UPDATE: Brother of Crown Heights Riot Victim Slams Sharpton Advertisers "Rosenbaum lashed out at the media and politicians who have legitimized Sharpton. “That is an absolute disgrace, regardless of who it is: business, media, or politician,” said Rosenbaum. “Now he’s the expert on race relations? He’s the expert on nothing, he’s set race relations back decades. What’s he ever done for anybody? Really, by substance, what has he ever done? For MSNBC to be employing him is a sad reflection on them.' ”
Emphasis added, TD
Sign the petition to tell race-baiter Sharpton's advertisers to stop supporting his MSNBC program. For whatever good this will do.
Four prominent clergymen invited over 100 churches to unify in an attempt dethrone Reverend Al Sharpton. (Via Drudge)
"Speak Out Say It Loud, headquartered at Mount Neboh Baptist Church on Adam Clayton Powell Blvd., is a new coalition of black ministers determined to create a unified African-American power base with citywide clout.
Mount Neboh pastor Johnnie Green, 51, said Sharpton has neglected black New York while pursuing national fame and acclaim.
“While (Sharpton) is jet-setting around the country, people are going to our churches saying they don’t have money to eat,” the Dallas native said. “People need somebody to fight for them.' ” More here.
Let's hope that time will not turn these men into Al Sharpton clones.
Emphasis added, TD

Then start by calling Mondelez International, the owner of Ritz Crackers, at (855)535-5648. Tweet them @RitzCrackers with hashtag #SharptonsCrackers. Tell them they shouldn’t be signing checks to those who divide America to line their own pockets.
Four prominent clergymen invited over 100 churches to unify in an attempt dethrone Reverend Al Sharpton. (Via Drudge)
Mount Neboh pastor Johnnie Green, 51, said Sharpton has neglected black New York while pursuing national fame and acclaim.
“While (Sharpton) is jet-setting around the country, people are going to our churches saying they don’t have money to eat,” the Dallas native said. “People need somebody to fight for them.' ” More here.
Let's hope that time will not turn these men into Al Sharpton clones.
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