Saturday, June 18, 2016

Gun control laws either do not work or do not help

Even though I'm still sickened by images of the Sandy Hook carnage, I fear the conclusion I am forced to draw Is discussed below, TD


From the Dec, 2012 Tunnel Wall:  Seeking an effective argument FOR gun control    Here, two respected writers discuss the case against taking away individual firearms from Americans. Yes, it is true that if guns did not exist everywhere in this nation those little children in Sandy Hook would be living right now and I only wish that were the case. But it is not and there are violent people out there in their thousands and they are armed; willing and lusting to watch innocent people die in bunches by their hands. How, exactly do you gun-control advocates plan to remove those weapons from their blood-thirsty hands?

I will honestly look for a reasoned argument FOR gun control that contains effective means for keeping us safe from those who carry weapons illegally and are willing to do us harm. Cartoons showing crazed, wild-eyed gun owners don't wash.

As yet, I have seen only politically correct, emotional responses to the issue that have no value other than simply making a politician look as if they are doing something. TD

"Gun sales are sky-rocketing, as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, and pretty much everyone else in charge of America says two things: they can’t or won’t protect Americans from Muslim terrorists, but they want to take away the most effective tool for law-abiding Americans to protect themselves."

Gun Shop Owner Warned FBI Weeks Before Orlando Terrorist Attacked
"The FBI knew about this guy and did nothing. According to this former FBI assistant director, it’s because the White House is handcuffing the FBI."   

The Bizarro Morality of America’s Gun-Control Debate   . . . "The gun-control debate is a Bizarro World unto itself, one where activists, writers, and politicians — operating with an attitude of absolute moral superiority — operate according to their own “bizarro code” with three main tenets: Make up history, propose ineffective remedies, and mock proven solutions." . . .
. . . that all good people should respond to a mass shooting by supporting legislation that wouldn’t have prevented that mass shooting.
I will support these laws because I am sensitive and, well, just a really, really nice guy.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Ted Cruz Blasts Democrat ‘Political Gamesmanship’ in Wake of Orlando Terror Attack


Chris Pandolfo  “ 'This week played out all too predictably.” Cruz said. He blasted Democrats for shifting to gun-control and in particular characterized Senator Chris Murphy’s (F, 8%) filibuster as “a political show on the Senate floor.”

“ 'This is political distraction; this is political gamesmanship.” Cruz said. “And I think the American people find it ridiculous … this is not a gun-control issue. This is a terrorism issue.”

“ 'You don’t defeat terrorism by taking away guns,” he added later, “you defeat terrorism by using guns.”

Fighting Terror with Stupidity   . . . "Over and over again, news outlets uncritically reported on the “common-sense” effort to implement more stringent background checks and get rid of automatic weapons, AR-15s, and other “assault” weapons. Well, automatic weapons — i.e., machine guns — are already essentially banned for civilians. And the weapon used in Orlando wasn’t an assault weapon or an AR-15. As for background checks, they already exist." Jonah Goldberg

Some feminist doesn’t feel bad that a child was killed by an alligator because…white privilege?

Hot Air  "I’m going to say that this is just a bad joke, or bad trolling, because I cannot believe there is someone this unhinged in reaction to the death of a two-year-old. An unnamed feminist literally doesn’t feel bad that a small child was killed by an alligator attack at Disney World’s Seven Seas Lagoon because the family is white—so this obviously is the right time to discuss white privilege, right? Nope. Sorry, I don’t do drugs, but I seriously think this has to be a very, very, very bad joke. I could be wrong—and the progressive left has entered a new evolution of idiocy and insanity (it wouldn’t shock me)."

"The Twitter account of this person, who is despicable, has gone into the bunker, deleted for now—but screenshots were taken. Here’s what “Brienne of Snarth,” who tweets under the handle @femme_esq, said thanks to Heat Street:" . . .  Language advisory

I Think My Dog’s A Democrat

What does 'getting weapons of war off our streets' really mean?

