Monday, July 11, 2016

Dallas police chief says he and his family received death threats after sniper killed five officers

Conservative Firing Line

Dallas Police Chief says he and his family are getting death threats.

"Talking Points Memo added:
The police chief said the language of the threats was disturbing enough that the department is taking them all “very seriously,” “for the sake of our families.”
During negotiations with police officers on Friday, suspected gunman Micah Johnson, an Army veteran, allegedly said that he wanted to kill white people, particularly cops. Johnson was killed by a bomb-toting robot after conversations with hostage negotiators broke down.
. . . 
"Johnson told officers that he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.  Nevertheless, President Obama said his motive was difficult to “untangle” and presumed Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton blamed white people, saying that “unfortunately,” we’re all racists.

Reboot America: Step Back From The Brink Before It’s Too Late

Kurt Schlichter

Reboot America: Step Back From The Brink Before It’s Too Late

. . . "Except I don’t think this country’s elite has the character, nor understands our constitutional technology enough, to do it. I think it fails to appreciate what is going on outside its cloisters, among those weird, patriotic, religious, and – significantly – armed people living in uncool places between the coasts. I think it believes this anger is a passing fad, that it can bluff and bully its way through it the way it did to previous challenges to its rule. 

"Obama and the progressive elite were not satisfied merely with exonerating the clearly guilty Hillary Clinton of charges that would have sent any mere mortal to the slammer. They had to shove it in our faces. The AG met with Bill Clinton. Then the FBI director laid out a devastating case, followed by an “and…nope.” Then President Faily McWorsethancarter swept her away in Air Force One – at our expense – to campaign with her and even placed her at a podium with the presidential seal while the liberal media thrilled and quivered. This is beyond mere corruption. This is them gloating over what they see as their unassailable power. This is them laughing at us. " . . .

Feel Safer: Easier to Get Parole, Harder to Buy Bullets

Debra J. Saunders

Feel Safer: Easier to Get Parole, Harder to Buy Bullets

"Gov. Jerry Brown and the Democratic Legislature have a unique plan to enhance public safety in California. They have reduced the state prison population from close to 150,000 in 2010 to 113,000 now by downgrading what crimes put an offender in prison. Now they are pushing a ballot measure that would enable repeat serious and violent offenders to qualify for early release -- to further reduce the state prison population. No worries, though, because they also are passing laws that make it harder or costlier for everyone to buy guns and ammunition." . . .

How the World Fell Out of Love with Obama

What do they mean, "the world fell out of love with Obama"? Why do we keep hearing how his popularity in America is above 50%? Does the world see things about Obama that we cannot?

"In countries key to the president’s legacy, people express profound disappointment in a man from whom they expected great things."

A woman watches US President Barack Obama talking on TV about the reestablishment of full diplomatic ties with Cuba, in Havana on July 1, 2015.

. . . "But peace did not arrive in Obama’s time. Obama’s standing in much of the world seemed to sag each year as he struggled to fulfill his promises. America, after all, still has troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the Middle East, revolutionary movements, including ones Obama overtly backed, have largely fizzled or bred violent anarchy. And Russia has ignored Obama’s warnings and asserted its influence in former Soviet states, sometimes at the point of a gun. Many saw in this picture a naive president and a United States of diminished standing. In Jordan, confidence in Obama fell from 31 percent in 2009 to 14 percent last year, the Pew surveys show. Some 86 percent of Britons expressed confidence in Obama in 2009; in 2015, it was 76 percent. Even in Kenya, where Obama has family ties, confidence in him stood at 80 percent in 2015, down from the mid-90s his first two years. The numbers don’t suggest deep antipathy toward Obama, but the heady infatuation that accompanied his arrival in office has changed into pervasive disappointment."
radio documentary of our interviews with dozens of citizens in those and other nations airs this weekend. In each country, we discovered a palpable sense of discontent with the now gray-haired American leader.

Obama and Race Relations

Police Swipe at Obama Over Tensions
“The man responsible for the murders [in Dallas] was Micah Johnson, but having said that, I do think the president by his inaction has contributed to a climate where these things can happen,” William Johnson, executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, which represents about 240,000 law enforcement officers, said Sunday. “This president and his administration absolutely do not have our back and make our jobs more dangerous.”

