Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Michelle Obama's speech at the DNC

Big Government; Fact Check: First Lady's False Fairy Tale of Struggle  "If, as the Democrats eagerly pointing out, Mitt Romney enjoyed the privilege of private wealth, the Obamas have enjoyed privilege funded by public money and public life. And until entering the national spotlight, they gave little to charity, contributing instead to a church that preached racial grievance. “[T]ruth matters,” Michelle Obama told the nation last night. That, too, is a lie--because so far, she has evaded it without consequence." Hat tip to Lucianne.

Charles Krauthammer didn't buy a word of it.

Michelle Obama Supermarket Sweeper  "Mrs. Obama recently revealed that if her husband is granted a second term to finish up the debacle he started, she has plans to ditch talking about leaving food choices to the individual and instead force her own austere choices on Americans by eradicating offensive foodstuffs from the grocery store."
Michelle Obama: White House Doesn’t Change You, It Reveals You  “Because Barack knows what it means when a family struggles. He knows what it means to want something more for your kids and grandkids. Barack knows the American dream because he’s lived it.”

DWS Denies Saying The Israeli Ambassador Warned Her GOP Policies Were “Dangerous For Israel” … Audio Shows That’s Exactly What She Said…

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Israeli ambassador called GOP “dangerous for Israel”  "Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz claimed on Monday that Israel’s ambassador to the United States has accused Republicans of being “dangerous” to Israel by criticizing President Obama’s record. (Update: The Israeli embassy has responded.)

"The Florida congresswoman made the charge at a training session for Jewish Democrats held by the Obama campaign here at the Democratic National Convention, aimed at teaching Jewish Democrats how to convince their fellow Jews to vote for Obama."
Israeli Ambassador ‘categorically’ denies DWS claim he said GOP was ‘dangerous for Israel’   "But the Israeli embassy has now released a statement from Ambassador Michael Oren responding to the Examiner report. “I categorically deny that I ever characterized Republican policies as harmful to Israel,” the statement reads. “Bipartisan support is a paramount national interest for Israel, and we have great friends on both sides of the aisle.”

William Kristol writes in the Weekly Standard: Debbie Wasserman Akin  "Every important Republican was asked about Akin in the days following his comment. Will reporters ask leading Democrats whether they stand by their national chair, who has doubly lied about a matter of international import? Will any Democrats have the courage to call on Debbie to go?"

Wasserman Schultz Lies (Again); Israel in the Crosshairs
"Rep. Wasserman Schultz is, and I realize this is a big statement, probably the biggest, most consistent liar among the many truth-stretchers in Democrat leadership. She is an embarrassment to the Party, and probably not at all effective at this point. I'm so glad they have her."

Atlas Shrugs always has a sharp perspective on anti-Israel media 
"In a speech at the Democratic National Convention yesterday, Debbie Wasserman Schultz claimed, “We know, and I’ve heard no less than Ambassador Michael Oren say this, that what the Republicans are doing is dangerous for Israel.”

"Wasserman Schultz, who frequently condemns Republicans for using Israel as a partisan issue, made the same claim about Oren in a recent interview with Hadassah Magazine."

Theme from DNC day one: We belong to the Government

We “belong” to the government?  "Did you happen to see the little video they ran at the convention last night?  That video conveyed the message that while we may belong to different churches and such … we all belong to the government.  The line was “The government is the only thing we ALL belong to.” "
"It’s interesting that the Democrats are now running like hell from this video.  Everyone is trying to blame it on everyone else.  Suddenly the Democrats have seen that their concept of everyone belonging to the government doesn’t look all that good in broad daylight."  Neal Boortz

DNC ad touches the Unholy Grail of anti-Constitutional thought  ""Belong."  This implies possession.  There is no ambiguity here. The Democratic message is that "we the people" are possessions of the government, and are beholden to see to its success as a collective machine."
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Hot Air; DNC attendees: Yeah, it’s pretty awesome to belong to the government  "The Obama campaign is backing away from the video, but DNC attendees sure aren’t.
“Regardless of where you live, you’re gonna be owned by someone at some point. I think the American government so far has been a fair government and I don’t necessarily hate that I’m owned by them at this point.”

