Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Theology of Climate Change

Theodore Dalrymple  . . . "Personally, I have no axe to grind on climate change because I am too ignorant to have a firm opinion on the question. Is the climate changing more than it always has? Is the change caused by human activity? Is the change entirely harmful? If harmful, is it reversible by the means proposed? I have heard intelligent, honest and informed people on both sides of these questions, and I was (immediately afterwards) convinced by what they said.
"This paper seemed to me to have all the stigmata, if I may so put it, of a bandwagon being jumped on. The authors’ trips to Nepal probably did far more harm to their precious environment than their investigations did it good. But at least they would have enjoyed themselves, which is a consolation." via Gregorio Enrique Sandoval 

Here's why Bruce Springsteen's blue-collar heroes have made Donald Trump their rock star

LA Times  via Drudge:

Voices have been fundamentally ignored and not heard. These are folks who feel Donald Trump has been listening to them and speaks for them on some level.
— Bruce Springsteen

. .  . "A little farther down the Mahoning River, where scrap metal shone dull in the thicket and broken pallets were scattered like bones, Bill Skinner climbed down from polishing the top of his truck and told the rag man he’d pay him something next week. He pulled off his gloves, lighted a cigarette and railed that Muslims want to impose Islamic law, political correctness imperils masculinity and jobs keep dying or getting sent to Mexico or China.

“'Steel is wiped out and Obama is wiping out the coal and mining industries. Hillary wants to finish what he started. Our country is $20 trillion in debt. America has gone from the toilet to the sewer, ” he said. “Hillary and anyone connected to her should be in jail. If anyone’s going to stop this nonsense, it’s a guy from the outside.' ”

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hillary’s climate of hate

Image result for vengeful hillary cartoons

Michelle Malkin  "Who are the haters? Who are the autocrats? Who are the serial abusers of power?
"Only one presidential candidate has wielded the sledgehammer of government against personal enemies.
"Only one presidential candidate has exploited a spouse’s public office to exact revenge on political dissenters.
"Only one presidential candidate has a quarter-century track record of taxpayer-subsidized demagoguery and class warfare.
"And as the most recent undercover investigation by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas revealed this past week, only one presidential candidate has been directly linked to a scheme to foment chaos and violence at her opponent’s rallies.
"Ignore the kindly grandma with the “Stronger Together” backdrop warbling about her happy family and singing the praises of diversity and inclusion. Look beyond the carefully manufactured semblance of bipartisanship and moderation.
"Remember history — or rather, “herstory.”
"Hillary Clinton isn’t just a nasty woman. She’s a ruthless hatemonger devoted wholly to two corrupt pursuits while on the federal teat: tearing down and cashing in.
"To clueless millennials, “bimbo eruptions” might sound like a Trumpism. But it was vintage Team Hillary’s misogynistic moniker for horndog Slick Willie’s accuser outbreaks in the 1990s." . . .

Podesta Email: Dear John, Hillary And Bill Are Not Honest, Use People And Are Most Likely Criminal

Clinton Family Thieves
Weasel Zippers

Related?  WikiLeaks: New Evidence Podesta Schemed to Hide Russian-Tied Assets  . . .  " 'Not exactly presidential material. Your defense of them [loses] all [credibility] to those that admire you." Turns out Podesta may be just as unethical as the family he serves so loyally." . . .

The Left Turns on Bob Dylan for His Pro-Israel Views, Refusal to Acknowledge Nobel Prize

PJ Media

. . . "It's a tremendous honor for the legendary singer-songwriter, that's for sure. But it's also stirred up its share of controversy. I won't debate Dylan's award—I'll leave that to my esteemed colleagues Andrew Klavan and Ron Radosh—except to say two quick things. First, when the Nobel Peace Prize has gone to people like Yasser Arafat and Barack Obama, did it dim the luster of the prizes in other categories? And second, I like the idea of songs like "Gotta Serve Somebody" and
"Saved" (and, apologies to Andrew, even "It Ain't Me, Babe") joining the pantheon of Nobel Prize-winning literature.

