Sunday, February 9, 2014

Winston Churchill answers Obama

American Thinker    "One of the first acts of Barack Obama's presidency was to send back to Britain a powerful Oval Office sculpture of Winston Churchill, looking beetle-browed and determined, the way Churchill really looked when he was defying Hitler."
... "Fortunately Churchill spoke prophetically about tyrant-appeasers like Obama and Kerry.  We have his prophetic words when Prime Minister Chamberlain came back from the Munich Surrender:
"You were given the choice between war and dishonour.
You chose dishonour, and you will have war."
"One tick of history later and Hitler invaded Poland in alliance with Stalin.

"Against the consistent advice of our best military officers, Obama has surrendered -- and surrendered to the most radical and fanatical mass murdering regimes in the Middle East." ... Full article here.
Emphasis added, TD.

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