Speaking of "Empty Chair Day"

GOP questions if Obama speech moved because of problems filling seats "The Democratic National Committee on Wednesday announced that the weather is forcing them to hold Obama’s speech at the Time Warner Cable Arena — where the rest of the convention is taking place — instead of the outdoor stadium that can accommodate 70,000 people where organizers planned on Obama addressing the convention."

What will the EPA do if Obama is re-elected?

Daily Caller   "One of the only hints the president has given about his plans is a now-typical response he gave recently regarding fiscal issues: “I’m going to have to look at how we can work around Congress.” This mirrors his first-term approach to environmental issues, when 

following a “shellacking” in the 2010 elections Obama turned his Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) loose on environmental and climate issues despite Congress never giving him its imprimatur to do so. What would a second-term Obama EPA do? Here’s a quick look at some of the regulatory avenues the president could use to keep working around Congress." Keep reading...
"A second-term Obama EPA agenda is hard to forecast because the president remains tightlipped about his intentions. However, considering the unprecedented overreach of Obama’s first term and the freedom from the electorate that he would have in a second term, it seems likely that a second-term Obama EPA would inflict significant damage on the American economy."

Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

Black Quill and Ink linked to this column from American Thinker:  Bad News for Black Families  "Barack Obama has crushed the business and hiring climate.  What's left are his race-based initiatives -- the Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, the first African American policy conferenceOperation Vote, the hiring of an NAACP operative to lead White House African-American outreach, and African Americans for Obama, which includes a program to engage barbershops as "opinion leaders." "

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mountain Monograms; is your town listed in here? Does it have it's initial on a nearby mountain?

MM  "Someone once asked me, "What is it with these Arizona towns*, putting huge letters on mountains?"
"My answer was, "Well, you see, it's the first initial of the name of the town nearest the mountain." This, evidently, was not the answer that was desired. What she was really asking was: WHY DO THEY DO IT?
"I do not know that answer. I would like to know it. Having grown up in a tiny desert town with a C on the mountain, I'd accepted it as normal behavior to put town initials on mountains. Can someone really smart tell me how this behavior started?" 

If this subject interests you, consider this book.

Is your town listed in here? Check to see, unless you live in Florida, in which case don't bother.
                                             Garibaldi, Oregon;  Boyhood home of the Tunnel Dweller

If this isn't photo-shopped, the court-martial will begin in

Our Troops Celebrate National Empty Chair Day

Right rallies for 'Empty Chair Day'  Clint must have struck a nerve; a Democrat speaker included an empty chair in his speech Monday, saying,
“Dirty Harry, Dirty Harry, make my day,” Saunders yelled, knocking the empty chair off of the stage
Special Report with Bret Baier features Legal Insurrection

Thoughts about some of those, like, Democrat delegates; be very afraid of this Democrat Party!

Neal Boortz; High School Delegate  "I notice that Fox and Friends interviewed a high school student who is also a delegate to the Democrat Convention this week.  I didn’t watch … couldn’t bear it.  If I had been interviewing this young know-it-all here are some of the questions I would ask:"
The questions include, among others, this significant one: 
  • ....Who controlled the congress when Obama was elected in 2008?....
...."At this point the high school student would be sobbing uncontrollably and I would be the most hated man in America."....

At least one Democratic delegate will lead the charge opposing his party's stance on same-sex 'marriage' this week at the convention   "He'll face an uphill battle: DNC schedules show a bevy of official and unofficial events promoting a gay agenda, and convention-goers were already walking the streets of Charlotte on Sunday afternoon with T-shirts declaring: "LGTB for Obama." " More on this here.

Why the Democratic Convention Plan Shows Obama Will Lose the Election  "The information released about the Democratic National Convention seems to show it is designed to prove how radical the party is and to play to the most limited possible sector of the population. There will be hatred and vicious character assassination. Of all the imams that could have been chosen, one with a radical background was picked to lead services while—from what I’ve read—Catholics were almost deliberately dissed."