"But now that the reliably left-leaning Nobel Prize Committee has given Dylan an award, a funny thing has happened. The left has begun to turn on Dylan for being less than the predictable leftist they have expected him to be." . . .

"The first example comes to us from that cherished source of unbiased news, Al Jazeera. In a recent editorial, French sociologist and "media critic" Ali Saad takes the media to task for reporting the news of Bob Dylan's award without mentioning that he—gasp—supports Israel. Saad gripes that: outlets, both Arab and international, framed the story without taking issue with Dylan's pro-Israel stance and instead portrayed him exclusively through the prism of his constructed image as defender of the oppressed.
"Saad goes on to cite "Neighborhood Bully," an early '80s tune from Dylan that expresses support for the nation of Israel." . . .

Still think Obama is the messiah known as "He Who Must Be Believed"?

First this perspective:

"We have to rely on WikiLeaks to inform use because the MSM have abandoned their duty of honest reporting to work for the election of Hillary."  J. Marsolo
Zero Hedge: The Smoking Gun: Cheryl Mills Tells Podesta "We Need To Clean This Up - Obama Has Emails From Her"
Once again he tells us that he first heard from the news reports.

. . . "So just how did Mills and Podesta "clean up" the fact that Obama lied to the American people, a tactic some could allege is evidence of an attempt to cover up a presidential lie to protect Hillary Clinton.
"What we do know, and we assume this is completely unrelated, between March 25-31, just a couple of weeks after Mills said "we need to clean this up," Bleachbit was used to wipe Hillary's private server clean. But of course, that is purely a coincidence.
"Since we are confident others will also demand an answer, in light of the latest revelation hinting at a collusive cover up extending to the very top of US government, or as Cheryl Mills dubbed it a "clean up", perhaps it is time for the State Depratment to unveil just what was said between the president and the Clinton campaign?" . . .
Another lie: Obama learned about Hillary's emails from the news
. . . "Why did Obama lie?  He knew Hillary would be the Democratic nominee, and like it or not, he had to work to help elect her, as he has furiously done.  A Hillary win would keep his lies a secret since he never suspected that Podesta's emails would be hacked and released." . . .

Wikileaks: Clinton aides scrambled to fix Obama false claim didn’t know about personal email or server  . . . "He knew Hillary’s email address was not a address. It doesn’t take a genius to know that her private email address was therefore on a separate server.

"Today, Wikileaks dumped more emails from Hillary’s campaign chair John Podesta’s email address. Included in the batch is an email from Hillary aide Josh Schwerin to Hillary’s communications aide Jennifer Palmieri about a tweet by Katherine Miller on March 7 that questioned Obama’s claims he only found out about the email system through the media." . . .

Andrew C. McCarthy: ‘We Need to Clean This Up’: More Evidence Obama Lied about Hillary’s Private E-mails  "There was panic in Camp Clinton when President Obama falsely told the public he had not known about then-Secretary Hillary Clinton’s use of private e-mail until he heard about it “through news reports.”

"In reality, Obama and Clinton exchanged at least 18 e-mails through Clinton’s private account and homebrew server system. And we now know, based on investigative reports released by the FBI, that Obama used a pseudonym in at least some of his e-mails with Clinton. Moreover, as I noted in a column ten days ago, top advisers to Obama and Clinton flagged the Obama–Clinton e-mails problem before Obama issued his false denial of knowledge." . . .

Source: WikiLeaks

Reset THIS!

Please tell me after that silly "Reset button" episode why Putin would not fervently hope to see a Democrat back in charge of US foreign policy.

