Sunday, August 5, 2012

"The ABC's of Journalism's Eroding Integrity" and other stories about the media (UPDATED!)

By Alan Caruba at Warning Signs  "I joined the Society of Professional Journalists... thirty-three years ago. The preamble to its Code of Ethics says, “Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility” and that journalists should “test the accuracy of information from all sources and exercise care to avoid inadvertent errors.” "
...."The kind of reporting that has become the hallmark of ABC News is an insult to everyone.
"The ABC News product increasingly ceases to be journalism. It is sensationalism. It is reprehensible. It’s time to let ABC News feel the sting of public disapproval."  Full Article...  (Emphasis added)

Caruba's piece naturally leads us to these other related stories:
ABC Sees 'Outrageous and Apparently Unfounded' Charge By Reid, Revisits Romney's Taxes  "But Reid is really just trying to goad Romney into releasing more tax returns. He's only released last year's return and an estimate of this year's, showing he paid a tax rate of about 13.9 percent. Last week, David Muir asked him about that."

NPR Abandons News Format, Becomes Super PAC for Obama "....the president--who maintains that Republican rival Mitt Romney may be a “felon”--launched a series of new and false attacks on Romney’s proposed tax cuts. Shapiro repeated three of the Obama campaign's lies about taxes and the General Motors bailout."
Sen. Coburn Calls Out MSNBC Panel For Tea Party Remarks  Forget it, Senator; MSNBC is beyond embarrassment, but "Law & Order" promoted them till the end.

Steve Hayes Chides CNN’s Candy Crowley for Considering Harry Reid ‘Honorable’ We love it when Hayes is present on the Fox News Special Report panel.
Harry Reid Having Affair With Transgendered Puerto Rican? (PHOTO)
"Big Hairy News Exclusive – Married Senator Harry Reid (Retard-NV) has reportedly been involved in a steamy affair with a "transgendered Puerto Rican woman for over six years!
"This organization received a phone call Monday night from an individual claiming to be a close relative of the Senate Majority Leader. The caller said Reid met the woman in a Nevada brothel, and later set her up with a home in Sparks, Nevada where the two could tryst in private.
...."While we cannot verify the identity of the caller or the validity of her accusations, at our request she did send a photo of the couple (below) to verify her claims."....
We ask Harry to come forward and prove this did not happen.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Word is out that Harry Reid is a sleazy demagogue and the burden is on him to prove he is not

IT'S THE MEDIA'S JOB TO STOP HARRY REID  "As journalists, we could not make allegations like these without backing them with substance, so we must demand the same of Reid. Not just a halfhearted appeal of Reid to back his words with substance, but hit him hard when he deflects. The media should go "junk yard dog" on this and not let up until Reid proves his charges. Blast him at every turn and demand answers. Shout out questions at news conferences until he answers, or is shamed into backing up.
"Instead, for the most part, the Activist Old Media has used this issue to cause Romney to back up and answer questions." 

Editorial Cartoon
Editorial Cartoon
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
Why Harry Reid keeps attacking Mitt Romney with Obama's blessing  "“I have paid taxes every year, and a lot of taxes, so Harry is wrong,” Romney said at a news conference. “Harry Reid has to put up or shut up. Harry, who are your sources?” "

McConnell: Reid’s accusations against Romney ‘beneath the dignity of his office’"“I’m telling you authoritatively speaking on the behalf of the governor that those charges are untrue, they are baseless, and there is nothing to back them up,” Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom said."

ABC, NBC Fail to Lunge at Harry Reid's 'Explosive Accusation' That Romney Hasn't Paid Taxes  "By contrast, all three networks covered Rep. Joe Wilson's 2009 "you lie" shout at President Obama at the State of the Union within 24 hours and were unanimously scandalized at the "stunning moment" in the House chamber, as then-anchor Charles Gibson labeled it on ABC's World News. Both ABC and CBS trumpeted Wilson's outburst as the "shout heard 'round the world.""

Great gay kiss-off lays a gigantic egg

NY Post   "From Georgia to California, protests drew yawns, not saliva.

"Even in Atlanta, the home of Chick-fil-A, only two dozen kissers showed up. And there was a similar lack of necking in Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and San Francisco.
"At NYU, 20 people weren’t allowed in the dorm that hosts the city’s only Chick-fil-A. Just three pairs of guys kissed on the street.
"In Jersey, I only found eight kissers — and two weren’t even bi!"

Small dictators lurk inside far too many Democrats.  "If you dislike that comment, you will hate this one: “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian . . . it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.”

