Friday, May 27, 2011

Back to the Pre-American World?

Victor Davis Hanson  ..."There have been plenty of thugs who threatened their neighbors over the last 30 years. Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, Manuel Noriega, and the Taliban were all deposed from rule only by American power. The “lost” war in Iraq resulted in a democratic and, for now, still viable government in place of genocide. Afghanistan is depressing, but the medieval Taliban still have remained out of power for nearly a decade.
"In short, the old pre-American world was as unstable and dangerous as would be a new post-American update. But both retrenchments were choices that an unsure and depressed United States made — not symptoms, then or now, of inherent weakness or inevitable decline."
Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the author, most recently, of The Father of Us All: War and History, Ancient and Modern.

Memorial Day

Making Sense of Natural Disasters

Breakpoint  "The standard Christian answer, “it’s the consequence of sin and the fall,” can come up short, especially for the victims of nature’s fury. While it is easy to draw a cause-and-effect relationship between man’s moral choices and much of human suffering—diseases, plagues, poverty, and war—man’s culpability for tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanoes is less than apparent.
"So the question remains: Why, in a world created by an all-powerful, all-good God, are natural disasters, which claim hundreds to hundreds of thousands of lives, permitted to exist? Is God a monster or merely a klutz?"   Read more...

The Obama Administration’s ‘Sidam Touch’

Pajamas Media "According to the Urban Dictionary, a person with “the Sidam Touch” has an ability that is “[t]he opposite of The Midas Touch, which turns everything to gold.” A person with the Sidam Touch “breaks and/or ruins everything.”
"To say that President Barack Obama and his administration, especially what’s left of his economic team, have the Sidam Touch is the understatement of the 21st century."
"Since President Obama and his brain trust surely know that the Sidam Touch actions being taken against Texas will hinder its economy and hurt job growth, one can only conclude that they don’t care. This leads to a broader and much more important question: do they really care if the economy recovers anywhere else, or are they on an entirely different mission?"

Mexico’s Immigration Laws: The Untold Story

The Foundry  "And though criticism of U.S. immigration laws can be fierce – particularly in the case of Arizona’s SB 1070, the Support our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhood Acts – Mexico’s much harsher immigration laws rarely get noticed." ....
"But receiving far less scrutiny was how President Calderon and his country are dealing with illegal immigration. Upon closer examination, Arizona’s SB 1070 looks like amnesty compared to Mexican law."....
"With nearly sixty percent of illegal immigrants originating from Mexico, it is particularly helpful to remember that our neighbor to the south is dealing with illegal immigration in a much harsher manner than the United States, a fact that illustrates the hypocrisy of Calderon’s criticisms of Arizona’s new law."
Andres Celedon, an intern at The Heritage Foundation is a junior at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he is studying public policy with a minor in history.

Arizona Wins Big in Supreme Court Immigration Ruling "Arizona won a spectacular victory today in the Supreme Court in its ongoing efforts to do something about the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who reside in the state and cost Arizona taxpayers an estimated $1.3 billion a year. In its ruling against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Obama administration, the Court also disproved the breathless claims of liberals and the editorial pages of publications like the New York Times that the conservative justices on the Court are just the handmaidens of big business who always rule in favor of corporate America."

From What I Know : ...."I fear that what the Democrats are doing is using the Hispanics for political gain, letting them in illegally and then attempting to defame and ridicule anyone that doesn't think it's right for them to so blatantly mistreat and victimize a whole race of people. We have a real slavery problem in this country, and it's being perpetuated by those who pretend to be helping those they enslave. They're not helping. They're creating dependency." By TKZ

A few years ago when our church in Santa Maria, Ca, was in a heavily Latino area of town, I was setting up a kids game square in a field about a block from where a Cinco de Mayo parade was being held. I heard music and cheering with Mexican flags flying while setting up the American flag for our opening pledge. Returning to the game square a few minutes later with the children, we found the American flag to be nothing but ashes with not a soul around. Somebody there did not like this country.
Tunnel Dweller.

Alligators, Moats and Other Such Nonsense  "President Obama gave what was billed as an important speech on immigration last week near the border in El Paso, Texas. Unfortunately, it was one of the most demagogic moments in recent presidential history. Nearly everything Obama said was either factually incorrect or deliberately misleading." Victor Davis Hanson

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Do the Obama People Have a Protocol Problem?

One could feel a certain sympathy for Mr. Obama if not for knowing how the press would treat a Republican president over the same improprieties.
What seems to be their problem?  "These things often seem silly to Americans who have spent many years perfecting the art of informality. But for much of the world, improper protocol signals disrespect. And the Obama Administration has recently been caught in some foreign relations protocol gaffes. "

Letter: Obama seems to have an abundance of diplomatic gaffes  "Whatever else one may say about President Obama, one would have to admit he does not have good manners. He’s just insulted the Israeli Prime Minister — for the second time. He insulted the Supreme Court during the State of the Union address while they were sitting in front of him. He invited Rep. Paul Ryan to a budget speech — and then proceeded to insult him in that speech. Former President Bush was wise not to go to Ground Zero with Obama. He would probably have been insulted there if he had."

