Monday, February 10, 2014

The TEA Party frightens liberals because...

Thanks to Lisa Moore at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

The Mary Poppins Presidency


Rep. Lee
- draft them, of course - and ask the president to stand with us on full employment."American Thinker   "Hudson quotes Sheila Jackson Lee of the Democratic Full Employment Caucus who maintains that all it takes is to "write up these executive orders

"This troubling word-magic mentality is becoming increasingly evident to a number of political analysts.  George Will comments that the "word-magic" mentality of the President and his minions is becoming downright scary. It is becoming more and more evident that the President thinks "that saying things is tantamount to accomplishing things, and that good intentions are good deeds,"

The Hillary Papers; Archive of 'closest friend' paints portrait of ruthless First Lady

Hillary Rodham Clinton
“What voters find slick in Bill Clinton, they find ruthless in Hillary.”
"The full memo is one of many previously unpublished documents contained in the archive of one of Hillary Clinton’s best friends and advisers, documents that portray the former first lady, secretary of State, and potential 2016 presidential candidate as a strong, ambitious, and ruthless Democratic operative.
"The papers of Diane Blair, a political science professor Hillary Clinton described as her “closest friend” before Blair’s death in 2000, record years of candid conversations with the Clintons on issues ranging from single-payer health care to Monica Lewinsky.
"The archive includes correspondence, diaries, interviews, strategy memos, and contemporaneous accounts of conversations with the Clintons ranging from the mid-1970s to the turn of the millennium."
“ 'It was a lapse, but she says to his credit he tried to break it off, tried to pull away, tried to manage someone who was clearly a ‘narcissistic loony toon’; but it was beyond control,” wrote Blair."
"Sen. Rand Paul’s remark about Bill Clinton’s “predatory behavior” on a recent Sunday talk show generated a days-long media firestorm and reignited the decades-old Lewinsky controversy.
"While Hillary Clinton has gone from the White House to the Senate to the State Department, experts say she will likely be forced to readdress some of the controversies that defined her husband’s presidency if she decides on a 2016 bid."

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Winston Churchill answers Obama

American Thinker    "One of the first acts of Barack Obama's presidency was to send back to Britain a powerful Oval Office sculpture of Winston Churchill, looking beetle-browed and determined, the way Churchill really looked when he was defying Hitler."
... "Fortunately Churchill spoke prophetically about tyrant-appeasers like Obama and Kerry.  We have his prophetic words when Prime Minister Chamberlain came back from the Munich Surrender:
"You were given the choice between war and dishonour.
You chose dishonour, and you will have war."
"One tick of history later and Hitler invaded Poland in alliance with Stalin.

"Against the consistent advice of our best military officers, Obama has surrendered -- and surrendered to the most radical and fanatical mass murdering regimes in the Middle East." ... Full article here.
Emphasis added, TD.

Black History Month; Lets Bash America!

Lloyd Marcus  ... "I offer a bizarre concept. Why not celebrate BHM by featuring extraordinary blacks and their contributions? For example: In 1872 Henry Brown amazingly escaped slavery by mailing himself to freedom in a box.
"In the 1980s, Pillsbury Company appointed successful black business executive Herman Cain to be chairman and CEO of Godfather Pizza. Cain become the CEO of the National Restaurant Association.
"Herman Cain is a black conservative which by definition means he disagrees with Obama’s agenda. This disqualifies Cain, a great role model for black youths, from being featured in a Black History Month PSA.
"A black entrepreneurial magazine featured Obama on its cover as a champion of black empowerment. I thought, “Are these people delusional?” Obama’s presidency has devastated entrepreneurs, especially blacks. And yet, the black publishers chose to make race trump the truth."

Russian Olympic TV announcers: Go Russia! Booooo USA!

CNBC  Video at the link.
"As the young Olympic gymnast competed in the all-arounds, the TV announcer said: "She messed up really well. This is so good, she got another deduction of points."
"Not the type of attitude you'd normally expect from a TV sports commentator. Unless the announcer is Russian, and the athlete is an American.
"Though every country's commentators undoubtedly want their respective nations to win, nowhere is that more clear than in Russia—the host country of this year's Winter Olympic games in Sochi.
"If the London Olympics are any indication, not only do the Russians want their athletes to win—just as importantly, they want the Americans to lose. "

Star-Spangled Banner 1,000 High School Students Sing US National Anthem in a Hotel

"...1,000 High School Students Sing US National Anthem on 18 Floors of Hotel Kentucky ...So, I'm in Kentucky for work and today when we got back, 1000 high school students had checked into our hotel. They had been making quite the ruckus tonight, but then did this to celebrate the start of the Olympics. Not the best video, (cause my fear kept me pretty far from the edge) but that's 18 levels of them singing! Amazing!"   Via Lucianne/ 

Attack on San Jose substation happened back in April, 2013

Back in April, 2013 and we're just now hearing about it! Terrorists Attacked Major Power Grid in San Jose Dress Rehearsal; FBI: “Nothing to See Here”
"Terrorists attacked a major power grid in California, and the Obamaniks don’t care and are doing nothing about it. But the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman at the time of the attack is speaking out and says we should all be alarmed. And we should be. The story should be at the top of the news. But, except for the Wall Street Journal, it isn’t." Debbie Schlussel
... "Of course, this wasn’t Billy-Bob and Joe. It was very like “Mike” (Mohammed) and “Sam” (Samir). That’s pretty obvious. Who else would conduct this kind of insider-knowledge, perfect dress rehearsal to take out our power?" ...
... "Want that to happen again? Well, then ignore what happened in San Jose.
"They are coming for us and our power. And they are laughing at us and our “nothing to see here; let’s tune back to Miley’s twerking and the Kardashians” attitude."