"Such divisive, bigoted words surely were spat like venom by Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy, right?
"President Barack Obama uttered the first statement on October 27, 2010. Candidate Obama made the second remark to Pastor Rick Warren at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., on August 17, 2008." "
Then the dictatorial tendencies reveal themselves in this quote:
“We don’t want you here,” city-council speaker Christine Quinn (D., New York City) snapped. Also, on official stationery, she wrote New York University president John Sexton and pressed him to expel Gotham’s only Chick-fil-A outlet.
“I urge you to sever your relationship with the Chick‐fil‐A establishment that exists on your campus,” Quinn wrote on July 28. She added: “I appreciate your university’s long history of celebrating diversity. I urge you to join with me in ensuring that our city does not become a place where those who do not share our commitment, have any place to espouse those views [emphasis added].”
"Such coercion should terrify every American."

Are Liberals Going To Do To Chick-Fil-A What Nazis Did To Jewish Businesses?
It is always tacky to compare your political opposition to Hitler and the Nazis and I get tired of seeing it done. Let's just say this article shows us how people with dictatorial philosophies try to use government intimidation to purge classes of people they dislike from society.
The recent news that Chick-Fil-A’s CEO opposes gay marriage has got Liberals in a typical rage. The Left brings up their usual talking points on this: how close minded, intolerant, bigoted and “homophobic” such a view is and how it must be silenced. Even a top 5 list has emerged of the companies Liberals hate the most.
The blog, Blue Collar Philosophy continues:It may not be Chick-Fil-A this time but at some point may you see Christian businesses being forced to close since they believe things that violate Liberal dogma on issues like homosexuality and gay marriage.".... The writer then lays this at the feet of Barack Obama, whose supporters have a history of demagoguery.
Antoine Dodson: ‘The gay community — we have went from being bullied to becoming bullies’ "Dodson, who participated in the Chick-fil-A appreciation day, criticized the whole premise of the Chick-fil-A boycott and said that the boycott was doing little to champion the gay community’s cause."

Lloyd Marcus; My Black Dad and Chick-fil-A

Lloyd Marcus writes this column with regret that more blacks are not taking part in conservative causes:  ..." I called Dad to ask if he participated in Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.  He said no, he had not heard about it.  Then, he added, "All I know is Chick-fil-A discriminates against gays."
"Folks, I was outraged. Struggling to keep my composure, I passionately said, "Dad, that is a lie!  You have got to stop getting your news from the mainstream media!"
...."I informed Dad that that Democratic Party no longer exists.  In short, spoiled-brat old hippies run the Democratic Party today.
"A majority of the Democratic Party leadership comprises far-left liberals who hate America and believe that man can fix every problem. God is an imaginary being clung to by ignorant, bitter, and racist middle Americans.  These Democrats believe they are intellectually superior -- and thus far better-qualified to manage our lives." Hat tip to Margi Hawks, St. Louis.
Yet another result of journalistic malpractice, which naturally leads us to this next post:

Media finally find something to cover at Chick-fil-A   "So what happened on Friday, the day the GLBTG activists called upon members to hold public displays of affection outside the family themed fast food chain?  Well at least the media turned out in droves.   Chick-fil-A Kiss-In: LAPD called to Hollywood store over media mob " "
...".Of course that would assume they are still in the mass media business of reporting the events of the day in a form that bears some semblance to reality. They aren't anymore.  The[y] have become arbiters of acceptable taste, fashonistas of the body politic, groupies ready to service the current hot liberal politician.  In this role they naturally treat such déclassé movements as the Tea Party as nonexistent even as they flock to cater to the clique who shares their vision." 

Mainstream Media Blacks Out Chick-fil-A Story?
  "Inside some of those papers, the coverage is still relatively scant. The L.A. Times has a news story, while the New York Times has an op-ed from the gay dean at the Georgia Tech business school encouraging Americans to let Chick-fil-A "fly free." The Washington Post ran a photograph, but no story.

For God's Sake Mr. President...Man up!

D.L. Hammack;  "Cast your vote knowing that this unprepared and unqualified individual is going to, sooner or later, run out of excuses as to why our lives are so miserable.  That sound you hear is the hopes and dreams of Americans being sucked down the drain of opportunity.  Perhaps it's time for each of us to man up?"