Obama’s New ‘Truth Minister’ Husband of ‘General Betrayus’ MoveOn.Orger

Big Government  "This week President Obama revealed his latest attempt to control the media, the Internet, and the information revealed to the people of the United States by creating a new “press” office of sorts, an Obama ministry of truth, if you will. Obama’s grandiose name for this new office is the Progressive Media [and] Online Response department. Also named was its new director, Jesse Lee. Lee, it turns out, has an interesting connection to one of the most outrageous anti-American, anti-military media efforts in recent memory."
"Jesse Lee, you see, is married to Nita Chaudhary, one of the people responsible for the 2007 newspaper ad that maligned General David Petraeus as
General "Betray us".

Photo: Gen. David Petraeus

Blackfive has this:  "The first thing to get out of the way is the idea that people need to lie about Barry. Quite frankly his record stands sadly for itself. I only point out his own lies, deceptions, flip flops and panders. Oh and they are legion, trust me. Dude, you are going to wish you had an easy job, like spokesperson for Blackwater or Ombudsman for the NY Times."

Rep. Ryan Stands His Ground on Medicare Reform

ABC News  "Rep. Paul Ryan is doubling down. In the wake of Tuesday's stunning Republican defeat in New York special Congressional election, the Republican House Budget Chairman says he is determined to fight for his Medicare plan even if it ruins his political career."

From Nealz Nuze :  The Battle Over Medicare  "I want you to take a look at this video."

"Now I want you to take a look at this video."
"Does anything stand out to you? They were posted to YouTube on the same day: May 24, 2011. The first video is Rep. Paul Ryan explaining our troubles with Medicare and how he intends to fix it. This morning that video has a little over 24,000 views. The next video is the final performance of some chick on the American Idol finale. That video has 110,300 views. Now I know that Medicare is by no means a sexy issue, but it is an issue that will actually affect your life … especially if you are under 55. The outcome of American Idol makes absolutely zero difference to your life, unless you’re the winner.   Plus this: Want Some Medicare Cost History?
Links from National Review Online:
Ryan 40, Obama 0  "The Senate just finished voting on the Paul Ryan/House Republican budget resolution, as well as the budget put forward by President Obama in February. Both, as expected, were voted down, but only Ryan’s received any votes."
Draft Paul Ryan?  "Congressional Republicans weigh the pros and cons."
Run, Paul Ryan, Run "Perhaps the only guy who can explain the GOP budget should run."

Highlights Of Rep. Ryan's Budget Outline  "Before Nancy Pelosi has even read it she started screeching how bad it is. Can she read? Remember she didn't read Obamacare and told us we'd have to pass it to find out what's in it. Pelosi is screeching and wringing her hands over how the Ryan plan will cause people [to die].

The professional race victims speak out

James Clyburn: Obama’s political problems are due “in large measure” to racism  "A fitting story on a day when Loughner’s back in the news, in case you were ever tempted to believe that the Democrats’ demand for a “new tone” post-Tucson was anything more than a cheap political bludgeon. In fact, Clyburn once offered his own theory about what drove Loughner to kill, and it was, shall we say, distinctly Clyburnesque." Also here.

Obama's Unspoken Re-Election Edge "Conversely, the media hold the president's exceptionalism against Republicans. Here is Barack Obama, evidence of a new and progressive America. Here are the Republicans, a cast of largely white males, looking peculiarly unevolved. Add to this the Republicans' quite laudable focus on deficit reduction and spending cuts, and they can be made to look like a gaggle of scolding accountants."....
"A president who is both Democratic and black effectively gives the infamous race card to the entire left: Attack our president and you are a racist. To thwart this, Republicans will have to break through the barrier of political correctness."  Shelby Steele  This article was read on the Rush Limbaugh show Wednesday.

From American ThinkerOpposition to Obama due to racism: Clyburn  "Obviously, Clyburn is right. Who could possibly complain about 9% unemployment, non-existent economic growth, creeping inflation, a loss of power and prestige abroad, and a thuggish, expanding, suffocating increase in the power of the federal government except racists like you and me?"  Rick Moran

The Left and ‘Racial Resentment’  "The biggest problems with these two latest attempts — the tea-party study and the Abramowitz post — is that they rely on measures of “racial resentment.” If you’re wondering what that means, it can be translated as “attempts to trick conservatives into giving ‘racist’ answers to survey questions.” You might say that researchers are using “code” to get data they can skew to make the Right look bad.
"Here’s how Abramowitz measured “racial resentment”:"...