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Smidgen of Corruption

"Usually when a politician is asked about a particular scandal he stonewalls and says he’d love to set the record straight but he just can’t because an investigation is ongoing. In a refreshing change of pace President Obama told Bill O’Reilly there’s “not a smidgen of corruption“ at the IRS.
"George Will has said the IRS scandal should be treated like Watergate.
Lois Lerner was the head of the IRS division that grants tax exemptions to non profit groups. During a speech to the American Bar Association she arranged for a planted question so that she could account for increased scrutiny the IRS was giving to conservative groups, compared to liberal groups, seeking tax exempt status.
"When asked about this by Congress Lerner pleaded the fifth."

Well, Maybe a Smidgen of Corruption

"Cleta Mitchell, a respected attorney representing grass roots conservative groups, says the IRS [continues] to target them to this day."
Emphasis in the original.

Don’t Throw Afghanistan to the Wolves

... "It is nonsensical to remove our troops from Afghanistan in the wake of a growing Taliban insurgency, which will inevitably worsen once we have pulled out. Should we follow these ill-advised policies only to have to bomb or invade again the next time a terrorist attack against the U.S. is launched from Afghanistan, à la the 9/11 attacks? These are questions and considerations that the Obama administration seems to be glossing over, opting instead to base its policy on short-term concerns that do not take into account the future and the big picture.
"The United States should feel honor-bound not to abandon the Afghan people, particularly Afghan women, to the likes of the Taliban — a backward, xenophobic lot bent on the subjugation of women and ethnic minorities and the support of terrorism and jihadism the world over."
"... During the Taliban’s rule from 1996 to 2001, many Afghan girls were not allowed to attend school, though the schools began reopening after the regime was toppled by the U.S.-led invasion."....
Note to Sally Kohn: Ask the Afghan women what they think of President Bush and what they think of President Obama. When Obama pulls America out of Afghanistan, then the world will see what a real war on women looks like.

DNC Rolls Out “War On Women” Shtick To Defend Bill Clinton Against Rand Paul’s “Sexual Predator” Charge…

"Just gets lamer by the day." 
It’s not the same thing, of course, but the Democratic Party is reacting to Republican Sen. Rand Paul’s charge that former President Clinton is a “sexual predator” by slapping the senator’s voting record, which they suggest makes him a threat to women.
“If his claims of concern for women are sincere,” said DNC Deputy Communications Director Lily Adams of the Kentucky senator, “he should start by rethinking his opposition to the Violence Against Women’s Act, paycheck fairness and the right of women to make their own health care decisions.” [...]
The Democratic National Committee didn’t directly touch that issue in their new statement, instead using the episode to whack Paul’s record on issues Democrats include in their so-called “war on women” campaign aimed at the GOP.
Democrats Bet 2014 on ‘War on Women’ Encore    "For a while, it looked like Democrats would have to stop accusing Republicans of waging a ”‘war on women” in 2014. Republicans were taking classes on how to talk to the ladies and members were under explicit instructions from the party’s establishment to not just change their tones, but to shut their mouths when it came to women’s bodies."
Comment to this post:
"Hey Sally, get Mary Jo Kopechne's take on the problem while you're at it."

Obama dismisses a female TV reporter as 'Sweetie'    ... "Suddenly Obama was walking right toward her. "Senator," Agar addressed him, "how are you going to help the American auto worker?" "Hold on one second, sweetie," the presidential candidate said, sticking out his right arm as if to ward her off. "We're gonna do a press avail." Sweetie? "This 'sweetie,'" Agar noted acidly in her broadcast report, "never did get an answer to that question.' " 

Rosie O’Donnell Outraged Her Son Joined The Military: He Did It To “Annoy His Left-Wing Pacifist Mother”…

Weasel Zippers
"Whereas most people would be proud as hell."
ROSIE O’DONNELL: Parker is 18. There he is in his military uniform. He’s been accepted to the Citadel. He’s very into the military because, you know, how do you annoy your left-wing liberal pacifist mother? You become a big military man. He’s the number one cadet at his school, Valley Forge Military Academy. He’s very interested. When he was really, you know, I said to him, “Why, honey? Why do you want to do –’ He said, only in America, mom, could somebody like you who came from a horrible childhood, grow up and adopt kids like me who needed a family and I owe something to this country.” And I said, “No, my son. You owe something to me.”