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

American Thinker  . . . "It escapes commentary that the AR-15 and like semi-automatics are ubiquitous in state and city police (including the NYPD) and county sheriffs' departments and SWAT teams everywhere.  See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

"That these law enforcement officer organizations seek to use these weapons to defend life and property, the exact same motivation as that of virtually all civilians purchasers of those weapons (even with dual purpose hunting use), just shows that the LEOs don't recognize that these are just weapons of war suited only for the battlefield!" . . .

It’s not about stopping shooters, it’s about identity politics.  "In the wake of the San Bernardino shooting, the actor Samuel L. Jackson said that he hoped it would turn out that the killer was a white man. David Sirota wrote the same thing after the Boston marathon bombing, in an article headlined “Let’s hope the Boston marathon bomber is a white American.” Jackson and Sirota were disappointed: Both atrocities were carried out by Muslims of Middle Eastern origin as expressions of solidarity with the worldwide Islamist enterprise." . . . 

With Obama in control, America will be loved and respected again!

Pet Victim

America has suffered a terror attack every year under Obama  . . . "Here we are in the eighth year of his presidency, and the nation has now suffered eight significant attacks by Islamist terrorists on US soil or diplomatic property — an average of one attack a year since Obama’s been in office, with each new attack seemingly worse than the last.
And there’s six long months left to go.
"Obama said Orlando “marks the most deadly shooting in American history.” Actually, it was the second-worst act of terrorism in American history, replacing in six short months the San Bernardino massacre as the deadliest terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11.
"Here are the previous seven:" . . .

Look, We Shrunk the Presidency

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

The American Spectator  "No, no, no, you tiny little person. We don’t want you to just use the term radical Islam. We want you to close with radical Islam and destroy it. That’s the only way to make Americans safe. We have the military resources to do this. It would cost a lot to do it. It will cost more, in blood and gold, not to. And if you’d bother to read your job description, your Smallness, you would see that protecting America and Americans from threats, wherever they come from, is your first responsibility. A responsibility you are abdicating.
"Though the competition for the distinction is stiff, I’d have to say that this afternoon’s pathetic exercise in excuse making and whining, when resolve and action are called for, is the most dishonest speech Barack Obama has made in all his years at 1600. And the most cringe-inducing." . . .

Why Not Admit the Obvious: The President Won't Blame Them because He Agrees with Them  "We all know that Barack Obama was nominally a lawyer at some point in his past – not a good one, by anyone's account, but he was one.  Assume for the moment that Barack Obama had as his client The Muslim Brotherhood, or CAIR, or Hamas, or any one of dozens of organizations dedicated to taking down the United States.  Could he possibly have done a more effective job of hiding his client's actions or intentions while they went about conducting criminal operations unmolested as he has for seven years?  Could he have been more successful at misdirecting and obfuscating and lying about their intentions and deeds than he has already been?"
"People who recognize that we have seen increasing levels of terroristic violence across the country committed in the name of Islam by its perpetrators want the president to name the threat for the simple reason that his failure to do so, when viewed with all the other things he has done to protect and promote Islamists to weaken our military, our national government, and our security, tells them that he is in league with them and that he will not betray them while he repeatedly betrays us."
GUNS AND HOMOPHOBIA DON’T KILL PEOPLE, MUSLIM TERRORISTS DO  "Obama has shaken the hands of Muslim leaders who've killed more gay people than Omar Mateen."

The Nations Clinton Bashes For Terrorism Funding Gave UP TO $40 MILLION To Clinton Foundation

Daily Caller   "Earlier this week, Hillary Clinton harshly criticized three countries for directly funding terrorists who are actively seeking to attack the United States and Western Europe. The governments of this trio of nations have contributed between $16 million and $40 million to the Clinton Foundation."
Getty Images/YASSER AL-ZAYYAT, Getty Images/Joe Readle, Getty Images/YASSER AL-ZAYYAT

. . . "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has given the Clinton Foundation an unspecified amount between $10 million and $25 million, according to the nonprofit’s records.
"The State of Kuwait has donated between $5 million and $10 to the Clinton Foundation.
"The State Of Qatar has given the Clinton Foundation between $1 million and $5 million.
“ 'The Clinton Foundation’s impact would not be possible without the generous support of our donors and grantors,” the Clinton Foundation explains." . . .

