"The logo symbolizes the worldwide push for a new Islamic Caliphate which was supposed to have had Egypt as its base to extend to the other Arab Spring Islamist-led countries like Tunisia and Libya. "
"In any case, you’ll be seeing a lot of this yellow symbol. Think of it as DANGER AHEAD."
When you see celebrities and other liberals flashing this sign to show what inclusive people they are, know that they are clueless.
Symbol of support for Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt "1. In Arabic, Rabi'ah / arba'ah means four. Rab'ah (figure 4) were used as a symbol of strength, power, resistance and unity to all over the world who love freedom.
"2. Symbols 4 finger as a symbol to remember the demonstrators Pro headquarters in Rabi'ah Mursi was crushed by the military junta. Symbols 4 fingers to show Rabi'ah icon.
"3. 4 finger symbol was launched by the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Erdogan Tayyip from Saturday night (August 17, 2013) strongly condemned the massacre after the military made Egypt that occurred on Friday and Saturday at Ramses Square and the Fatih Mosque siege army."....
Frontpage Magazine; A New Muslim Brotherhood Symbol: R4BIA ...."The R4BIA sign is not a benign peace symbol; it is a symbol of resistance, Islamism, martyrdom, and a visual call to arms comparable to the black flag of jihad."....
The Times of Israel; R4BIA Is The End Of Zionists "So now we just wait and see when the mainstream media is going to mention something this significant. It’s the simultaneous, global, world-wide launch of a new Islamic branding exercise complete with merchandising arm and slick PR campaign."
Robert Spencer at CounterJihad; A New Muslim Brotherhood Symbol: R4BIA "It has become the symbol of the massacre of pro-Morsi supporters in Rabia al-Adawiya Square on August 14, 2013. This new sign already has its own history, legend and mysticism and it contains all the attributes that Islamists favor in their symbology, particularly martyrdom.
Islam in a Nutshell R4BIA Flier Download and print out if you need it.
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