Turns Out Obamacare Is Going to Limit Your Choices .jpg)
"Prices on the insurance exchanges that will make their debut on Oct. 1 will, by broad consensus, mostly be higher than you were paying before,* but lower than some studies had projected. And why is it lower? The answer, it appears, is that state and federal regulators have been pushing insurers to hold the cost down. In some cases, insurers have simply pulled out of the market, as Aetna did when Maryland asked it to lower prices by 29 percent."
Black Liberals Explain Why Virtually Everyone Hates ObamaCare
InvestmentWatch; Obamacare – Family “Glitch” to cost many; average plan for an individual is about $5,600, but it goes up to $15,700 for families
"Unfortunately, the experts working for Medicare’s actuary have (yet again[1]) reported that in its first 10 years
Obamacare will boost health spending by “roughly $621 billion” above the
amounts Americans would have spent without this misguided law." More.
Michelle Malkin; Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died "Last week, our family received notice from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Colorado that we can no longer keep the plan we like because of “changes from
health care reform (also called the Affordable Care Act or ACA).” The letter
informed us that “to meet the requirements of the new laws, your current plan
can no longer be continued beyond your 2014 renewal date.' ”
"Prices on the insurance exchanges that will make their debut on Oct. 1 will, by broad consensus, mostly be higher than you were paying before,* but lower than some studies had projected. And why is it lower? The answer, it appears, is that state and federal regulators have been pushing insurers to hold the cost down. In some cases, insurers have simply pulled out of the market, as Aetna did when Maryland asked it to lower prices by 29 percent."
Black Liberals Explain Why Virtually Everyone Hates ObamaCare
InvestmentWatch; Obamacare – Family “Glitch” to cost many; average plan for an individual is about $5,600, but it goes up to $15,700 for families
"Unfortunately, the experts working for Medicare’s actuary have (yet again[1]) reported that in its first 10 years
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