Monday, October 14, 2013

The Wheelchair Rebellion: Pulling the Trigger on Revolution, Calling Down the Swarm

Grumpy Opinions  ...."But the revolution is real. It has started, or rather, shall I say, it has moved past words. It is now on the ground. And a wheelchair shall lead them."
...."Instead, but again, almost in character, for craven meanness, spite and malice, and faux-badassness, Obama has exceeded even my expectations, enough so, that I have to believe the president (or his advisers) are trying to incite violence, real street violence. Is violence, not pain, their end game? Instead of hearing “Ouch”, do they want to hear gunfire?
"What are they thinking? Your guess is as good as mine, but the president is not trying a bluff here. If it’s a bluff, it’s already been called. The vets-in-wheelchairs took care of that at the WWII Memorial.
"Obama doesn’t seem to be daring the American people to rise up. He’s seems to be inviting them to."

ObamaCare is a Gigantic Shell Game

Galen Institute   "Obamacare is a gigantic shell game. Americans were promised that the Affordable Care Act would lower health costs by $2,500 a year for the average family, provide coverage for tens of millions more Americans, and do all of this while reducing the federal budget deficit. It would be accomplished through 2,800 pages of legislation, tens of thousands of pages of regulatory directives and an interlocking network of new federal mandates. Many Americans were skeptical that this unprecedented effort at government re-engineering could succeed. Their skepticism is justified."

UPDATED: Holy war in Harlem: Pastors want Al Sharpton out

UPDATE: Brother of Crown Heights Riot Victim Slams Sharpton Advertisers  "Rosenbaum lashed out at the media and politicians who have legitimized Sharpton. “That is an absolute disgrace, regardless of who it is: business, media, or politician,” said Rosenbaum. “Now he’s the expert on race relations? He’s the expert on nothing, he’s set race relations back decades. What’s he ever done for anybody? Really, by substance, what has he ever done? For MSNBC to be employing him is a sad reflection on them.' ”
Emphasis added, TD

Sign the petition to tell race-baiter Sharpton's advertisers to stop supporting his MSNBC program. For whatever good this will do.
Then start by calling Mondelez International, the owner of Ritz Crackers, at (855)535-5648. Tweet them @RitzCrackers with hashtag #SharptonsCrackers. Tell them they shouldn’t be signing checks to those who divide America to line their own pockets.

Four prominent clergymen invited over 100 churches to unify in an attempt dethrone Reverend Al Sharpton. (Via Drudge)
NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi
"Speak Out Say It Loud, headquartered at Mount Neboh Baptist Church  on Adam Clayton Powell Blvd., is a new coalition of black ministers determined to create a unified African-American power base with citywide clout.
Mount Neboh pastor Johnnie Green, 51, said Sharpton has neglected black New York while pursuing national fame and acclaim.
“While (Sharpton) is jet-setting around the country, people are going to our churches saying they don’t have money to eat,” the Dallas native said. “People need somebody to fight for them.' ”  More here.

Let's hope that time will not turn these men into Al Sharpton clones.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Girls 'harassed' in school bathroom by transgender student told his rights trump their privacy

UK Daily Mail
  • Girls have complained about the transgender student's harassment of them in bathrooms
  • The girls have been threatened with removal from sports teams and hate crimes charges
  • Unequal: Florence (CO) High School has put the rights of a transgendered boy above those of girls he is harassing in female restrooms
    Unequal: Florence (CO) High School has put the rights of a transgendered boy above those of girls he is harassing in female restrooms
    "The rights of a transgendered Colorado high school student are being put ahead of girls the boy harasses in the girls bathroom.
    "A male student at Florence (CO) High School who claims to be transgendered has caused controversy by harassing female students in the girls room, but will not face any discipline – this despite vocal protests from the girls’ parents.
    " ‘The boy’s rights as a transgender trump their daughters’ privacy rights,’ the school has told concerned parents, according to CBN."....

    More posts on the March on Washington

    NBC Washington: Rally at World War II Memorial Ends at White House  Naturally, being NBC, there is little mention of the blame these people have given to Barack Obama for this shutdown.  But know this: Turns out, the orders to close off the memorials and to deny death benefits to the families of the Fallen came directly from...the budget office of the White House.
    Park Service: Administration- NOT House Republicans- ordered WWII memorial closed  ..."A spokesperson from the National Park Service confirmed Wednesday morning that Washington D.C.’s World War II Memorial was ordered closed by the White House Office of Management and Budget."....
    From Legal Insurrection: Liberation of WWII Memorial"They're carrying the barricades!"
    View image on Twitter
    View image on Twitter
    Beth @betbell3
    Heap of "Barrycades" that were carried to the WhiteHouse by the Vets..
    View image on Twitter
    Get that Confederate flag out of there!  The guy carrying it is either an idiot or an Obama supporter trying to discredit the entire protest. You can be sure MSNBC and the rest of the ObaPress will show film of this jerk. 

    Veterans Remove Barricades from Memorials and Bring Them to WH

    Big Government   "On Sunday, protesting the barricades placed at memorials around Washington D.C. by the vindictive Obama administration, veterans removed the barricades and proceeded to take them to the White House. Multiple people tweeted photos of the barricades being removed and taken for presidential inspection:"

    SAM ADAMS               
    That's exactly where the "barrycades" belong

    Palin, Lee, Cruz Rally Veterans at WWII Memorial
    "Though the Obama administration officials put up barricades at the open-air memorials, they allowed thousands of amnesty supporters to rally on the National Mall, which was also supposed to be closed due to the government shutdown, last week in support of comprehensive immigration reform."

