Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Cleaning Up Obama’s Foreign Policy Mess

"Our national purpose will be found in defeating the enemies of liberty."u national purpose will be found in defeating the enemies of liberty.

Abe Greenwald in Commentary Magazine  "What is America’s purpose in the world? At the end of 2016, with Barack Obama’s two-term presidency coming to a close, the question seems almost outmoded. Not only does the United States currently have no national purpose; the very idea of a national purpose is now unfashionable. This is the logical result of eight years of American political leadership devoted to minimizing American global leadership.
"In our democratic republic, we choose presidents who reflect the national mood, and they in turn lead a nation that becomes a reflection of them. In 2008, Americans were tired of the war in Iraq and elected Barack Obama on his promise to end that war—but he had a far larger retreat in mind. Pursuing a staunchly progressive worldview, Obama would oversee the withdrawal of American power around the globe. Yet as his vision of a better world lost out to the reality of a much more treacherous one, he refused to change course. Responding to the new threats would have distilled for the country a new sense of national purpose—something Obama expressly feared. In exacerbating and then downplaying a rising global wave of theocratic and secular tyranny, the president has left our sense of national purpose in a shambles. And having done so, he will depart the White House with the free world at great risk." . . .

Jan 2016; Foreign Policy magazine: Obama’s Failed Command
"But no assessment of Obama’s performance as commander-in-chief is more damning than the one offered by his own Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, in his 2014 memoir, Duty."
Obama’s Failed Command

"However hard President Barack Obama tries on Tuesday night to convince the American people that his seven years of wartime leadership have left the country safer and stronger, I’d venture to guess that history is not going to look particularly kindly on his tenure as America’s commander-in-chief." . .  .

Remember Obama's schedule after Americans were killed in Benghazi?

Jay Z will headline a concert for Hillary; Here are some of the vile things he’s rapped about women

Cartoons: Lisa Benson for October 25, 2016

Hot Air  "The Hillary Clinton campaign announced yesterday that recording mogul Jay Z will headline a concert on behalf of their African-American get out the vote effort, according to CNN." . . .
"Obviously, the Katy Perry t-shirt display is to draw attention to GOP nominee Donald Trump calling Clinton a “nasty woman” during last week’s debate. Because calling a woman “nasty” is an outrageous outrage and that kind of misogyny and hate speech against women can’t be tolerated and must be condemned.
"Which brings us to the irony of Jay Z performing on behalf of the Democratic Party’s nominee.  Let’s have a sample of the NSFW lyrics that Mr. Z has made a fortune promulgating.
"Here’s a delightful little ditty called “Bitches and Sisters”:
And this one you can play if you dare and are not easily offended:

Breitbart, Liberal Activist Cooperated On GOP Primary Disruptions: Report

Say it ain't so, Breitbart! I had expected so much better from you and do not like the thought of you as a conservative CNN or any outlet with the letters "NBC" in the name.  TD

Noisy Room, via Mark Hensch | The Hill

. . . "Breitbart Chairman Steve Bannon, meanwhile, became Trump’s campaign CEO in August after taking a leave of absence from the conservative site." . . .The Hill

candidatesThe Hill

. . . "Aaron Black teamed with the pro-Donald Trump outlet by alerting them to stunts, sharing raw video footage and orchestrating coverage, Politico reported on Monday.
“ 'He worked directly with Breitbart’s political team on the ground in the primary states to sabotage [Sens.] Marco Rubio [R-Fla.] and Ted Cruz [R-Texas], and elect Trump as nominee of the [Republican] party,” a source with direct knowledge of the arrangement told Politico.
“ '[Black] was coordinating with [Breitbart’s] top staff to rabble rouse against Rubio at rallies,” citing various disruptions during the former White House hopeful’s events." . . .

"Why would Black, a committed Democrat, work with a supposedly conservative publication to affect Republican primary results?

