Monday, December 12, 2016

The Theology of Christmas Movies

This is an audio presentation so you will need sound. It is a caveat for what we enjoy at Christmas time: good, wholesome family movies with characters we like and an encouraging, though mostly secular story.


White Horse Inn  
Hosted by Adriel Sanchez Justin Holcomb Michael Horton Whitney Gamble

"What’s the true spirit of Christmas? That’s the question at the heart of countless Christmas movies that clutter the airwaves and cable listings at this time of year. But the answer one typically receives from films of this genre is not merely a departure from the biblical narrative, but rather is a kind of anti-gospel that turns our attention completely away from the redemption provided by the incarnate Son of God. The hosts will discuss this topic by walking through memorable lines from movies such as A Christmas CarolIt’s a Wonderful LifeThe Grinch Who Stole Christmas,and many others."

Fake news and the desire to "Watergate" Trump

"These days, the liberal media don’t wait for enemy governments to make stuff up. They do it themselves."

Putin and Mad Dog

Fake News: CIA Says Russia Preferred Trump  "The Washington Post has unflaggingly stirred up hysteria over so-called "fake news," so it's extra-ironic that the media giant is one of the country's foremost purveyors of the same.  In the Post's world, a bunch of guys with Dorito-stained fingers who blog in their parents' basements have done everything from manipulating the election to provoking a nutcase into an attack on a D.C. pizzeria.  Meanwhile, the Post's banner headline on Saturday was the innuendo-filled and poorly sourced announcement "CIA: Russia favored Trump," which sounds like fake news, too."

The King of Fake News  . . . "The liberals would love to do away with free speech, as Hillary Clinton would have if she’d been elected and could have packed the Supreme Court with liberals who would have reversed the Citizens United decision and others protecting free speech. But the best way to do away with about 99 percent of the “fake news” that is broadcast and printed is for the liberals and their media allies to stop creating it.  
"Fake news — propaganda — is often risible and easily recognized. When the North Korean government described the first time Kim Jong-Il (father of Kim Jong-Loon, the current dictator) went golfing, they broadcast that he scored a hole-in-one five times in one round of golf.
"These days, the liberal media don’t wait for enemy governments to make stuff up. They do it themselves." . . .

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Andrew Klavan: Fighting Back Against Fake News  . . . "So as a public service — and braving the anger of my readership — I'd like to expose a few other absurd fake news stories."
  1. Police Target Blacks
  2. The Obama Economy is Strong
  3. The Climate is in Crisis
Liberals’ fake-news panic proves they can’t handle the truth

Did Russia Help Trump Get Elected? Consider The Source(s)  . . . "Meanwhile, one day after the Post published its Friday bombshell report of Russian interference with the election, it reported that the FBI and the CIA told congressional leaders very different accounts of what might or might not have transpired, and that "for the Democrats in the room, the FBI's response was frustrating — even shocking."

"It was frustrating and shocking for Democrats to learn that there isn't definitive evidence of Russian meddling in the presidential election? Whose side are they on again? Besides, isn't it the FBI, not the CIA, that is responsible for counterintelligence about threats to the U.S., especially if they take place on U.S. soil? Was the CIA doing something here that they shouldn't have?" . . . Thanks to Lucianne for many of these links.

Hillary and Fake News  . . . "Hillary is a consummate serial liar. From lying to the parents of the four Benghazi dead in front of their sons’ caskets, repeating the infamous video lie, of which she arguably was the architect, to dodging sniper fire in Bosnia, to being named for Sir Edmund Hillary years before he climbed Mt. Everest, to her claim she made $100,000 in the futures market almost literally overnight just from reading the Wall Street Journal.
"Her call for a war on “fake news” is laughable. As Politico reports:" . . .

