Tuesday, September 4, 2012

DNC Buzzword Bingo; What to Expect at the DNC

A scholarly piece from Bruce Thornton; What to Expect at the Democrat Convention  ...."So class warfare, an idea as dead as phrenology, will fill the void. Appeals to envy and resentment of the successful go back a century, and trade on a primitive view of wealth as fixed, a pie that can be divided only so many ways. If your piece is bigger, mine must be smaller. Government power is then needed to re-cut and redistribute the slices so they’re “fair.” "

Victor Davis Hanson; Liberal Chickens  "The result is that our first green president is facing $4-a-gallon gas while he brags that what he tried to stop proved unstoppable."

Mona Charen; His magic cannot obscure Obama’s record.  "That the president needs Bill Clinton now to make his case to the country must be richly satisfying to the only American whose ego can compete with Barack H. Obama’s."

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