Thursday, June 16, 2016

West Hollywood Inundated With AMAZING Pro-Gun, Pro-Gay Posters

The Daily Wire

. . . "If one picture is worth a thousand words, the series of posters surely represented an eloquent plea to the LGBT community and other Americans to stand as one (thus the "Don't Tread On Me symbol of the American Revolution), as well as a marked attempt to encourage the LGBT community to eschew their traditional pacifist role and take up arms to defend themselves, in the manner of Americans from the Minutemen of the Revolutionary War to the armed service members who defend American values to this very day. 
"In pictorial fashion, the poster truly represented a call to arms." . . .
. . . "Obama has asserted his support for an assault weapons ban in the wake of the massacre at a gay night club that left 49 dead. The perpetrator was a Muslim who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State terrorist group, which executes homosexuals. Obama did not delve into those details in his remarks.
"He expressed support for the news that the Senate would hold votes on preventing individuals on the terror watch list from buying weapons.
“ 'I truly hope that senators rise to the moment and do the right thing,” Obama said. “I hope that senators who voted no on background checks after Newtown have a change of heart, and then I hope the House does the right thing and helps end the plague of violence that these weapons of war inflict on so many young lives.' ” . . .

Why Speaking the Truth About Islamic Terrorism Matters

Anybody else out there sick of being scolded by this president?

Roger Kimball

Barack Obama Lectures the Nation About Islam
. . . "It did not take long before the media realized that none of its preferred narratives was operative.

"There was a flicker of hope that Mateen might at least be a gay-hating nearly white male (shades of George Zimmerman, the "white Hispanic"). But, no, although Mateen himself might, according to his ex-wife and others, have been gay, he had pledged himself to ISIS. He had also, in fact, attracted the interest of the FBI. It had interviewed him twice but decided that there was nothing to see here, move along please.

"In most respects, this act of Islamic slaughter was a matter of déjà-vu all over again. There was the wrinkle that the Pulse, unlike the nightclub in Bali or the concert hall in Paris, was patronized mostly by gays. But homosexuals are only one of many groups that Islamists wish to exterminate. (Hence the Arab slogan "First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people," which can be seen and heard through the Middle East. First we'll get rid of the Jews, then the Christians.)

"And this brings me to the chief source of my nausea in response to the massacre in Orlando: the rancid, untruthful, politically correct nonsense emitted by the MSM and their chief pet, Barack Obama." . . .

Think Computers, Not Guns — Likely Terrorists Can Be Profiled and Stopped

Our national-security apparatus could learn from Target department stores.

National Review  . . . "Target, for instance, uses analytics to examine people’s purchasing patterns and guess which coupons they might want. Then they add some coupons they don’t think you’ll want, just so you don’t feel cyber-stalked. Target’s algorithm can, among other things, diagnose a female shopper’s pregnancy and predict her likely due date with startling accuracy. (First comes love, then comes the unscented hand lotion, then comes the Target baby carriage, available now for $149.99.) That’s just from analyzing one person’s purchases at one particular store. 

"If a department-store chain can do that, can the information-rich government really not find terrorists and homicidal maniacs before they snap? " . . .


PowerLine  "Donald Trump has been excoriated by the Washington Post and other leftist organs for saying that when it comes to President Obama’s weak and ineffectual anti-terrorism policy, “there’s something going on.” Something clearly is, not just with anti-terrorism policy, but with most of the administration’s foreign and national security policy.

"Obama won’t utter the words radical Islamic terror (or similar locutions), as even Hillary Clinton has. Obama runs the perverse “Countering Violent Extremism” program. Obama has enormously enriched Iran, our worst and most threatening enemy among foreign states. Obama has cozied up to Cuba, our worst enemy in this Hemisphere, without obtaining any meaningful concessions. Obama has been belligerent towards Israel, our best friend in the Middle East.
"Obama overthrew a Libyan government that had tried to align itself with the U.S. and he did nothing to stop that state’s descent into dangerous instability following the overthrow. Obama backed an unpopular Muslim Brotherhood controlled government in Egypt and was outraged when that government was overthrown and replaced by one sympathetic to the U.S. and its interests.
" Other administrations might have adopted one or two of these policies. But Obama indulged in all of these oddities, and more." . . .
Via Lucianne