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

PowerLine: RUSSIAN “MEDDLING” IN ELECTION: MOST OVERBLOWN STORY EVER?  . . . "But the supporting information is very thin. The third-hand account in the Post admits that it wasn’t actually the Russian government that did the hacking:

[I]ntelligence agencies do not have specific intelligence showing officials in the Kremlin “directing” the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to WikiLeaks, a second senior U.S. official said. Those actors, according to the official, were “one step” removed from the Russian government, rather than government employees.
 McConnell Says No To John McCain’s Demand For A Select Committee On Russian Hacking "Over the weekend the leading topic of discussion was an allegation made by the CIA that the Russian government had interfered in the election with the intention of electing Donald Trump. As is so often the case, whenever a headline is to be made by giving the Democrats a hand, John McCain was standing by: ' . . .

4 Reasons Trump Should Demand A Transparent Investigation Of Russian Election Influence  . . . "For once, he should make the most strategically sound move and go against his own character. In this particular situation, he should lead the charge to ask questions, find answers, and condemn any wrongdoing that is identified.
"Here’s why…"
Clinton Christmas

Legal Insurrection: Media creating fake news about “fake news”
"Because I write so much about climate change, I am constantly barraged by fake news about the hoax-based science.
"The good news: The mainstream media has finally noticed the fake news problem.
Brian Williams Suspended"The bad news: The main stream media hasn’t recognized it’s a significant source of the problem.

"The ugly news: There are policies proposals being bandied about that are suppose to prevent the spread of “fake news” (i.e. news found on conservative and other sites that the progressive left want silenced)." . . .

Barbara Walters feels ABC execs have ‘ruined’ legacy of ‘The View’

Page Six

"Barbara Walters thinks ABC execs have ­ruined “The View” and fears the show will be ­remembered for its petty backstage bickering and revolving door of talent.
“ 'She feels they’ve ruined the franchise that she and Bill Geddie built. Instead of focusing on smart, educated women with strong talent, they cast uninformed child actors on the show. The legacy has been compromised because of poor casting and bad leadership under ABC News,” a source told us." . . .

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Did golf save the United States?

American Thinker  . . . "A couple of months before Donald Trump shellacked Hillary Clinton in the election, President Obama took some time away from his busy golf schedule to continue his global apology tour, in Laos, where he twice implied that Americans are lazy.  Interesting words coming from a president who has played more than three hundred games of golf during the course of his seven-year presidency.  Yes, I say seven years, because, during the nearly eight years since he took the oath of office, he has spent close to one entire year of his presidency whacking a little white ball around.
"In a sane world, the employer (American citizens) would clearly have terminated an employee (Obama) for such a lax attitude toward work.  But a gimmie is surely in order for this particular putz, as his golfing escapades may have actually turned out to be a good thing for the vast majority of Americans." . . .

Image result for obama golf cartoons

As California confronts Trump, rural Republicans hunker down

Politico  "Frost settled on cattle ranches and pine groves in this conservative outpost of California, amid a more political chill over the state’s emergence as a national counterweight to Donald Trump.

"While the state’s dwindling number of conservatives had celebrated an unexpected victory in Trump’s election last month, they are now facing a harsh reality in which a backlash threatens to push their state further to the left. And it’s already underway — with super-majorities in both houses of the Legislature, Democrats this week began mustering a vigorous resistance to the president-elect, introducing measures to protect undocumented immigrants and promising similar movement on health care and the environment.

" 'They’re empowered now, and they’re mad,” said Mark Baird, who fixed an American flag to his barn on his ranch outside Fort Jones one recent morning. “It’s over. This is Stalinist Russia.”

"Following the election, Baird, a leader of a longstanding and improbable effort by several Northern California counties to secede from California, warned fellow property owners about water-related environmental policies he feared “are going to heat up” in the Spring. Meanwhile, Baird was preparing to sue the state over its dearth of lawmakers representing rural, sparsely populated counties." . . .

It Turns Out Donald Trump Isn’t The Racist Sexist Homophobe Liberals Say He Is

Downtrend  "Hillary Clinton and the liberal media painted a false portrait of Donald Trump during the election as a racist misogynist homophobe. None of that is based on facts or even anecdotal evidence, but the fragile liberal population has taken it as gospel. It’s so bad that liberals have crisis councilors to deal with Trump’s election and are committing acts of violence to denounce him. If they could take their heads out of their asses for a brief moment however, they might notice he is not quite the monster they believe him to be.
"First, and this is an important fact that the media chooses to ignore, is that Donald Trump is the only president in the history of America to enter office supporting gay marriage. Obama didn’t support it until after he took office and VP Joe Biden accidentally outed him. Bill Clinton never supported same-sex marriage his entire two terms." . . .