As hacked WikiLeaks emails from the Clinton campaign recently revealed, the Clinton campaign feared going up against Rubio in the general election. . .
PJ Media covers this story here: Breitbart Worked with Democrat Operative to Sabotage GOP Primary  "Andrew Breitbart, often described as a "happy warrior" for the conservative cause, now spins in his grave. The website he founded, which still bears his name, has been corrupted into a tool of anti-governing insurgency. Its mission: destroy the Republican Party by any means necessary.

"This much has appeared obvious to many for months, but has now been greatly substantiated. Breitbart.com was willing to go to any length to undermine the party, even colluding with a clandestine Democrat operative whose goals aligned with their own. "From Politico:" . . .

Image result for andrew breitbart pictures
Breitbart's response  "Politico’s Hadas Gold and the Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly severely misrepresented a series of events during the Republican primaries in an attempt to attack the Breitbart News Network, Breitbart News can reveal." . . .
The idea that Black “coordinated” Breitbart News coverage is a blatant misrepresentation of what happened. Black did on occasion—as he and any other effective organizer in politics does with everyone in media—tell Breitbart News about planned events he had coming up and different newsworthy actions he planned to take. Sometimes, when editors and reporters here deemed them newsworthy, Breitbart News would cover them. Other times not. For the reporters and editors at Politico who don’t understand, that is what is called journalism.

So you want to be a fashion model?

UK Daily Mail  "A brave model faced strong winds and terrifying conditions to pose for a breathtaking photo shoot on top of a 3,000 foot cliff.
"Kristina Marie Folcik-Welts, 38, also had to negotiate a billowing purple dress for the striking photographs featuring a backdrop of autumnal leaves and water.
"The model had to camp overnight on the spire at The Eaglet in Franconia Notch, New Hampshire, to be ready for the two-day shoot." . . . More here

Safety first: Photographer Jay Philbrick said that despite appearances, Kristina was securely attached to the rock throughout the shoot

Nature: The striking photographs featuring a backdrop of autumnal leaves and water

We haven’t seen these before! 45 mind blowing images of D-Day!


War History Online  "In 1944 the Allies began to plan an invasion of France, then occupied by Nazi Germany. Germany was losing on the Italian and the Russian Front, and it was decided that the time was right for an invasion from the west. At the Trident Conference in Washington, it was decided that the U.S. General Dwight Eisenhower would be Supreme Allied Commander, and the British General Bernard Montgomery would command all the land forces.
"They would land at Normandy in northern France and the codename for the invasion would be Operation Overlord. United States forces would land at two beaches, named Utah and Omaha. The British would land at Sword and Gold Beaches. The Canadians would land at Juno Beach.
"There were so many troops involved in Operation Overlord that two artificial ports, called Mulberry Ports, had to be built. Also, special tanks that could deal with beaches and obstacles had to be developed and built. They were nicknamed Hobart’s Funnies, named after their commander, Major General Percy Hobart." . . .

Monday, October 24, 2016

What German helmets were used for after WWII

Wimp  "There's nothing more efficient than this. A little odd? Maybe... but efficient nonetheless."

What Happened to the FBI’s Integrity?

Power Line

"But the Clintons ruin everything they touch, and James Comey’s refusal to recommend indictment of Hillary Clinton for her mishandling of classified information has damaged the FBI’s reputation, perhaps irreparably. Michael Ramirez comments memorably; click to enlarge:"


When This Dog Realizes Where He’s Going, He Has The Best Reaction Ever.

MetaSpoon . . . "Take a minute to imagine the joy and wonder of a child as they visit Disney World for the first time. Now, hold on to that feeling. That pure, unadulterated glee doesn’t compare to how the pup in this video feels about a trip to the dog park.

