Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Just HOW stupid are we, anyway?

Alan Caruba; Stupid Food and Drink Bans  "The founders of this nation fought a Revolution to rid themselves of a monarch and a parliament that thought they could and should tax everything it could to pay for their wars. Today, the vast bulk of Americans simply roll over and accept every idiotic law passed by Congress and others who feel they are empowered to determine every aspect of your life. They aren’t."

When Big Gulps are outlawed, only outlaws will.....

Nanny B’s Soda Ban Struck Down!  "[Judge] Tingling ruled, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the city’s Board of Health did not have the authority to issue the soda ban. You can read the full text of the ruling here."

Really stupid school "zero tolerance" rules
  • A Texas school district tried to expel a 16-year-old high school student for a year when a butter knife was spotted in the back of his pickup truck.
  • Wisconsin: A sixth-grader gets suspended because of a science project. The project involved cutting an onion. He brought a kitchen knife to school.
  • Texas: This zero-tolerance idiocy comes from Ft. Worth. Cory Henson plays baseball on the Diamond Hill-Jarvis baseball team. In the trunk of his car is his baseball equipment, including aluminum bats. In the front seat of his car was a souvenir baseball bat, made of wood and 8” long. Ft. Worth government school officials decided that the 8” bat was [a] weapon! The real aluminum baseball bats are not. More here.

  • Political correctness displaces common sense  While rejecting what this site says about anti-bullying, it is an excellent compilation about silliness in our society. Want to get some time off for your child? Teach him how to make an origami pistol,
    Drop the paper gun and back away!
    Chicken Little, Sequester Edition  "If the GOP caved, spending would have continued to grow out of control, just like he wants. For that matter, it will still grow out of control, just at an imperceptibly slower pace. In reality, the spending "cuts" for FY2013 amount to just $43 billion."

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