Monday, July 11, 2016

Dallas police chief says he and his family received death threats after sniper killed five officers

Conservative Firing Line

Dallas Police Chief says he and his family are getting death threats.

"Talking Points Memo added:
The police chief said the language of the threats was disturbing enough that the department is taking them all “very seriously,” “for the sake of our families.”
During negotiations with police officers on Friday, suspected gunman Micah Johnson, an Army veteran, allegedly said that he wanted to kill white people, particularly cops. Johnson was killed by a bomb-toting robot after conversations with hostage negotiators broke down.
. . . 
"Johnson told officers that he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.  Nevertheless, President Obama said his motive was difficult to “untangle” and presumed Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton blamed white people, saying that “unfortunately,” we’re all racists.

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