Friday, May 27, 2011

Mexico’s Immigration Laws: The Untold Story

The Foundry  "And though criticism of U.S. immigration laws can be fierce – particularly in the case of Arizona’s SB 1070, the Support our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhood Acts – Mexico’s much harsher immigration laws rarely get noticed." ....
"But receiving far less scrutiny was how President Calderon and his country are dealing with illegal immigration. Upon closer examination, Arizona’s SB 1070 looks like amnesty compared to Mexican law."....
"With nearly sixty percent of illegal immigrants originating from Mexico, it is particularly helpful to remember that our neighbor to the south is dealing with illegal immigration in a much harsher manner than the United States, a fact that illustrates the hypocrisy of Calderon’s criticisms of Arizona’s new law."
Andres Celedon, an intern at The Heritage Foundation is a junior at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he is studying public policy with a minor in history.

Arizona Wins Big in Supreme Court Immigration Ruling "Arizona won a spectacular victory today in the Supreme Court in its ongoing efforts to do something about the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who reside in the state and cost Arizona taxpayers an estimated $1.3 billion a year. In its ruling against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Obama administration, the Court also disproved the breathless claims of liberals and the editorial pages of publications like the New York Times that the conservative justices on the Court are just the handmaidens of big business who always rule in favor of corporate America."

From What I Know : ...."I fear that what the Democrats are doing is using the Hispanics for political gain, letting them in illegally and then attempting to defame and ridicule anyone that doesn't think it's right for them to so blatantly mistreat and victimize a whole race of people. We have a real slavery problem in this country, and it's being perpetuated by those who pretend to be helping those they enslave. They're not helping. They're creating dependency." By TKZ

A few years ago when our church in Santa Maria, Ca, was in a heavily Latino area of town, I was setting up a kids game square in a field about a block from where a Cinco de Mayo parade was being held. I heard music and cheering with Mexican flags flying while setting up the American flag for our opening pledge. Returning to the game square a few minutes later with the children, we found the American flag to be nothing but ashes with not a soul around. Somebody there did not like this country.
Tunnel Dweller.

Alligators, Moats and Other Such Nonsense  "President Obama gave what was billed as an important speech on immigration last week near the border in El Paso, Texas. Unfortunately, it was one of the most demagogic moments in recent presidential history. Nearly everything Obama said was either factually incorrect or deliberately misleading." Victor Davis Hanson


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