Government as far as the eye can see

American Thinker  "Stop! Hold everything you're doing right now and look around. Can you see anything that could inadvertently harm a child?
"Got paperclips out on your desk? Lock them away for safe keeping lest a little person come along and swallow them.
"In the kitchen preparing lunch right about now? I recommend pureeing the carrots instead of cutting them into pieces that could accidently be swallowed by a young person, causing choking hazard.
"Bottle of shampoo sitting out on your bathtub? Toxic drink. Store [it] away. Pens and pencils on your desk? Tools of impalement. Put them away.
"You don't have young children in your home? It doesn't matter. The government is thinking about it for you anyway - thinking about the infinite (and I do mean infinite) ways they can protect us from harm.
"The latest case in point: Buckyballs."....


Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog   " One reader named Eva is furious with me for defending “traditional” marriage and “Biblical” marriage because she writes: “If we are talking biblical marriage, then I’d have to marry any man who raped me.” She asks: “Where does the NT say that gay marriage is strictly forbidden. Chapter and verse, pls.” 
Here is just a small portion of Mr. Rosenberg's answer: "All this to say: According to the Bible, marriage is an institution that God Himself created to be holy and beautiful. In the book of Genesis, we learn that God created Eve to love and support and bless Adam so they could be together as one in marriage. “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” (Genesis 2:24-25)"....
 "Another reader is furious with me because he believes I’m singling out gay marriage as a problem and that I’m ignorning the problem of heterosexual sin in our society."
...."It’s not just the pandemic of homosexuality that is bringing America to the brink of collapse and judgment by God. We also face pandemics of adultery. Pre-marital sex. Fornication. All forms of sexual immorality. Pornography and lust. Rape. Sexual abuse. Physical abuse. Emotional abuse. Marital affairs. Divorce. Abortion. And it’s not just in the culture at large. These sins are rampant in the church, too. "....

Friday, August 3, 2012


Big Hollywood  "As Democrats are preparing to bring the Democratic National Convention (DNC) to Charlotte, Conservatives are also planning an event all of their own in the North Carolina city. Some of the top country music artists have already signed up to play Rock the Red, a decidedly Right-friendly event."


Here's your sign

Hat tip to Jerry Bentley; Lompoc, CA
Signs make a statement  ""We've been insulted,'' said Ray Gaster, owner of Gaster Lumber. "He's picked on big business and now he's come down to my level and I'm not going to stand around and take it. I'm not going to go quietly.''
"So, Gaster's reaction has been screaming outside all three Gaster Lumber locations since Friday, coming from a sign that is as defiant as it is suggestive."
...."When he gets off the teleprompter, he makes some outrageous statements,'' said Gaster. "And this time I think he's insulted every small business person out there anybody who's started a business and built a business and this is my answer.''

Charles Krauthammer; Romney’s excellent trip

Charles Krauthammer   "Look at how Romney was received. In Israel, its popular prime minister lavished on him a welcome so warm as to be a near-endorsement. In Poland, Romney received an actual endorsement from Lech Walesa, former dissident, former president, Cold War giant, Polish hero.

"Two staunch U.S. allies salute a man they would like to see lead the free world. Yet the headlines were “shove it” and “culture.”
"Scorecard? Romney’s trip was a major substantive success: one gaffe (Britain), two triumphs (Israel and Poland) and a fine demonstration of foreign-policy fluency and command — wrapped, however, in a media narrative of surpassing triviality."
Obama joins a long line of those who commit Western betrayal of our allies.

Jimmy Carter sold out the Shah of Iran and continues to stab Israel in the back, front and side.  This Jerusalem Post cartoon has poor resolution, but I like what it says about Israel as depicted by Western politicians vs. the ancient Scriptures. TD

Can Conservatives Be Environmentalists?

Morning Bell

"The Heritage Foundation, in collaboration with fellow experts on the environment, has published a new benchmark for progress: the American Conservation Ethic.  
"The Ethic reflects every American’s aspiration to make the environment cleaner, healthier, and safer for future generations. It is based on eight basic principles that were first published in 1996 and provides a roadmap to environmentally sound prosperity.
"Much of the policy that has come to guide American actions on the environment is not based on scientific integrity. Heritage’s Dr. David Kreutzer and Dr. Roy Spencer, a climatologist formerly with NASA who is a research scientist at the University of Alabama-Huntsville, examine this in a chapter on carbon dioxide:" More...


Big Government   "The House Committee on Energy and Commerce released a report Tuesday which details some of the ways in which the Obama White House has side-stepped its promise to be transparent in the way it conducts business. This means it's a good time to review some of the many ways the Obama administration avoids transparency even after promising to be the most transparent administration in history:"