Tuesday, August 30, 2016

White House defends Obama evading Senate on Paris climate deal

Washington Times

It would surprise no one if President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping were to announce the ratification of the sweeping climate change agreement before the Sunday opening of the Group of 20 summit in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. (Associated Press)

"The White House on Monday defended President Obama’s decision to enter into the Paris climate accord without Senate ratification but stopped short of confirming a Chinese report that he will do so this week during his trip toChina.
"Still, it would surprise no one if Mr. Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping were to announce the ratification of the sweeping climate change agreement before the Sunday opening of the Group of 20 summit in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.
"White House senior adviser Brian Deese said the president has the legal authority to ratify the accord without the two-thirds Senate vote required for treaties. He said the pact negotiated by 195 countries in December is merely an “executive agreement.”
“The president will use his authority that has been used in dozens of executive agreements in the past to join and formally deposit our instrument of acceptance, and therefore put our country as a party to the Paris Agreement,” Mr. Deese said at a White House press conference.
"He noted that both presidents announced in March that they “would seek to formally join the Paris Agreement in 2016.' ” . . .

Monday, August 29, 2016

ESPN Replaces Mike Ditka After Calling President Obama 'The Worst President We've Ever Had'

AllThatsNews . . . "It seems that Ditka is now being punished for his honesty and for speaking out against the President because it was revealed that he is now being replaced as a panelist on ESPN's Sunday NFL Countdown. In 2013, Ditka said that not running against Obama in the Illinois 2004 Senate race was the "biggest mistake" he had ever made. Ditka said, "Not that I would have won. But I probably would have and he wouldn't be in the White House."
"At the time, Obama said that the NFL legend "immediately becomes a favorite" if he entered the race. In 2011, President Obama invited the 1985 Chicago Bears Team, which Ditka coached to a Super Bowl victory, to the White House. During the ceremony, Ditka presented Obama with a personalized Bears jersey and called him "one of us.' "

Soros’s campaign of global chaos

Caroline Glick


"Major media outlets in the US have ignored the leak of thousands of emails from billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundation by the activist hacker group DCLeaks. The OSF is the vehicle through which Soros has funneled billions of dollars over the past two decades to non-profit organizations in the US and throughout the world.
"According to the documents, Soros has given more than $30 million to groups working for Hillary Clinton’s election in November, making him her largest single donor. So it is likely the case that the media’s support for Clinton has played some role in the mainstream media’s bid to bury the story.
"It is also likely however, that at least some news editors failed to understand why the leaked documents were worth covering. Most of the information was already public knowledge. Soros’s massive funding of far left groups in the US and throughout the world has been documented for more than a decade.
"But failing to see the significance of the wider story because many of the details were already known is a case of missing the forest for the trees. The DCLeaks document dump is a major story because it exposes the forest of Soros’s funding networks.
"The first thing that we see is the megalomaniacal nature of Soros’s philanthropic project. No corner of the globe is unaffected by his efforts. No policy area is left untouched." . . .

On Soros and the Black Lives Matter movement:
Black Lives Matter, which has received $650,000 from Soros-controlled groups over the past year is a classic example of these efforts. Until recently, the police were universally admired in the US as the domestic equivalent of the military. BLM emerged as a social force bent on politicizing support for police. Its central contention is that in the US, police are not a force for good, enabling society to function by maintaining law and order. Rather, police are a tool of white repression of blacks.

 Law enforcement in predominantly African American communities is under assault as inherently racist.

BLM agitation, which has been accused of inspiring the murders of police in several US cities, has brought about two responses from rank and file police. First, they have been demoralized, as they find themselves criminalized for trying to keep their cities safe from criminals.

 Second, their willingness to use force in situations that demand the use of force has diminished. Fear of criminal charges on the one hand, and public condemnation as “racists” on the other causes police to prefer inaction even when situations require that they act.
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Comically Incorrect
Cartoons added by TD

American Silliness 8/29/2016

Carlos Danger rides again  . . . "Exit question: In the event that Hillary Clinton manages to become the next president in spite of her many ethical lapses and general air of dishonesty, one assumes that Huma Abedin will be spending a lot of time in the West Wing. Will her husband be tagging along for any visits? I only ask because Clinton is already famous for having trouble related to her handling of email and internet accessible documents, but Weiner clearly shouldn’t be near any sensitive materials with a camera enabled cell phone. We wouldn’t want the Russians getting hold of the launch codes, even if they had to crop Anthony Weiner’s crotch out of the photo." . . .
Ann Althouse comments: It's just another phallic Monday.
And a reader added this:
Though Huma and Wiener would do OK as the butt of a great deal of nasty humor, it's just that nobody in the whole foursome has any kind of redeeming qualities.
"Obamastan"?  "While Kapernick’s insertion of himself into the boiling racial cauldron of late stage Obamastan made him a hero to social justice weasels across the land, some fans were so outraged that they burned his jerseys." 

