WH Advisers: Obama GOP Outreach a 'Joke' and 'Waste of Time' Even as they criticize Republicans for their lack of bipartisanship, White House advisers see President Barack Obama's outreach to Republicans as a "joke" and a publicity stunt for the mainstream media. They think it is beneath him--and them--and a waste of time.
“This is a joke. We’re wasting the president’s time and ours,” a senior White House official complained to the National Journal. “I hope you all (in the media) are happy because we’re doing it for you.”Obama was elected president by promising to unite "red" and "blue" America, and the White House often laments the lack of bipartisanship in Washington. Obama has often refused to develop personal relationships with Republican leaders, most notably during the 2011 negotiations over the debt ceiling.
Rush Limbaugh; Media Mantra: Obama's "Charm Offensive"
In 2000, it was "gravitas"; today it is "charm offensive"
...."Now, why would this be taking place? It appears, ladies and gentlemen, that Obama's in some kind of trouble. Either in the polls or in the arena of public perception. There is a polling story out from yesterday. McClatchy-Marist has a poll and the headline of their story here says "Obama Tumbling in Voters' Eyes." "....
Krauthammer: Obama on Charm Offensive Because ‘Media Could No Longer Cover for Him’ "Charles Krauthammer credited President Obama’s charm offensive toward Republicans to his losing the news media which couldn’t any longer abide his ridiculous sequester “cut” exaggerations.
" “Obama’s strongest constituency, which is not the left, it’s the mainstream media, could no longer cover for him without being entirely embarrassed,” Krauthammer observed Friday night on FNC, “It had to expose the one exaggeration after another on the sequester.” "