"This adorable dog sits in the car, wondering what adventure he and his owner are on today. “Are we going to the vet? That doesn’t sound like fun. I hope we’re going somewhere fun.” Along the way, he starts to notice or perhaps smell familiar surroundings. He is barely able to contain the excitement that threatens to boil over. It isn’t long before he is no longer able to keep quiet and a little whine escapes. Which turns into louder crying and finally he jumps into his owner’s lap. “WE’RE GOING TO THE DOG PARK THANK YOU SO MUCH!” What’s the moral of this story? Take time to enjoy the joy in life, even if it’s just spending a couple of minutes smiling while you watch this dog."

Trump vs Hillary: Rich Terrell has nailed it here.


. . . "Huang and the Clintons and their cronies are laughing still.  They have convinced some healthy percentage of the Republican establishment that making a crude comment eleven years ago is a greater sin than betraying America for campaign cash."  Jack Cashill
Trump Is Dangerous

A FRIGHTENING PREVIEW OF HILLARY’S AMERICA  . . . "The core issue came into focus with the very first question asked by Chris Wallace. Wallace asked Hillary and Trump if their vision for the Supreme Court was based on the Constitution or not. Hillary launched into a spiel about a Supreme Court that would stand for class warfare and gay rights. The only time she mentioned the Constitution was when she insisted that the Senate was constitutionally obligated to confirm Obama’s nominee. That is her vision of the Constitution; a document that grants her power to reshape the country without regard to the Founders or any previously existing rights or freedoms." . . .

Here’s A (Dirty) Laundry List Of The Clinton Foundation’s Most Questionable Foreign Donations  . . . "Wallace’s question came after numerous allegations from Republican nominee Donald Trump that the Clinton Foundation took donations from foreign governments, which influenced Clinton’s decision making while serving as secretary of state.
"These countries include states accused of human rights violations, economic interests in decisions by Clinton’s Department of State, and countries Clinton has pledged to confront if elected president." . . . Read about these countries and their influence over the Clintons here.
Political Cartoons by Mike Lester
Black Lives pair meets with Hillary Clinton in Cleveland . . . " 'There's no question Hillary Clinton wins Cuyahoga County," Budish said. "Our job is to make sure she wins by enough to win Ohio. And if she wins Ohio, she wins the presidency."
""While Clinton's half-hour speech was warmly received, a meeting beforehand may have proven just as vital to her attempt to win the vote in Ohio's largest concentration of African-Americans." . . .
Clinton and Trump couldn't be further apart on abortion  . . . "From the very first moments of the final presidential debate, the choice on life could not have been clearer. Hillary Clinton budged not an inch — not a single baby — from her extreme stance on abortion, andDonald Trump stood firm on his pro-life commitments. The contrast was dramatic." . . .

The watchdog media looks over us

No Consequences From Media Peers for Reporters Caught Colluding With Hillary

CLEVELAND, OH - JULY 20: Politico reporter Glenn Thrush talks with Julie Mason while recording an episode of "The Press Pool" at Quicken Loans Arena on July 20, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio.

. . . "But if you’re a Politico or New York Times scribe or CNBC anchor John Harwood and hacked emails emerge that reveal you outright colluding with Hillary Clinton campaign—by giving advice or providing the communications director “veto” power over what to include from your interview with the candidate or allowing campaign chair John Podesta veto power over your stories—that is another matter.
"Your media friends will not censure you or even scold you—in fact, they don’t bother to contact you directly. Instead, you can hide between a crafty spokesman who won’t even answer specific questions but acts like he’s the publicist for some elusive Hollywood star and that a journalist determined to ask standard pointed questions is actually pining to profile him for Vanity Fair.
"That was essentially the response from Politico spokesman Brad Dayspring when this columnist asked to interview reporter Glenn Thrush about his newly revealed emails. Dream on, he replied, emailing me: “I want to play third base for the Yankees.”
"Hacked emails reveal that Thrush has apologized to campaign chairman John Podesta for writing a “s-----y” story that embarrassed the operation. In another email, Thrush called himself a “hack” and promised to let Podesta approve parts of his story on the campaign’s fundraising efforts." . . .