I'm sure there are issues where law-abiding African-Americans are mistreated, but the CJW's have done the worst possible job of making their case, using Sharpton, Farrakhan, looters, assassins, and Michelle Obama to present the worst possible picture of their stated plight. TD

Refs say Colin Kaepernick used racial slur

SPLC To List White Lives Matter Movement As A Hate Group, #BLM Omitted For Condemning Violence…   . . . "The Southern Poverty Law Center took notice after many requests to label the Black Lives Matter movement a hate group came across its figurative desks in the wake of the murder of eight Dallas and Baton Rouge police officers." . . .

Obama Refused To Meet With Family Of American Woman Killed While Being Held Hostage By ISIS…   Video
"If she were being held by Iran…
..The Muellers say President Obama twice refused to meet with them after their daughter was taken by ISIS and only agreed to see them after American hostages James Foley and Steven Sotloff had been brutally murdered by ISIS.
One of our first gender-neutral bathrooms

Hat tip to Don Standlee: Arlington, TX

Obama Refused To Meet With Family Of American Woman Killed While Being Held Hostage By ISIS…

"If she were being held by Iran…
..The Muellers say President Obama twice refused to meet with them after their daughter was taken by ISIS and only agreed to see them after American hostages James Foley and Steven Sotloff had been brutally murdered by ISIS.

Why the Obama and the NAACP rejection of charter schools

Education Next: Why Does the NAACP Oppose Charter Schools?
"This summer, at its national convention, the NAACP voted to support a moratorium on the growth of charter schools. Why?
"As Paul E. Peterson notes in US News, this decision is puzzling for a number of reasons.  Read here.
ednext-aug2016-blog-ototn-naacp-charters"First of all:  Forty-eight percent of African Americans say they favor the formation of charters, while only 29 percent stand in opposition, with the remainder taking the neutral position. In fact the opinions of African-Americans resemble those of the American public as a whole – 51 percent support, 28 percent oppose, 21 percent neutral.

The NAACP is about teachers' unions, not black children  . . . "So what's going on?  Why would the nation's oldest civil rights group deny African-American children a real opportunity to succeed?
"My guess is that most of these NAACP leaders send their kids to private schools anyway.  In other words, what do they care?
"More importantly, the Democratic Party is owned by the public-sector unions.  It's good for the party on election day, but it does not do minority parents any good when they try to educate their kids.
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Everything You Need to Know About the NAACP’s Stance on Charter Schools  
. . . "There’s not much survey data specifically on how Black parents feel about charter schools nationally, but it’s pretty clear that they resoundingly support a parent’s right to choose the best school for their child.
  • 72 percent of Black parents believe that charter schools offer options to low-income communities rather than take resources from traditional public schools. (Education Post, August 2015).
  • 82 percent of Black parents say families should be allowed to choose their child’s public school, regardless of where they live (NAPCS, April 2016).
  • 70 percent of Black voters support more school options for parents, including traditional public schools, charters and even voucher and scholarship programs (BAEO survey of four states in August 2015).
  • Image result for charter schools cartoons

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Message from a non-oppressed black man to Colin Kaepernick…

Allen West

. . . "If you want to know about oppression of blacks in America, past and present, how about you ask Rep. Nancy Pelosi of the San Fran Bay Area about the policies that decimated the black family? Maybe you can cross the Bay over to Oakland and ask Rep. Barbara Lee about the 13 to 15 million black babies killed since 1973, and ask her who is Margaret Sanger?
"Or perhaps you can ask the two California senators, Boxer and Feinstein, about who doesn’t support better education opportunities for black children in the inner cities — school choice, vouchers, charter schools, home schooling.
"Perhaps you didn’t know Barack Obama was the one who cancelled the DC school voucher program for deserving young black children — talk about oppression. Is that something you’re willing to do, or is it just too difficult?" . . .
Hat tip to Jeff Hayden; Plano, TX

The Burkini vs. Bikini War

Fay Voshell  . . . "It almost hurts to repeat the obvious: the belief that infidels should die and that one should act on that belief by murdering infidels – that is the real issue.

"Has not France experienced enough carnage wrought by Islamists to know what the real problem is?  Are the Charlie Hebdo incident, the slaughter of innocents during Bastille Day celebrations, and the beheading of Father Jacques Hamel not indicators that France's core problems concerning Muslims will not be solved by the Battle of the Burkini vs. the Bikini?

"Symbolism, especially humiliating symbolism, is a hallmark of secularist progressivism.  Banning certain items of clothing and forcing the donning of Western apparel is nothing new.  It was Kemal Ataturk who banned the fez, which itself had been introduced a hundred or so years earlier as a modernizing reform to replace the turban.  Ataturk banned the hat because it represented nationalists who wished a return to the Ottoman Empire.  Ataturk himself wished to ally Turkey with the West, not attach policies to restoration of the Ottoman Empire." . . .

