Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cruz Control Should Be Standard on GOP Models

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden 
Ann Coulter   "Obamacare is an unmitigated disaster."

"It was passed illegally without the House ever voting on the Senate bill and became law absent a single Republican vote -- even "the girls from Maine" and "the girl from Arizona" -- the only major legislation ever enacted on a strict party-line vote. The Supreme Court had to violate the Constitution's separation of powers to uphold Obamacare as a "tax" -- despite the fact that no elected body could ever have enacted such a massive tax hike even with the sleazy parliamentary tricks used to pass this bill."
 "Unfortunately, most Republicans are too stupid to notice that Democrats are walking around with a gigantic glass jaw. Democrats must not be able to believe their dumb luck. Instead of hitting our glass jaw, Republicans have decided to attack Ted Cruz! "

On the Obama Foreign Policy

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Half Of US Disapprove Of Obama’s Foreign Policy  "One thing that is never mentioned in these reports on Obama’s current lousy foreign policy poll numbers is that foreign policy used to be his ‘strong suit.’ Which was why it was so important that he lie about Benghazi and the Arab Spring in general until after the elections.
"But now that people have seen some honest reporting on his foreign policy, they realize he’s incompetent in that department, too."
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

;  Rouhani Treats Obama Like a Chump  ..."But yesterday’s events didn’t tell us as much about whether Rouhani is a sincere advocate of change as it did about the way the Iranians think about President Obama."
Max Boot; Obama’s Confused Foreign Policy  "If there is one point that President Obama’s defenders have made in favor of his muddled Syria policy, it is its popularity. Not so fast. A new New York Times/CBS News poll finds “that 52 percent disapproved of the way Mr. Obama was handling the situation in Syria.' ”

ObamaCare; Bend Over; Here it Comes Again

Turns Out Obamacare Is Going to Limit Your Choices 
"Prices on the insurance exchanges that will make their debut on Oct. 1 will, by broad consensus, mostly be higher than you were paying before,* but lower than some studies had projected. And why is it lower? The answer, it appears, is that state and federal regulators have been pushing insurers to hold the cost down. In some cases, insurers have simply pulled out of the market, as Aetna did when Maryland asked it to lower prices by 29 percent."

Black Liberals Explain Why Virtually Everyone Hates ObamaCare

InvestmentWatch Obamacare – Family “Glitch” to cost many; average plan for an individual is about $5,600, but it goes up to $15,700 for families  
"Unfortunately, the experts working for Medicare’s actuary have (yet again[1]) reported that in its first 10 years, Obamacare will boost health spending by “roughly $621 billion” above the amounts Americans would have spent without this misguided law." More.
Michelle Malkin; Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died   "Last week, our family received notice from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Colorado that we can no longer keep the plan we like because of “changes from health care reform (also called the Affordable Care Act or ACA).” The letter informed us that “to meet the requirements of the new laws, your current plan can no longer be continued beyond your 2014 renewal date.' ”
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson 

US To Be #1 Oil Producer By 2017 Due To Fracking

And in spite of the Obama Administration and the barrage of anti-fracking propaganda coming from Hollywood, I might add.
Sweetness and Light
Shale oil poses threat to Gulf exports
By Ali Khalil | September 24, 2013

DUBAI (AFP) – Shale oil production could pose a threat to exports from the Gulf region, whose energy wealth has given it pivotal role in the global market and a geopolitical importance, experts say.
Saudi Arabia is the world’s top oil producer, but is only marginally ahead of the United States, whose output is gaining rapidly thanks in part to development of oil shale reserves.
That could significantly alter Saudi Arabia’s export mix, as the kingdom’s oil accounted for a whopping 16 percent of US imports last year…
Saudi Arabia, in particular, has long enjoyed the status of swing producer, being able to raise and lower production and affect market balance and prices…

"Huh. When people like Sarah Palin were saying ‘Drill Baby Drill,’ the experts and our media guardians told us no country could lower the price of oil by increasing its production. Of course, what they really meant was, they didn’t want the US to have that power."

And they don't want no stinkin' coal neither.

The best of Tuesday's late-night TV.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The New Muslim Brotherhood four-fingered R4BIA symbol isn’t what Muslims want you to think it is

BareNakedIslam  "You may have seen the four-fingered yellow signs, first in Egypt, in protest of the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood and Mohamed Morsi. But just this weekend in NY City, they were in abundance at the Muslim Day Parade on Madison Avenue and at the pro-Muslim Brotherhood demonstration in Times Square."

"The logo symbolizes the worldwide push for a new Islamic Caliphate which was supposed to have had Egypt as its base to extend to the other Arab Spring Islamist-led countries like Tunisia and Libya. "
"In any case, you’ll be seeing a lot of this yellow symbol. Think of it as DANGER AHEAD." 
When you see celebrities and other liberals flashing this sign to show what inclusive people they are, know that they are clueless.
 Symbol of support for Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt   "1. In Arabic, Rabi'ah / arba'ah means four. Rab'ah (figure 4) were used as a symbol of strength, power, resistance and unity to all over the world who love freedom.

 "2. Symbols 4 finger as a symbol to remember the demonstrators Pro headquarters in Rabi'ah Mursi was crushed by the military junta. Symbols 4 fingers to show Rabi'ah icon.