Eric Allie via

MSNBC suspends Schultz for calling Ingraham a 'slut'

Politico  Part of Schultz's remarks: "President Obama is going to be visiting Joplin, Mo., on Sunday but you know what they’re talking about, like this right-wing slut, what’s her name - Laura Ingraham? Yeah, she’s a talk slut. You see, she was, back in the day, praising President Reagan when he was drinking a beer overseas. But now that Obama’s doing it, they’re working him over.” "

Dana Loesch
Dana Loesch

Ed Schultz: Sorry For Calling You a Slut "When I heard Ed Schultz’s remarks, I heard an angry, older man lashing out at a woman because she thinks differently about politics than he. I heard in him the voice of the many progressive males who send me hatemail daily, telling me I should suffer any number of indignities, some of which I am obligated to report to the police and the cyber crimes division. It’s not just me – every conservative female of my acquaintance with a voice in politics endures the same political cat-calling. It’s despicable."
 "It was a low point in progressive politics. It was revolting. It’s even more revolting that the same “feminists” who screeched about “slutwalks” were silent on this incident. It’s equally revolting that George Soros blogger Eric Boehlert, who spent that entire week trying to trap people on Twitter in saying something about rape (from memory; if I cared more I would quote him outright) also went silent on this incident." Dana Loesch

This from Hot Air:  "Give him credit: His apology was forthright and seems heartfelt."

Newsbusters has this: "Earlier this month, Schultz “earned” the “Quote of the Year” at the MRC’s 2011 “DisHonors Awards” for screaming on his MSNBC program: “The Republicans lie! They want to see you dead! They’d rather make money off your dead corpse! They kind of like it when that woman has cancer and they don’t have anything for her.” "

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The funeral of Col. Elmer Ellsworth; May 25th, 1861

Elmer Ellsworth (1837-1861) "Colonel of Zouaves, Elmer Ellsworth was killed while taking down a Confederate flag in Alexandria, Virginia. Ellsworth was a Chicagoan who was a close friend of President Lincoln's family and accompanied him on his pre-inaugural trip to Washington. He moved into the White House and played regularly with the Lincoln children. He worked in Lincoln's law office in August 1860, assisted him during the fall campaign, and had a clerkship with State Auditor Jesse Dubois. The President was unable to fulfill his wish to form a militia bureau in the War Department and appoint Ellsworth to head it as inspector general. In a letter to Secretary Simon Cameron on March 1, 1861 the President wrote about Ellsworth:"...

ELMER ELLSWORTH AND THE ZOUAVE CRAZE  (Zwahv) "Despite the far-flung fame of the French Zouaves, it is unlikely that the gaudy uniforms of those exotic soldiers would have found such widespread popularity in the American Civil War had it not been for Elmer Ephraim Ellsworth."

Duryée's Zouaves:  The 5th New York Volunteer Infantry;
"The 5th New York Volunteer Infantry, "Duryée's Zouaves," was one of the most renowned fighting regiments of the American Civil War. Their colorful Zouave uniform, precise maneuvers, effectiveness in combat and steady bearing under fire, won them universal respect and recognition. "I doubt whether it had an equal," General George Sykes said of the 5th New York, "and certainly no superior among all the regiments of the Army of the Potomac." Many observers considered the 5th New York to be the best-drilled volunteer unit in the Federal Army. In addition to a casualty list that totalled 211 dead out of 1,508 men borne on the rolls, nine of its soldiers attained the rank of general -- five the full rank, and four by brevet."

Second Battle of Bull Run: Destruction of the 5th New York Zouaves  "...A detailed examination of morning reports, muster rolls and military service and pension records indicates that in their 10 minutes at the vortex of hell, the 5th New York lost 332 men of the approximately 525 engaged. At least 119 of the casualties were killed outright or died of their wounds. The addition of two missing who were never accounted for would bring the death total to 121. It was the greatest battle fatality sustained by any Federal infantry unit in the war.
"The survivors would never recover the esprit de corps that had died with their comrades at Second Bull Run. New recruits would arrive to fill the vacant ranks, but, as Sergeant Mitchell put it, ‘The regiment will never again be the regiment it has been.’"

The Worst of Oprah: Daytime Talk Queen Ends Biased Reign

Media Research Center "But amid all the fawning retrospectives and misty tributes, it's important to remember just who Oprah is, the biased viewpoint she represents and the damage she's done to popular culture." ....
"...the more "uplifting" "Oprah Winfrey Show" has been a more insipid influence, steadily eroding the culture with a combination of weepy emotionalism, New Age spirituality and an embrace of alternative sexualities and gender roles.
"She's called a "pregnant man" "normal." She was involved in comedienne Ellen DeGeneres' coming out as a lesbian in the late 90s and has celebrated DeGeneres' "marriage" to another woman. She's said that Michael Moore's anti-Americanism "resonates" with her, pushed for gun control and gushed over Denmark's socialist welfare state. She's attacked not only Sarah Palin, but Palin's daughter Bristol, while raising millions and campaigning for the man she called "The One," Barack Obama."....

"Then, of course, there's "Becoming Chaz," a documentary following the progress of Sonny & Cher's daughter Chastity in becoming a man ("Chaz"). OWN invites viewers to "Follow Chaz on his deeply inspirational and personal journey.""