     Truckers Shutdown DC Highways; Demand Obama Leaves Office

    Here is the trucker's Facebook page: Truckers To Shut Down America

    Saturday, October 12, 2013

    Urban legend: Obama Tells Vets No Memorial, Opens Muslim Museum

    MORE FAKE NEWS: Obama Uses Own Money to Open Muslim Museum

    Urban legends  "Direct quote from
    Washington, DC -- While up to 800,000 federal workers faced life without a paycheck as Day Two of the government shutdown kicked in, President Barack Obama held a press conference to announce that he is using his own money to open the federally funded International Museum of Muslim Cultures.
    "Before anyone's blood pressure rises, please note that no such press conference actually took place. The story is a spoof.

    "For some reason people persist in thinking that publishes actual news. It doesn't. It's a satirical site, somewhat like The Onion but a lot more political and a lot less funny."

    ...."It's still a relatively easy matter to demonstrate that the intent of the website is satirical, however. Just check some of the other articles written by the author of the above story, Paul Horner:
    City in Louisiana Makes Twerking Illegal....

    Progressives Want to Send Innocent People to Jail…to Set an Example?

    Heritage  "Should society throw people into jail who admittedly did nothing blameworthy just to set an example for others? That is exactly what the Center for Progressive Reform has suggested doing in a recent report on the Occupational Safety and Health Act."....

    ...."Under this doctrine, a corporate officer is personally criminally liable for the actions of his or her employees, regardless of whether the corporate officer knew or should have known of the criminal conduct."....

    ..."The responsible corporate officer doctrine turns the job of a corporate officer into a gamble. Corporate officers have to bet their freedom that employees will perform their duties lawfully in an environment of thousands of regulations. A loss on that bet could land them in prison. There are ways to promote workplace safety without throwing blameless men and women in prison. Rather than expanding the use of the responsible corporate officer doctrine, justice requires that it should be done away with.."

    Dumb Laws in California
    • In San Jose and Sunnyvale it is illegal for grocery stores to provide plastic bags.
    • Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.
    • Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses.

    Dear President Obama: Fire somebody and show that you are in charge

    American Thinker  "By any executive 101 standard, President Obama is failing and failing big:
    1) Hold your subordinates responsible; and,
    2) Make adjustments.
    "Speaking of accountability, let's start with Secretary Sebelius.  Why does this lady still have a job, especially after her hilarious appearance with John Stewart?
    "Let's look at Secretary Sebelius's performance, as Tom Bevan posted:"

    'It was one of the most degrading things I've ever done': Miley Cyrus' back-up dancer reveals she was left 'shaking and crying' after controversial VMA performance

    Whether she was stripping to her underwear or twerking with giant teddy bears, Miley Cyrus left many in shock after her performance at the VMA's in August
    UK Daily Mail   "Whether she was stripping to her underwear or twerking with giant teddy bears, Miley Cyrus left many in shock after her performance at the VMA's in August.
    "But it seems no one was more shocked than one of her very own back-up dancers.
    "Los Angeles-based performer Hollis Jane, who refers to herself as a little person, revealed on her blog: 'I was a bear in Miley Cyrus’ VMA performance and. . . for the first time I felt truly ashamed of being a little person."
     Miley Cyrus
    'When I did the VMAs. . . we were being used simply
    because we were little,' she said. 'It felt like society
    still saw us as a joke, despite the fact there is 
    nothing different about me other than the fact
     I am small'

    From The Vault: No-Go-Tiations

    Hope n' Change  "Here's the Hope n' Change cartoon and commentary exactly as it appeared on July 13, 2011 Sadly, the reference to Barry threatening to withhold Social Security checks is as timely today as it was over two years ago..."
    "There's a time-honored saying that "When the going gets tough, the tough threaten defenseless little old people." Mind you, it's only a time-honored saying in the Democratic party, but it's still as true - and despicable - today as it ever was.

    "In his effort to blackmail Republicans into agreeing to potentially job-killing tax hikes on businesses and investors, Barack Obama has announced that he may
    choose to not send out Social Security checks to senior citizens on August 3rd, sneering "there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.' "

    Millions of elderly people like this are afraid of losing their Social
    Security checks, wait. This is just Obama's taxpayer-supported
     Aunt Zeituni who is watching her soap operas. She'll be fine.
    Emphases in the original.

    Friday, October 11, 2013

    The way out; If only Obama will allow negotiations

    Why is Obama so full of malice and intransigence with Republicans yet such a docile doormat for America's enemies?
    Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
    Charles Krauthammer   "For all the hyped indignation over GOP “anarchism,” there has been remarkable media reticence about the president’s intransigence. He has refused to negotiate anything unless the Republicans fully fund the government and raise the debt ceiling — unconditionally.
    For all his protestations about protecting the full faith and credit of the United States — jittery markets are showing that his brinkmanship could have precisely the opposite effect — the president’s real intent is to score a humiliating victory over the GOP."
    Can the Republicans hold out with all this media pressure?
    "Even worse for Democrats, their current partisan advantage is a wasting asset. The rule is simple: shutdown good, debt ceiling bad. Every day the debt ceiling approaches, President Obama’s leverage diminishes."