Newt Gingrich blasts Megyn Kelly for biased coverage on Trump’s alleged sexual assaults: 'You are fascinated with sex'

NY Daily News . . . “ 'You want to go back to the tapes of your show recently? You are fascinated with sex and you don’t care about public policy,” the former GOP House Speaker said on Fox News’ “The Kelly File.”
“ 'Me? Really?” Kelly said, crocking an eyebrow. "Listen, Mr. Speaker, I'm not fascinated by sex, but I am fascinated by the protection of women and understanding what we're getting in the Oval Office."
Kelly might have stepped in it a bit here. She also said, when Gingrich challenged her to say the words "Bill Clinton, sexual predator" (which she refused to do) she said Bill Clinton wasn't on the ticket. Newt said "he'll be in the East Wing!" Did you have plans to see your daughter be an intern at the White House?
. . .  "Gingrich, an ardent Trump supporter, blew his top, lashing out at the media for reporting on 12 women who have accused the GOP presidential nominee of sexual assault.

"He asked Kelly why she wasn’t concerned about Bill Clinton’s history as a cad. Kelly countered she had covered sex abuse allegations lobbed at the former President, but pointed out that polls have shown voters are more interested in allegations against a man who's currently asking the American people to elect him to the office."

on air  "Newt Gingrich, never a shrinking violet when it comes to fighting back against biased questions, met Megyn Kelly on air last night, and an epic battle erupted.  As Election Day nears and the mainstream media drumbeat of doom for Donald intensifies, tempers are flaring.  Tongues are wagging and pixels are being mobilized in response to last night’s blow-up, with some commentators seeming to be pro-Kelly/anti-Newt.  Josh Feldman of Mediaite:" . . .

It’s About Time – Newt Gingrich Finally Had Enough of Megyn Kelly…

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


The Watchtowers  "Hillary is afraid of the gallows if Trump wins. She was interviewed by Matt Lauer and went off in a tirade of cursing. Hillary said: ” If that f – – – ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!” Camera’s were not allowed to film the massive meltdown. But the staffers couldn’t believe how horrible she was.

"Remember the Sept. 7 Commander-in-Chief Forum where Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton appeared separately but back-to-back for 30 minutes each?

"According to an email forwarded to us late last night, which originated from a Comcast email address, the technical crew for NBC which produced the event is now speaking out about what took place moments after Clinton walked off the set – a massive profanity-laced tirade aimed at NBC’s host, Matt Lauer.
"It turned out that Clinton had been fed all the questions for approval in advance of the forum.
"But then, after the approval, Matt Lauer had had a change of heart and he started his questioning with an unapproved line concerning Clinton’s use of an illegal private server for her sometimes classified, work-related emails." . . .

Self-proclaimed 'Clinton fixer' is unmasked on Hannity . . .

Jaw Drop

"The man who detailed his years working as a fixer for Bill and Hillary Clinton in the National Enquirer last week revealed himself on Monday night's episode of Hannity.

"Jeff Rovin, a writer and former editor of Weekly World News, said that he was the man who detailed 12 'fixes' he did for the Clintons, most of which involved Bill's alleged relationships with women.

"During the interview with Sean Hannity however, Rovin downplayed most parts of the story, saying that the Enquirer had been in possession of the records for years.

"Rovin said that he had very little contact with the Clintons and only met Hillary twice, while never accepting any payments for his work. 

"He also said that he has since apologized to one of the woman he worked to take down - Monica Lewinsky. "

Here he is: The Clinton fixer who gave an interview in the National Enquirer last week was revealed as Jeffrey Rovin (above) on Monday night's episode of Hannity

. . . "In his Enquirer story, Rovin (Left) claimed Hillary had him scrub Foster's office and remove Whitewater documents, just two hours after the White House employee's lifeless body was found in a park outside Washington DC.

"'I was informed that these stories would involve rumors of Bill Clinton‘s many sexual dalliances and an alleged ongoing affair of Hillary Clinton with a male member of her law firm, Vince Foster, as well as a female mover-and-shaker in Hollywood,' the fixer said of their first meeting about the possible new job.
Out in the open: Rovin said that Hillary and Vince Foster's affair was an 'open secret' among members of his circle (Clinton and Foster above)
Out in the open: Rovin said that Hillary and Vince Foster's affair was
 an 'open secret' among members of his circle (Clinton and Foster above)

"'For a retainer of $4,000 a month - paid by a third party, not the campaign - I was told to keep these stories hush-hush in one of two ways: by trading access to the Clintons for “positive” interviews, or by paying the reporters.' " . . .