"3. 4 finger symbol was launched by the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Erdogan Tayyip from Saturday night (August 17, 2013) strongly condemned the massacre after the military made ​​Egypt that occurred on Friday and Saturday at Ramses Square and the Fatih Mosque siege army."....
Frontpage Magazine; A New Muslim Brotherhood Symbol: R4BIA  ...."The R4BIA sign is not a benign peace symbol; it is a symbol of resistance, Islamism, martyrdom, and a visual call to arms comparable to the black flag of jihad."....
The Times of Israel; R4BIA Is The End Of Zionists  "So now we just wait and see when the mainstream media is going to mention something this significant. It’s the simultaneous, global, world-wide launch of a new Islamic branding exercise complete with merchandising arm and slick PR campaign."
Robert Spencer at CounterJihad; A New Muslim Brotherhood Symbol: R4BIA   "It has become the symbol of the massacre of pro-Morsi supporters in Rabia al-Adawiya Square on August 14, 2013. This new sign already has its own history, legend and mysticism and it contains all the attributes that Islamists favor in their symbology, particularly martyrdom.
Islam in a Nutshell R4BIA Flier Download and print out if you need it.

Obama: World 'More Stable Than It Was 5 Years Ago,' But al Qaeda 'Does Pose Serious Threats'

CNS News  "He also claimed that al Qaida does not have the capacity to carry out attacks like the one on 9-11,  but it "does pose serious threats."
Partly as a result of the U.S winding down two wars -- and because of U.S. cooperation with its allies and partners -- "the world is more stable than it was five years ago," but "dangers remain," the president said."   

Obama To UN: Hey, Did You Guys Know I Killed Bin Laden?…  "By the end of his term he’s going to be claiming he killed Bin Laden with his bare hands."

No wheelchairs needed in Heaven

Hat tip to Sue Fulton Robinson, Milwaukee, OR
I believe the Bible teaches that when a New Testament saint dies, his spirit immediately enters into the presence of God ("to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord"). His (or her) earthly body remains in the grave, awaiting the return of Christ and its resurrection and transformation. As I understand it, when Christ returns to this earth again our spirit, which has been present with the Lord, is then united with our resurrection body, which is also our "glorified body."

Keep the words "ObamaCare" and "Trainwreck" in the public consciousness

 ..."I’ll give you a moment to chuckle at Obama-backing union members finding their health coverage is now all loused up, but it goes to illustrate just how badly this legislative and regulatory monstrosity is going to hit everyone – even the folks it would be most expected to help."
Thomas Sowell; The Defunding Distraction  "The shutdown fight will serve only to draw attention away from Obama’s many scandals."
As more and more revelations have come to light about the cynical and dangerous misuse of the Internal Revenue Service to harass and sabotage conservative political groups, the lies that the Obama administration initially told about this, as part of the cover-up, have also been exposed.

Time for Muslims to Confront Muslim Evil ; Imams should say it: Muslims who kill civilians are going to Hell.

Dream on. I do not see this happening; world domination is part of the teachings of the Koran.
Dennis Prager   "With this weekend’s massacre by Muslim terrorists of scores of innocent civilians at a mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and Muslim terrorists’ killing about 80 Christians at a Christian church in Pakistan, most people wonder what, if anything, in addition to a continuing war on terror, can be done to minimize the scourge of Islamic brutality.
"The answer lies with Muslims themselves. Specifically, Muslim religious leaders around the world must announce that any Muslim who deliberately targets non-combatants for death goes to Hell."
There have been huge Muslim demonstrations against cartoons depicting Mohammed and any other perceived “insult” against Islam. But I am unaware of a single demonstration of Muslims against the Muslim terror directed at non-Muslims.
As frequently noted here.

The Airbrushing of Hillary Clinton

Airbrushing Hillary
From New York Magazine; Hillary in Midair   ..."In a sense, the Weiner scandal is a ghost of Clintonworld  past, summoning sordid images of unruly appetites and bimbo eruptions, exactly the sort of thing that needs to be walled off and excised in a 2016 campaign. Former advisers from State say any future campaign will take a page from Clinton’s relatively peaceful past four years. “In contrast with reports of disunity in the 2008 campaign,” says Kurt Campbell, “the State Department was operated with a high degree of harmony and
collegiality.' ”
Just the same, lock up the interns; here comes Bill again.

The 10 Most Cringe Worthy Parts of NYMag’s Glowing Hillary Profile*   ...."Regardless of the facts[!], Republicans are liable to use Benghazi as a wedge to pry back her stately exterior, goading her into an outburst, once again revealing the polarizing figure who saw vast right-wing conspiracies and tried ginning up government health care against the political tides of Newt Gingrich.' ”
Lost in Clintonworld   "We are told that “[a]t State, she was the head of a smoothly running 70,000-person institution,” which sounds absurd when one considers the whirlwind of criticism that the State Department suffered after the Benghazi debacle on September 11, 2012—an organization that ignored the embassy’s requests for additional security and kept the families of victims in the dark, but could afford to spend $630,000 to generate “likes” for the State Department Facebook page."
*Item #1 being this magazine cover.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Hansen on President Rouhani and Peace Studies

Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
Victor Davis Hanson  "There is a long history of foreign authoritarians channeling left-wing talking points when they appeal to an American audience, apparently on the theory that they score points against the American establishment. Bin Laden and Dr. Zawahiri used to quote back Noam Chomsky to us, and cited everything from global warming to the lack of campaign-financing reform as the sort of goads that drove them to murder Westerners. Vladimir Putin’s recent New York Times letter was full of the same boilerplate, in general alluding negatively to George Bush while resonating with Barack Obama’s earlier warnings on the dangers of claiming American exceptionalism. But the recent Washington Post (Russians get the New York Times; Iranians settle for the Washington Post?) letter to us by the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani sounded as if it was a co-effort of the Campus Diversity Czar and the head of Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies department."
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail