Friday, October 21, 2016

New ISIS Video Shows Statue Of Liberty Wearing Face Veil, Holding A Koran…

Weasel Zippers

Screenshots from this video.


WikiLeaks poisons Hillary’s relationship with left

More on Hillary and Wikileaks after this article.

Politico via Drudge:
"After learning how Clinton feels about them, liberals vow to push back against her agenda and appointments."


"Donald Trump is pointing to a stream of hacked emails as proof that Hillary Clinton would be a compromised president, but a surprising number of progressives are drawing similar conclusions — albeit for totally different reasons.

"Some of the left’s most influential voices and groups are taking offense at the way they and their causes were discussed behind their backs by Clinton and some of her closest advisers in the emails, which swipe liberal heroes and causes as “puritanical,” “pompous”, “naive”, “radical” and “dumb,” calling some “freaks,” who need to “get a life.”

"There are more than personal feelings and relationships at stake, though.

"If polls hold and Clinton wins the presidency, she will need the support of the professional left to offset what’s expected to be vociferous Republican opposition to her legislative proposals and appointments.

"But among progressive operatives, goodwill for Clinton — and confidence in key advisers featured in the emails including John Podesta, Neera Tanden and Jake Sullivan — is eroding as WikiLeaks continues to release a daily stream of thousands of emailshacked from Podesta’s Gmail account that is expected to continue until Election Day." . . .

Julian Assange on the murdered Seth Rich, Democrat whistleblower.

TD: We welcome any refutations of the claims in this article:

Viral Liberty  "When Seth Rich was found shot in the back in the early morning hours on a Washington street it was reported to be a result of a robbery.  The problem with that story was Rich’s money, his wallet and his watch and phone were still on his body.

"The 27 year-old Rich was a DNC staffer who had joined the Democratic Party because he had believed that the Democrats actually want to use government to help people.  As he learned that the party he admired was actually nothing more than a crime syndicate masquerading as political party that cares about the people, he decided to go to the FBI with what he had learned while he worked at the DNC.
"He was murdered on his way to that meeting.  Assange felt threatened enough by Rich’s assassination to allow himself to be interviewed about it:"

. . . "The recent avalanche of emails, obtained legitimately or not, has made it obvious to everyone except Hillary’s true sycophants that the Clinton Democratic machine (aka the Clinton crime syndicate) will stop at nothing to gain control of the United States treasury."

Obama, the transformational, transparent president and his legacy in pictures.

Chris Wallace's 5 Best Questions Of The Third Debate

Daily Wire

"On Wednesday night, Chris Wallace showed other moderators how to be even-handed in conducting a presidential debate, and in the process asked at least five questions that elicited telling answers from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Here are five of his best:
"1. Wallace asked both candidates about their perspective of the proper role of the Supreme Court:
First of all, where do you want to see the court take the country? And secondly, what's your view on how the Constitution should be interpreted? Do the founders' words mean what they say or is it a living document to be applied flexibly according to changing circumstances?
"Clinton’s answer conspicuously omitted the most critical term regarding the court; the Constitution. Instead, she began by reading a laundry list of the constituencies that support her:
I feel strongly that the Supreme Court needs to stand on the side of the American people, not on the side of the powerful corporations and the wealthy. For me, that means that we need a Supreme Court that will stand up on behalf of women's rights, on behalf of the rights of the LGBT community, that will stand up and say no to Citizens United, a decision that has undermined the election system in our country because of the way it permits dark, unaccountable money to come into our electoral system.
Bonus cartoon from Breitbart's Army:

Ann Coulter says, "Hillary's advantage: the media; Trump's advantage: the issues"

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Ann Coulter  . . . "But now, the media's entire campaign against Trump is to prevent him from talking about policy. They would rather talk about fat-shaming than trade, immigration and jobs. 

"Sometimes, it seems like Trump is cheating by taking the vastly more popular side of every issue.

"The official GOP used to send its candidates out with ankle weights, a 75-pound backpack and blinders. But Trump didn't agree to take any staggeringly unpopular positions, however much the Business Roundtable loved them.

"He's against amnesty, for building a wall, against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, for Social Security, against the Iraq War and for extreme vetting of Muslim immigrants.

"That's why the media have to change the subject to something flashy that will capture the attention of the most down-market, easily fooled voters. Trump is a groper!

"The media's interest in sex scandals goes back and forth, depending on their needs at the moment. When the last name of the perp is "Kennedy" or "Clinton," they're not interested. When it's "the Duke lacrosse team": Guilty.

"The fact that a lacrosse team at an elite college had hired a couple of strippers, who -- THANK GOD ALMIGHTY -- turned out to be black, was all the evidence our media needed to conclude that the athletes had committed a gang-rape, based on centuries of entitlement.

"By contrast, when former U.S. senator John Edwards was cheating on his dying wife -- while he was running for president, paying his mistress with campaign funds and lying to the American people about it, between lecturing us about morality with the unctuous sanctimony that passes for policy in the Democratic Party -- the media primly refused to cover it. " . . .

Thursday, October 20, 2016

When A German Photographer Boarded This Abandoned Cruise Ship, The Results Were Haunting!

Aboard the recovered Costa Concordia
Image result for costa concordia photos


Hillary Clinton’s security detail laughed when she broke her elbow

“Condoleezza Rice was a true diplomat. She built a lot of rapport with her security detail. She would talk to you about family, football, she was one of the boys,” the agent said. “Hillary didn’t care. If you weren’t in her little inner circle — Huma Abedin or Cheryl Mills – she wanted nothing to do with you.”
NY Post

. . . "But Clinton, who frequently behaved like a diva-in-chief, according to the agent, made it worse by pointing the finger at her detail for the mishap.
“ 'She blamed us for breaking her elbow, saying it was our fault and we could have prevented that. She’s bad news,” the agent said.
"The agent’s account backed up FBI documents released this week that showed Clinton’s protective detail despised her for treating them with contempt.
“ 'When I first met her, we were given specific instructions: don’t look at her, don’t look at her general direction and if you need to talk to her, keep it short and stay out of her way,” the agent told The Post." . . .

Archaeologists find battle site where Romans breached Jerusalem walls

Times of Israel
Discovery confirms Josephus’s account of the conflict that saw destruction of Second Temple nearly 2,000 years ago, says Israeli Antiquities Authority

"Israeli archaeologists found the site of a fierce battle where the Roman army bombarded and breached the walls of Jerusalem before conquering the city and destroying the Second Temple almost 2,000 years ago, officials said Thursday.
. . . 
"During the dig, the archaeologists found the remains of a tower surrounded by scores of stones and boulders fired by Roman catapults at the Jewish forces guarding the wall, the Israel Antiquities Authority said in a statement.
“ 'This is a fascinating testimony of the intensive bombardment by the Roman army, led by Titus, on their way to conquering the city and destroying the Second Temple,” the statement said." . . .
The boulders fired by Roman catapults at the Jewish defenders of the wall. (Yoli Shwartz/ Israel Antiquities Authority)
The boulders fired by Roman catapults at the Jewish
defenders of the wall. 

. . . "The Third Wall had been completed as part of preparations by the Jews for the Great Revolt against Rome that began in 66 CE and ended in 70 CE when the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed, and the rout heralded the start of nearly two thousand years of exile." . . .

Gold Star Mom thanks football player who stood alone to honor America

First the background on this story  "Connor Brewer is fiercely loyal to his college football team. But he is also fiercely loyal to the United States of America.
"So when the Millikin University football team decided to protest the national anthem by remaining inside the locker room – instead of on the sidelines - Connor was faced with a decision." . . .

Decatur, Illinois Local sports reporter: Millikin football team to stay in locker room during anthem  

Millikin University football player Connor Brewer stands alone during the national anthem. Photo by Jeff Hill

Todd Starnes  "My column about the college football player who stood alone to honor the national anthem while his teammates hid in their locker room really struck a chord with readers.

"I've been inundated with hundreds of emails and messages from across the fruited plain -- all affirming their support of Connor Brewer, a football player at Millikin University. 

"The football team had decided to stay inside the field house until the national anthem had concluded - a form of protest against Lord knows what.

"But Connor chose to do the right thing -- the patriotic thing. 
I was especially touched by a poignant letter I received from a Gold Star mother - Debi Daniels. 

" 'Reading your article about Connor broke my heart," she wrote. "It was the loneliness -- that he had to be there by himself."

"She asked to me reach out to Connor and I did.

"'Please thank him for me," she said. "He has a lot of support."

"And based on your well-wishes and words of encouragement, it's clear to me that this young man who stood alone on the gridiron stands alone no more. 

"Mrs. Daniels said the recent controversy at Millikin University hit close to home for her family.

"That's because her son Nickolas was a member of the varsity football program at Millikin back in 2004. He played offense and defense - one heck of an athlete. 

"In 2010 Nickolas enlisted in the Marines. The following year he was killed in Afghanistan.

"Lance Corporal Daniels was a decorated Marine - awarded the Purple Heart, Combat Action Ribbons, a National Defense Service Medal, a Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and a Sea Service Deployment Ribbon.

"So you can understand why Mrs. Daniels has taken an interest in recent developments at the school.

" 'While I have stayed silent about this 'movement' this struck a tad close to home," she told me.

"The Daniels family told me they understand the protests - but they "just think there is another way."

"There's a reason we stand for the national anthem and we place our hand over our heart and pledge allegiance to the flag.

"It's to honor men and women who shed blood so that we might be free. It's to remember that our freedom comes with a price. 

"So when athletes take a knee -- they don't just disrespect the American flag -- they disrespect American heroes -- like Lance Corporal Nickolas Daniels of Elmwood Park, Illinois." 

"Two Unfit Candidates" debate

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Not Rigged, Thrown . . . "Trump is not the man. He can barely frame a coherent thought or articulate a comprehensible argument against her.
"The great theme of Trump’s campaign in one way or another is American sovereignty. If Trump did more than pretend to care about it, he would master an argument and discipline himself. He would take the trouble to select the strongest points to be made against a profoundly flawed opponent and learn how to make them.
"Understanding that he is going to lose “big league,” as he would say, to a pitifully weak opponent, he is more concerned about salvaging his pride than putting up a fight. As I say, I think it makes more sense to infer that he is throwing the contest than that the election is rigged (not that the latter makes much sense at all)."
Hillary Clinton's unrelenting smile at Wednesday's presidential debate made for uncomfortable viewing for some voters UK Mail: Twitter mocks Clinton's 'creepy grandma' grin as she smirks her way through presidential debate  "The Democratic candidate faced a flood of insults as she took to the stage at the University of Las Vegas, with many viewers confessing they were 'creeped out' by her stubborn grin.

"Hundreds took to Twitter to describe her smile as 'scary' and 'creepy'"

RedState: Donald Trump Isn’t Wrong To Question The Election Process  . . . "Except... what he said was he'd have to wait and see what happens on election day. And, if you'll pardon the Devil's Advocate argument here... shouldn't we?"

Jonah Goldberg: Trump’s Best Debate So Far...And His Worst  . . . "The tipping point was his refusal to turn on Vladimir Putin. “He said nice things about me!” is a line he always has to get in. It’s so strange, because he honestly seems to think that repeating this helps him. It doesn’t. After months of criticism that Trump is easily swayed by flattery, when he points out that Putin flattered him and suggests that’s a valid reason for not overly antagonizing Putin it only reinforces the critique."

As for Hillary. She, as ever, was plodding, uninteresting, deceitful, and arrogant. But she made no major mistakes because she understood she needs to sit on her lead and make this election a referendum on Donald Trump.
David French: Two unfit candidates  . . . "One last thing, it’s telling that even when the two candidates were at their best — Trump on life and judges and Clinton on Russia, NATO, and pursuing ISIS out of Iraq and into Syria — we still can’t quite trust their words. " . . .

American Thinker: Such a nasty woman  . . .  "Given the issues surrounding the election, such as the Pew report on the number of mistakes in registered voters, the Hillary campaign paying thugs to start fights at Trump rallies, the MSM refusing to cover the email scandal, and Wikileaks, it is rational to say we will review how the election was conducted.
"Trump won because his issues of reducing taxes, border control, and defeating terrorism are in the best interest of our country.  Trump made it clear that Hillary will be the third term of Obama."

UK Mail: Trump under fire for saying that about Hillary

The Federalist: No, Hillary Clinton, The Supreme Court’s Heller Decision Wasn’t About Toddlers "Hillary Clinton claimed the Heller decision was about toddlers. It was actually about whether a 66-year-old police officer had the right to keep a gun at home."
No mention of toddlers. Because the case wasn’t about toddlers. It was about whether the District of Columbia’s “total ban on handguns” — theSupreme Court’s characterization of the law at issue in the case — was constitutional. 

Donna Brazile Tells A Big Fat Lie And Gets Caught And Humiliated

RedState  "Megyn Kelly had Donna Brazile in her crosshairs last night (that is a metaphor for all you progressive hipsters who were triggered, it is not a literal statement of fact) and Donna Brazile emerged shaken and revealed as an obvious liar.
"This is the background. One of the windfalls of the Wikileaks publication of emails pilfered from the DNC was the revelation that then-CNN contributor and current DNC co-chair (take a moment and savor that career path and tell me the press is not a Democrat preserve) had access to at least one question that was going to be asked of Hillary Clinton in a town hall and she sent that question to Hillary's campaign. This would seem to be unethical conduct of the lowest sort. Not only was Brazile interceding to help her favored candidate she also betrayed the trust of her employer and her colleagues.
"Megyn Kelly called her out on it and Brazile's reputation as anything but a baldfaced and unconvincing liar will never be the same." . . .

. . . What you see here is a pathetic woman devoid of honor or integrity who has been caught in a lie -- not that it really matters because CNN will gladly take her back -- but she has never in her life faced hostile questioning and she's reduced to an effervescent puddle of #FAIL.