilly said, "Muslims killed us on 9/11."
"The comment had been an explanation by O'Reilly why the majority of Americans don't want a mosque housed in an Islamic cultural center built near Ground Zero."  Mike Ramirez cartoon

More on NPR:  "...As he clutched his chest in desperation and pain, would you call 911? Would you try to save him from dying? Of course you would."
But if that man was Rush Limbaugh, and you were Sarah Spitz, a producer for National Public Radio, that isn't what you'd do at all

This, however, is NOT a firing offense at NPR.

Update:  TOO MUCH FEEDBACK- NPR Can’t Take the Heat; Contact Page Shut Down 
"Can a taxpayer funded organization discriminate or fire an employee based upon the content of his or her non employment speech? Isn’t that a violation of the First Amendment? Interesting questions."

Update: Juan Williams: NPR Fired Me Over The Phone Without Even Talking To Me About My Comments  "So, according to Juan Williams, NPR called him up on the phone. Called his remarks bigoted. Then fired him on the spot without letting him defend himself.


Neal Boortz  "Do you remember Obama's stimuls weatherization program? Is this all ringing a bell? Millions of dollars were allocated to these weatherization programs to make houses more "green" and energy efficient. We are talking some serious cash. In fact, Illinois ALONE was awarded $242 million to weatherize 27,000 homes. That would be the total federal income tax payments of 24,000 American households."

Obama: Wrong, Not Evil -- That's Why He's So Dangerous

Larry Elder "It's more than enough to say that Obama is an inexperienced, naive, wrongheaded ideologue who, even now, doesn't recognize the harm he is doing to the country."....
"Here's what C.S. Lewis said about people like Obama""
"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

Badge of Honor

Aaron Gee  "Sadly this is typical of the "placate our enemies and kick our friends" Obama foreign policy.  What is even more disturbing is how childish the behavior of ambassador Susan Rice is." American Thinker

Obama and Clinton's Betrayal of an Ally   "Consequently, when the Obama administration actively rejects Britain and works against British interests, a pro-American position becomes untenable -- and this is precisely what has happened in Britain since Obama took office in 2009. We have seen the "Special Relationship" between America and the U.K. destroyed. Whether it be due to Obama's own anti-British sentiments or simply due to the general left-wing flavor of the administration that regards the "Special Relationship" as an unfortunate hangover from the Bush era, the message is clear -- Britain is no longer needed."

Chris Coons Lied, Granny Died

Ann Coulter  "In all of life's tribulations, there is nothing so aggravating as being condescended to by an idiot. In last week's CNN debate in the Delaware Senate race between the astonishingly well-spoken Christine O'Donnell and the unfortunate-looking Chris Coons, O'Donnell had to put up with it from Coons for 90 minutes.
"O'Donnell wiped the floor with Coons, moderators Wolf Blitzer and Nancy Karibjanian, and the idiotic University of Delaware students asking questions -- all of whom were against her."

Chris Coons: The Making of a Bearded Marxist "The article Chris Coons wrote for the commencement edition of his college newspaper, titled “Chris Coons: The Making of a Bearded Marxist” was about his education and the self-reflection that guided him to decide to be a Democrat.
"That said, to the Tea Party, what’s the difference between Marxist and progressive Democrat? Not much I think, maybe a whisker."


Youtube  Another blog has the motto, "Kneecapping Obama at every opportunity". This came up when doing a search of that phrase.
Tonya is a bit coarse, so do Not pass this post around. Repeat; DO NOT pass this post around.
The Tunnel Dweller.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What the Left Doesn’t Understand About America

Heritage   "According to the latest Gallup poll, 58% of Americans believe that “the government is trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses.” Contrast that with President Obama who recently told a Democratic campaign rally in Philadelphia, the very place where the Declaration of Independence was signed, that the United States Chamber of Commerce was “a threat to our democracy.” With all due respect to the President, the American people have a much different view of where the threat to our democracy is coming from."

Obama omits 'Creator' from Declaration rights language again "Both times, he was speaking before political groups of his supporters.
Once could be a mistake, but twice is a pattern. Acknowledging that our rights come from a power higher than government or himself seems to rankle this man who claims the power to halt the rise of the seas."

Janet Napolitano's New Advisor

Thomas Lifson "I have met Mohamed Elibiary. He is a slick fellow. You can read here his dancing and obfuscation about deception in Islam and other matters, in a long exchange we had here at Jihad Watch. Read it carefully, noting the questions I ask him and the answers he gives to them, and ask yourself whether he really ought to be on the Homeland Security Advisory Council."
Altmuslim photo

Homeland Security’s Muslim Advisor Mohamed Elibiary Spoke at Conference Honoring Ayatollah Khomeini   "With that in mind, it is hard to understand why the Department of Homeland Security would be embracing Mohamed Elibiary and seeking his counsel. It would be one thing if they understood their outreach to Elibiary as an attempt to engage extremists, but it is clear that Janet Napolitano and her DHS colleagues believes that Elibiary is part of the solution, rather than part of the problem."

CBS’s ‘Medium’ Presents Sheriff Joe Arpaio-Like Character as Rapist-Murderer

Big Hollywood "I guess CBS couldn’t possibly present its Sheriff Arpaio-styled character as a good man. Their Arpaio-like character had to be seen as a sicko, rapist, and murderer. It is just another example of how Hollywood and the TV industry can’t stand it that there are real men out there that the voters love because they are public servants that are tough-minded, but fair. No, to TV, anyone that isn’t a liberal must be a rapist, a murderer, or a mentally deranged cretin."

Laura Ingraham Schools ‘CSI’ Producer Over Tea Party-Trashing Episode  "What has changed, however, is that just a few years ago all we could do was sit there and take these sucker shots – sit there and helplessly stew as the most popular drama on television betrayed our trust and goodwill with a strident and unanswered step into the political arena to unfairly malign a grassroots movement that has Leftist Hollywood as shook as the news media.
"No more."

Need to research TEA Party voting recommendations? (updated)

Just search under tea party voting recommendations   Include your area. Before  you vote straight ticket, be sure your Republican choice isn't a RINO and the independent the better choice.

The case for voting Republican    "It is not enough to repudiate [President Obama] in these elections through the loss of a few seats. If that happens Obama will just rationalize the losses, proffer excuses and lame rationalizations, denigrate those who voted against him and carry on remaking America according to his socialist philosophy and ideology of appeasement and moral relativism. No, repudiation is not enough. He must be curbed, stopped, and our only recourse, the only possibiity we have of doing that now, is to elect as many Republicans as we can. Republican majorities in the House and Senate would be sufficient, but a critical mass might do the trick as well. Hold your nose if you have to but vote for the GOP. Hell, if I can do it, so can anyone else. "  Jerry Philipson , American Thinker