Fay Voshell is a frequent contributor to American Thinker.  Her thoughts have appeared in multiple online venues, including RealClearReligion, National Review, CNS, and Fox News.

When Church and Politics Collide, How Will We Respond?

Image result for church and politics cartoons

Alliance Defending Freedom
A church—and a pastor—that doesn’t form consciences for such a calling will only ensure that those consciences are shaped by something other than the Gospel.
Assumption of Risk Forms: A Legal Blind Spot for Many Churches
"The formative role of the Church is one reason the pro-life movement continues to resonate, with growing numbers, among young Christians. Abortion and human dignity are clearly not singularly “political” issues, but issues that demand political, ecclesial, and cultural reform and persuasion. Most importantly, this resonates because younger Christians recognize the Gospel as of first importance, and the pro-life movement has demonstrated why the life issue is a Gospel issue.
"As Christians, we can engage politics and culture without becoming either outraged or indifferent. If we believe we are on the losing side of history, we slide into the rage of those who know their time is short. We have no reason to be fearful or sullen or mean. We’re not the losers of history. We are not slouching toward Gomorrah; we are marching to Zion. The worst thing that can possibly happen to us has already happened: we’re dead. We were crucified at Skull Place, under the wrath of God. And the best thing that could happen to us has already happened: We’re alive, in Christ, and our future is seated at the right hand of God, and He’s feeling just fine.

Get Your Free Political Guide for Pastors and Churches
"When it comes to politics, every church and ministry must decide for itself how specific to be when it comes to biblical guidance and engagement. Our new legal guide Pastors Churches & Politics will help ministries navigate the laws surrounding tax-exempt status for religious organizations. It will equip ministries to identify what activities are permitted and prohibited by the IRS and its regulations so that you can both shepherd your people and protect your ministry." 

Hillary Gets (More Than) a Little Help from Her Media Friends

Image by The Slammer 

Clarice Feldman  "Before the Internet when I wanted to keep track of a story, I had to clip articles and file them, often establishing over the years how much in error the press accounts had been. Now, a few clicks and there we have what we had remembered but not saved. It will come as no surprise to regular readers of the Washington Post to learn that one of their oped writers Ruth Marcus is easily exposed as a partisan spinner in a quick check of  a comparison of her treatment of Hillary Clinton and former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.

"This week, Marcus wrote an editorial critical of Donald Trump’s “unhinged calls” for a special prosecutor to look into the Clinton Foundation. She dismissed the claims that the Foundation was a “pay to play” operation." . . .
The most critical remark she can manage is to suggest that since Hillary is beset by “enemies” who apply a stricter standard to her, she should have been more careful.

An overview of Ms. Feldman's column shows the subjects she covers: 
1.) The Skolkovo Innovation Center
2.) U.S. Arms Exports to Bahrain
3.) Arms Sales to Other Clinton Foundation contributors
4.) Sale of U.S. uranium assets to Russia and helping Abu Dhabi

Saturday, August 27, 2016

A tale of two movies

Dan Joppich  "One of the silliest movies ever to hit the theatres is coming out this weekend.  It’s a movie based on Obama’s and Michelle’s first date.  My only interest in this movie is to see if it exceeds the box office success of Dinesh D’Souza’s recent movie, Hillary’s America.
"I mention it here in contrast to an interview this week on NPR with another black pioneer and the release of a movie based on his life and career that had to be somewhat uncomfortable for the liberal interviewer.  The movie, Floyd Norman: An Animated Life, is about the first black animator at Disney Studios.  Everything about this gentleman’s life is counter to the liberal progressive meme.  No matter how the interviewer tried to spin some kind of black triumph moment from Mr. Norman, he just couldn’t.  The 81-year-old said flat out that he has never in his entire life experienced any form of racism.

"How can that be?  It was the fifties, and this was a Disney studio, churning out one racist movie after another.

"Maybe it’s not as unusual as the liberal black racial divide industrialists like Sharpton and J. Jackson would have us believe." . . .

49ers Colin Kaepernick must have watched too many of Michelle Obama's commencement addresses. UPDATED

NFL   Also covered at Breitbart California

Perhaps he has watched too many of Michelle Obama's commencement speeches.

"San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has willingly immersed himself into controversy by refusing to stand for the playing of the national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States.
"His latest refusal to stand for the anthem -- he has done this in at least one other preseason game -- came before the 49ers' preseason loss to Green Bay at Levi's Stadium on Friday night.
" 'I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.' "...
"By taking a stand for civil rights, Kaepernick, 28, joins other athletes, like the NBA's Dwyane Wade, Chris Paul, LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony and several WNBA players in using their platform and status to raise awareness to issues affecting minorities in the U.S.". . . 

Right: NOT Kaepernick


49ers Fan Has A Flaming Message For Colin Kaepernick  . . . "He added: ‘People die every single day defending that flag you refuse to stand for and I won’t stand for that.’
" ‘This jersey was the worst $50 investment I have ever had … you should never play in the NFL again, move to Canada.’ "