What This Election Means for Feminism Video update

Male chauvinist pig.

Bruce Walker  "This presidential election marks the beginning of the end of modern feminism.  That is true regardless of whether Hillary or Trump wins.
"Feminism is a fraud.  Women have never been "victims" in American life the way blacks were as slaves and in the Jim Crow South. 
"Consider the evidence.  Women have more wealth in America per capita than men, and women spend much more of the national wealth than men.  Women live longer than men.  Women have never been drafted into grim combat in overseas wars.  Women are a much smaller percentage of the prison population and are much less likely to be victims of violence. 
"Whatever the dubious merits of affirmative action for blacks, affirmative action for women was always a moral obscenity and a mockery of justice.  Affluent women like Hillary got favored treatment in admission to colleges and advancement in employment and almost everything else while poor white boys from blue-collar homes were sent to the back of the line. " . . .
The cries today of feminists and civil rights leaders sound to the ears of any parent like spoiled brats who inevitably fall back to the juvenile "That's not fair!" singsong whenever life demands of them the same difficulties that life demands of any grownup in our land.
Updated- Danney Williams urban legend?: Black Rapper SLAMS Hillary & Bill In BRUTAL Song

Sunday, October 23, 2016

American silliness; brought to you by the people who select our presidential candidates these past nine years Yoga pants update!

New object of hate: Guy who complained about older women in Yoga pants
"Women plan large protest at Rhode Island man’s house as he receives death threats."
"The internet moves from object of hate, to object of hate.
"Perhaps a prime example was Justine Sacco, who after tweeting an ambiguous, clearly satirical message about AIDS that some people interpreted as racist, found herself the subject of an internet hunt — all while she was on an airplane to Africa. By the time she landed, she had been fired from her job, and people tracked her airplane and confronted her at the airport when she landed. The writer for Gawker who started the whole thing apologized years later.
"Certainly there have been many other such examples, but the Sacco incident stands out.
"I don’t know if it will reach Sacco proportions, but there is an internet “outrage” gaining momentum against a guy in Barrington, RI, who wrote a letter to the editor of the local newspaper complaining about older women who wear yoga pants: . . . " (more)

Sillier and sillier; UPDATE:  Hundreds of people wearing yoga pants parade past man’s house in R.I.
. . . "Quickly, it snowballed into a “Yoga Pants Parade” Sunday afternoon with hundreds of people walking past the letter writer’s house — and a few death threats, according to the author, who said he had only intended satire." . . . 
Buffalo Bills fans chant USA, boo Kaepernick as he kneels for anthem  "Buffalo Bills fans have had enough of San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick protesting the national anthem. They chanted “USA! USA!” when he took a knee and then booed him loudly when he took the field."

Black Lives Matter Supporter Sings National Anthem On One Knee   . . ."Denasia Lawrence was scheduled to sing the National Anthem before the Miami Heat/Philadelphia 76ers preseason game, but neither team or league officials knew what she really had in mind. As she walked out to mid-court, Lawrence opened her jacket revealing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt. She dropped to one knee and then sang The Star Spangled Banner, taking this ridiculous and disrespectful protest to a new low.
"There were some boos from the crowd, but sadly most in attendance cheered this travesty." . . .
(Video) ‘Cowards’ Write ‘Kill All Police, Kill James Craig’ On Side Of Detroit Building  “ 'The coward that did this, just know, it’s a matter of time — we’ll find you,” Craig said.
"Craig said that whomever tagged the message might be looking at felony terrorist threat charges.
Holtschneider not only declined to approve the flyers, but sent a letter to the entire university body explaining that the pro-life posters constituted “bigotry” and were not considered free speech.

. . . "Holtschneider not only declined to approve the flyers, but sent a letter to the entire university body explaining that the pro-life posters constituted “bigotry” and were not considered free speech." . . .