People's Cube; Starring the Democrat police speaker line-up:  Here are just a few of those listed:
• Former president Jimmy “I’m no longer the worst president in history” Carter!
• Former president — and everybody’s favorite accused rapist and sexual harasser– Bill Clinton!
• Former RINO Republican Governor of Florida Charlie “Benedict Arnold!” Crist!
• U.S. Senator Dick “Turban” Durbin of Illinois!
• Chicago Mayor Rahm “30 shootings a day, and I happen to be gay” Emanuel!
• American’s Slut and Law School Graduate (wow!) Sandra “What the @#$% am I doing here?” Fluck
• Congressman Barney “Housing Crisis” Frank of Massachusetts!....

Left; Meet Anaheim And Charlotte, The Prom King And Queen Of The DNC
Left; Aneheim James, a protestor from Fullerton, California. Hey, he's a Ron Paul supporter and obviously not a Republican!
If he is a Ron Paul supporter, might we not expect a Ron Paul administration to more closely resemble the Obama regime than any Republican one?

I think we dodged a bullet here.

Are you better off than yada, yada, yada?

A Reply to the Democrats' Reply to Romney  "Democrats Say US Is Better Off Than Four Years Ago ". As I fumed, my wife glanced at it and shrugged:   "Well, better off for them!"

The significance of the 'Are you better off...' question "Voters who are unhappy are not likely to vote for the president. The question forces the voter to put aside personal feelings about Obama -- most find him likable -- and view the choice for president in a more rational light. This is good for Romney and bad for Obama when you almost entirely remove the likability quotient and make the election about something more personal to the voter -- his feelings of well being."

Maryland governor flip-flops on ‘better off’ question … in 24 hours
"One day later — and presumably, one Cory Booker-esque call from Team Obama — suddenly the world looks a lot rosier to Governor O’Malley." Via Neal Boortz
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Voice of Lillpop; Four years ago, America was lured into a dangerous experiment with Marxism by Barack Obama and fellow liberals...  "Back then, it was all about style and feel-good politics, proliferated by a brutally-biased media with a despicable “Man Crush” on an unproven, non-vetted, unaccomplished community organizer with a distinct dislike for American values and traditions. "

Alan Caruba; You Know You're a Moron If...  "The sad part of this is that people who will vote for Obama still believe what he says. To them I say, you know you’re a moron if…."
...."Voters for Obama will ignore the fact that Obama is “transforming” America into the equivalent of Greece and taking the nation over a fiscal cliff. "

Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland: We’re Not Better Off Now  (Notice the brief answer followed by a quick change of subject) "Responded O’Malley: “No, but that's not the question of this election. The question, without a doubt, we are not as well off as we were before George Bush brought us the Bush job losses, the Bush recession, the Bush deficits, the series of desert wars -- charged for the first time to credit cards, the national credit card.”
"Quipped Schieffer: “George Bush is not on the ballots.”"  
"We've heard Obama say it all before, as the GOP ad so clearly reveals. Only a fool would buy Obama's snake oil again, fools and union minions, I suppose.
"Are you better off today, in 2012, than you were in 2008?
"I'm not, not even close. Hell, I'd be happy if I were the same. But I'm worse off, by a lot.
" I'll be voting for change in 2012." 

Government Innovation

DNC Buzzword Bingo; What to Expect at the DNC

A scholarly piece from Bruce Thornton; What to Expect at the Democrat Convention  ...."So class warfare, an idea as dead as phrenology, will fill the void. Appeals to envy and resentment of the successful go back a century, and trade on a primitive view of wealth as fixed, a pie that can be divided only so many ways. If your piece is bigger, mine must be smaller. Government power is then needed to re-cut and redistribute the slices so they’re “fair.” "

Victor Davis Hanson; Liberal Chickens  "The result is that our first green president is facing $4-a-gallon gas while he brags that what he tried to stop proved unstoppable."

Mona Charen; His magic cannot obscure Obama’s record.  "That the president needs Bill Clinton now to make his case to the country must be richly satisfying to the only American whose ego can compete with Barack H. Obama’s."