The Enquirer was right on when they broke the John Edwards affair before election time, so that was good work. But then they also broke stories like this:
Weekly World News

Hillary and the media against Trump

The Media Can’t Be Bothered To Fact-Check Trump’s Accusers
. . . "Less than 48 hours after interviewing Leeds, and despite Trump’s protests that the charge was false, the Times ran the allegation on the front page. The reporters couldn’t confirm the date or even the year the incident supposedly occurred, or on what flight. They didn’t find even one witness. No facts." . . .
. . . ""Allred appears heavily involved. Democrats have called on her to smear Republican candidates in the past, including presidential hopeful Herman Cain and California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman." . . .

THE WIKILEAKS LIST: At Least 65 MSM Reporters Were Meeting with and/or Coordinating Offline with Top Hillary Advisors


Big Journalism  The “broader universe of New York reporters” includes several top news anchors for network and cable channels, many of whom are listed as a “yes” for the appearance:
From ABC: Cecilia Vega, David Muir, Diane Sawyer (who could only stay for 30 minutes), and George Stephanopoulos.From CBS News: Norah O’Donnell.From CNN: Brianna Keilar, Gloria Borger, John Berman, and Kate Bolduan.From MSNBC: Alex Wagner and Rachel Maddow (“TRYING”).From NBC: Savannah Guthrie.
“Yes” respondent George Stephanopoulos worked for Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign and was a Senior Adviser to the President during Clinton’s first White House term. Stephanopoulos does not disclose this fact when reporting on the 2016 Clinton campaign for ABC News." . . .
. . . "CNBC’s John Harwood, who was also a moderator for a 2015 presidential debate, emailed Podesta frequentlypractically begging for approval and access." . . .

The coming media settlement with Hillary  . . . "If Hillary Clinton wins the Nov. 8 election — and it’s no sure thing, according to some of the respectable polls — she should not necessarily expect to extend the passionate honeymoon with her eager bridegrooms in the mainstream media. She can expect to minister to a lot of hangovers, which is sloppy duty that any number of wives of drunks could tell her is no fun.

"All those men and women who eagerly plunged into the tank with her months ago will have no further reason to pay homage to her, and can redeem themselves, even unto themselves, by ridding themselves of the scent and stain of selling out the credibility of the journals they work for. Some of them have spectacular sins to atone." . . .
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Geez, Louise! High school event holds terrors that people can't imagine!

ACLU: High School Event Honoring Police Officers Sends “Frightening Message”…


"Via Fox News:
"A New Jersey high school has come under fire after holding a ceremony honoring law enforcement, military and first responders before a football game Friday night."According to, an organizer with the New Jersey chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union claimed the ceremony sent a “frightening message.”"Middletown police Deputy Chief Stephen Dollinger organized the event before a highly-anticipated game between Middletown High School South and Toms River High School North. It featured State Police Pipes and Drums of the Blue and Gold, state and local mounted units, personnel from all of the branches of the military and officers from several local offices."The ceremony also honored a Linden police officer who was wounded in a shootout with Ahmad Khan Rahimi, who is accused of planting IEDs in Seaside Park, Elizabeth and New York City." . . .
What have our people become? I suppose we have become this:
Berkeley SJWs Demand “Safe Spaces” For Transgenders And “Spaces Of Color” For Non-Whites…
. . . "A video of Friday’s protest shows a large group of protesters preventing white students from passing over a bridge while allowing access to students of color.

"In addition to blocking access to Berkeley’s Sather Gate, a key bridge on the route to many classes, the wall of protesters also prevented white students from studying in the Student Union and stopped traffic at the main intersection in the front of campus."
Fruit for the next "American Silliness" post. Thanks Obamas.