How has electing Obama twice helped race relations in America?
"Hours before the murders of five police officers in Dallas, Texas, President Obama was again spouting false claims about racism by the police. He sees racism whenever there is any disparity in outcomes, no matter what the cause.
"Obama and others inflame passions, but take no responsibility, and instead use events to push for more gun control. Yet, shouting racism can endanger the lives of police officers. The Dallas police chief tells us one of the shooters “wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”
"After the Trayvon Martin case, there were numerous cases around the country of blacks attacking whites and invoking Martin’s name.
"Let’s not forget that NYPD cops Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were executed by a black man who was angry about the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.
"Obama and his administration spoke out repeatedly on the Martin and Brown cases. They repeatedly claimed racism was involved, but in fact there’s no evidence of that in either case."
What caused Obama to comment on the Dallas murders this way?

As Obama Heads To Dallas, Fed-Up Americans Have Just 5 Words For Him

"Americans all over the country are sick and tired of his rhetoric that further divides our nation, and they are making it clear. Many share the sentiments of one Dallas resident, who tweeted these five words: “We don’t want him here,” and their message was met with a lot of “amens.' ”

Beyoncé Tells Her Disciples To, ‘FIGHT Police’ – Hours Later, COPS Murdered   Pictured with Obama here:

Moments of class from the Dallas massacre

Cop Says There Were Unnoticed Heroes From Dallas Shooting Who Deserve Praise
Dallas Shooting's Unsung Heroes Also Deserve Praise, Cop Says
Fire and Rescue on the scene at the Dallas ambush (Source: CNN)
. . . "The message from Officer Rushing’s page, which was later posted to the Fort Worth Police Officer Association’s Twitter page, read, “Fire did NOT get enough credit…they were moving with us in ambulances toward Market St toward the gunfire. Every single time we told them to get out of the shooting zone the driver would just keep yelling, ‘Just tell us where they are,’ referring to our downed Officers.” . . .
Beautiful memorial to fallen DPD officers 

. . . "He described killer Johnson as a ‘nut job’ who saw fit to kill innocent people in response to an emotional frustration.

 ' ‘He became a sick individual’ he added.
"The Ashab network were meeting in Dallas today to pray for peace. "

Heroic mother who acted as human shield for her son says she saw cops shot in front of her that she pledged to march against
"Taylor said she saw two officers get shot - one she believes was killed
As one cop slumped he had warned the mom-of-four 'He's got a gun, run'"
More on this lady here: 

 Mother Shot in Dallas Massacre: The Police ‘Were Really Heroes for Us’

  • Shetamia Taylor

  • . . . “ 'That officer jumped on top of me, and covered me, and my son,” she tearfully relayed. “There was another one at our feet, and there was another one over our head. And there were several of them lined against the wall over there and they just stayed there with us.' ” . . .

    Sunday, July 10, 2016

    David Limbaugh- Hillary: Guilty as Not Charged

    Hillary: Guilty as Not Charged

    "It's no mere academic question: Do we believe in the rule of law anymore? Are we a nation of laws or of men? 

    "The cherished idea of the rule of law in our system is about everyone's being subject to the law in equal measure. The law, including criminal law, applies even to our political leaders.

    Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

    "Both members of the American power couple known as the Clintons have escaped accountability all of their adult lives, so it comes as no shock that Hillary Clinton is once again being allowed to skate, even though the head of the very body tasked with investigating her ­­ the FBI ­­ has detailed precisely how Clinton did in fact break the law. FBI Director James Comey laid out, with specificity, how Clinton violated our national security laws, but then he proceeded to explain that he was nevertheless declining to refer Clinton for federal prosecution." . . .

    Democrats, Have You No Shame?

    Bruce Bialosky

    Democrats, Have You No Shame?

    . . . "George Will has decided to abandon the party of which he was a member for 52 years.  Though I don’t agree with his rationale, he took a stand because he disagrees with the stances of the Republican nominee.  Though he may disagree with Trump on more than a few issues, he disagrees with Clinton on virtually every issue.  But it isn’t just issues as much with Clinton as it is her moral standing.  Do you see any Democrats leaving their party over their soon-to-be nominee?  No, because Democrats have no shame. " . . .

    How Many People Have To Die Because Of The #BlackLivesMatter Movement? (Cartoon update)

    Obama Race Divider
    “ 'Pigs In A Blanket, Fry 'Em Like Bacon!” – Chant at a #Blacklivesmatter protest in Minnesota “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!” – Chant by "Million Marchers" in New York City "

    How Many People Have To Die Because Of The #BlackLivesMatter Movement?

    "The whole Black Lives Matter Movement is pure crap designed to help liberals get their names out there and to increase black turnout in elections for the Democratic Party.

