Talk Stupidly and Carry a Big Mouth |
“He’ll just continue to divide on racial grounds,” John S. Roberts wrote on Young Conservatives.
"Many voices on Twitter agreed that Obama’s visit was too little too late."
Talk Stupidly and Carry a Big Mouth |
“If she didn’t know that the intelligence she was receiving was or should be classified, she is far too stupid to be president, and in any event, her security clearance should be permanently withdrawn.”"Rudy Giuliani worries that Comey handcuffed himself when he let Hillary off the hook. “I don’t know how he ever, ever, is going to be able to charge anybody in the CIA or FBI that is extremely careless with top-secret information, if he isn’t charging Hillary Clinton,” Giuliani said. “This is the special exception for the Clintons.' ”
"Hillary Clinton was cleared by the FBI Director for relaying top secret material on her home server Tuesday but he spent ten minutes listing everything she did illegally. Just two hours later, Hillary was greeted by a huge ovation at her North Carolina rally. She arrived in a slow white Bronco." Comedian Argus HamiltonDo You Think Hillary’s HAPPY The Spotlight’s On #Dallas And Not #EmailGate? "Hillary calls on whites to change their ways..."
The Clintons are a money-grubbing criminal enterprise of long-standing. The sycophants who work for them, lie for them, are traitors to the nation. Clinton supporters know this and do not care. They have been taught that there is no objective truth. They will vote for her and never connect the dots as the country slides into tyranny, socialism and disintegrates.Speaking respectfully, of course.
Image by Odysseus |
These advocates for freedom from truth cover their evisceration of truth-claims by crying out against the oppression of the poor and weak. But in nullifying truth, they strip the poor and weak of the one great weapon they still have: the truth that there is such a thing as justice, and this is not it. Truth is a mighty weapon in the hand of the weak. The powerful have been playing academic word games for seventy years with deadly fallout.
“If a good man like you were still in the White House, we’d have a counter-BLM task force by now, patrolling the streets to remove these dangerous terrorists from civilized society. Unfortunately, we don’t have a good man in the White House,” wrote Alex Gravlin.
“ 'If people are worried about their kids seeing a gun, take away their video games… don’t let them hunt,” Ron Nevorski, another Friends of American Veterans member told the Free Press."
" 'You will look upon my writing, no doubt, as something unusual, and rightly so, for it is indeed not exactly usual for a former enemy of his own accord to report about his opponent in the World War. I was myself a German officer in the World War.' "