Grumpy Opinions ...."But the revolution is real. It has started, or rather, shall I say, it has moved past words. It is now on the ground. And a wheelchair shall lead them."
...."Instead, but again, almost in character, for craven meanness, spite and malice, and faux-badassness, Obama has exceeded even my expectations, enough so, that I have to believe the president (or his advisers) are trying to incite violence, real street violence. Is violence, not pain, their end game? Instead of hearing “Ouch”, do they want to hear gunfire?
"What are they thinking? Your guess is as good as mine, but the president is not trying a bluff here. If it’s a bluff, it’s already been called. The vets-in-wheelchairs took care of that at the WWII Memorial.
"Obama doesn’t seem to be daring the American people to rise up. He’s seems to be inviting them to."
"What are they thinking? Your guess is as good as mine, but the president is not trying a bluff here. If it’s a bluff, it’s already been called. The vets-in-wheelchairs took care of that at the WWII Memorial.
"Obama doesn’t seem to be daring the American people to rise up. He’s seems to be inviting them to."