    "It’s a movement funded by liberal white Americans like the Ben and Jerry’s Foundation and supported primarily by privileged black liberals that does nothing but produce a bigger body count.

    " For whatever reason, black Americans have always had a more hostile relationship with the police than other groups. Maybe that comes from the bad old days of the civil rights movement when the police weren’t always fair to black Americans. Maybe it comes from the sky high crime rate in black America which insures that percentage wise, more black Americans profit from criminal activities or know people involved in regularly breaking the law than people from other races. Perhaps it’s just a “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” problem? Did police hostility cause black Americans to become more distrusting of law enforcement or did hostility by black Americans cause the police to become more distrustful? If that hostility and distrust ceased on one side, would it disappear on the other side, too? Whatever the reason for it, it exists and the Black Lives Matter movement has greatly exacerbated it for its own purposes. " . . .

    Dallas Patrol Cars Sit in Memorial to Slain Officers   "Flowers, signs and flags adorned two patrol cars that were parked outside of Dallas police headquarters as a memorial to the five officers slain and seven wounded in Thursday's sniper attack. Photo: Getty"

    How the Dallas shootings unfolded

    Saturday, July 9, 2016

    Limbaugh Predicts Summer of Violence Will Scorch Political Conventions

    "... this is not the end of anything ..."

    Western Journalism  "The violence that left Dallas reeling in horror and America in shock has not yet reached its crescendo, talk show host Rush Limbaugh warned Friday.
    “ 'I think everybody better come to grips with the fact that this is not the end of anything here,” Limbaugh said, saying the prediction was one he would rather see not happen, “but it’s going to happen anyway at this point.”
    “ '.. the next target is going to be the Republican National Convention. And then possibly after that the next target the Democrat National Convention, because there’s going to be huge numbers of people in both places and there’s going to be lots of cameras.  And the media is going to be both places,” Limbaugh said, referencing the way that demonstrations in Chicago in 1968 utterly disrupted the Democratic National Convention and ultimately subsumed the convention narrative." . . .
    Image result for cartoons about black lives matter

    Of course, Mr. Farrakhan made this pronouncement before Dallas:
    "The Blaze posted some of what Farrakhan said:
    “When you are willing and not afraid anymore to pay the price for freedom — don’t let this white man tell you that violence is wrong,” Farrakhan said. “Every damn thing that he got, he got it by being violent — killing people, raping and robbing and murdering. He’s doing it as we speak, and then he has the nerve to come and tell us that violence and hatred won’t get it. Don’t buy that!”
    Speaking about white people as one entity, Farrakhan proclaimed, “He is worthy to be hated.” He also claimed that “God hates,” and man is no better than God.
    "Steven H. Ahle noted: “Just hours before five police officers were killed and six more injured, noted racist posted a racist rant on social media calling for violence against whites.  You may remember that Obama and his church bestowed a lifetime achievement award to Farrakhan.”
    "No wonder ISIS and al Qaeda celebrated the shootings while calling for more attacks…"
    Emphasis mine, TD

    Americans Scoff At Obama’s Plan To Visit Dallas In Wake of Tragedy

    Obama Anti-Cop Rhetoric
    Talk Stupidly and Carry a Big Mouth
    Western Journalism   "President Barack Obama’s decision to cut short his European trip to visit Dallas, where five police officers were killed Thursday night, failed to provide the positive reaction for which the president might have hoped.
    “He’ll just continue to divide on racial grounds,” John S. Roberts wrote on Young Conservatives.
    "Many voices on Twitter agreed that Obama’s visit was too little too late."
    @AP That's rich; the man whose rhetoric helped spawn the terrorists is going to go to Dallas so he can talk about gun control.

    .@AP And will require the very law enforcement he helped become targets of  domestic terrorists to protect him... with guns.

    The Dallas Massacre

    dpdVictor Davis Hanson  . . . "Meanwhile, Minnesota governor Mark Dayton blamed Castile’s shooting partly on “racism,” and President Obama decried “racial disparity in the justice system.” Events in Ferguson and Baltimore, where the facts did not support the instant Black Lives Matter narrative, have shown the imprudence of these sorts of knee-jerk pronouncements."
    . . .
    "In fact, the Dallas Police Department has evidently been a model for police reform. Excessive-force complaints against the department dropped by 64 percent between 2009 and 2014, and arrests and officer-involved shootings also declined, in tandem with a decline in the city’s murder rate, which reached an 80-year low in 2014."