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Unconfirmed by Trump Report: Rex Tillerson, “Paired” with John Bolton as his deputy Secretary of State

Legal Insurrection

"While this has yet to be confirmed by President-elect Trump or his team, NBC News is reporting that CEO Rex Tillerson will be nominated for Secretary of State with John Bolton serving as his second.

"NBC News continues:
Tillerson will be paired with former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton as his deputy secretary of state for day-to-day management of the department, one source added.
As secretary of state, Tillerson would be fourth in line to the presidency.
. . .
"McClatchy has more information about Tillerson.
Tillerson will face confirmation hearings in the Senate." . . .

If you blinked, you may have missed Julián Castro’s rising star

Legal Insurrection
"With Hillary loss, Castro has gone from the everywhere man to the nowhere man."

Julian Castro Obama Poster

. . . "Now that Hillary has lost and Dems are in the wilderness, what is a once rising star to do?

Just a few short months ago, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro appeared to stand a decent chance of becoming the next vice president.
A few weeks ago, the San Antonio Democrat looked poised to assume another high-ranking executive role in a Hillary Clinton administration.
Now, as Democrats pick up the pieces from their nationwide losses on Election Day, Castro is preparing to be unemployed and seems destined to spend some time in the political wilderness.
. . . 
Unlike his brother, Secretary Castro has ruled out the possibility of challenging Sen. Ted Cruz in his 2018 re-election race. He hasn’t turned down the idea of running for governor, but many Democrats were disappointed Trump’s 9-point margin of victory in Texas wasn’t lower, which would have increased the odds of seeing more competitive statewide races.

The reckoning: Who was the absolute worst pundit of the election?

Thomas Lifson   "Is it schadenfreude season yet?  Surely, the epic failure of the pundit class deserves some commemoration.  There just has to be a reckoning for people who sold opinions that were completely off-base, out of touch, and hilariously arrogant.

"The controversy over Mitt Romney as a possible secretary of state for Donald Trump has boiled down to a few elements, perhaps the most prominent at the moment being the desire for an apology being expressed by a number of Trump loyalists.  But what about the pundits?  If they earn their living by providing expert analysis, haven’t they disgraced themselves?
"Now, I can understand a number of candidates having strong supporters.  George Will, who publicly wished for a 50-state Hillary Clinton victory, certainly deserves consideration.  But it is on the left that we find the most vitriol, or perhaps just the loudest vitriol, considering the depth of Will’s desire.
"One nominee worth considering is Bob Beckel.  The “Trump Fan Network” has compiled some of his most foolish statements." . . .

Here are two impartial journalists reporting on the Trump victory. Bear in mind Tim Kaine is Hillary's running mate and his son, I'm sure is highly partisan for his Dad's ticket. The son of Mike Pence is also a Marine at Camp Lejeune.

President Trump Will Retire the Race Card and Race Pimps

Kevin Jackson: The Blacksphere  "President-elect Trump has been called a racist. A lot. I predict that, along with making many other positive changes during his presidency, President-elect Trump will retire the race card.

"Take a look at these things the media has conveniently forgotten to mention:

"After Donald Trump’s divorce from Ivana, he dated a lovely black woman named Kara Young.

"The Left conveniently overlooks that fact, as the evidence of that relationship certainly negates the “fake news.”

"And when don’t they overlook facts?

"Well, as one black man said to me of Trump dating a black woman,

“ 'He just wanted to feel like a slave master, that’s why he dated that sista.”

"Nice try.

"As Conservative Read reports,
Recall, the anti-Trump corporate media has been whistling this same tune from the time that Trump was leading in the primaries. Photos of Trump rallies circulated in which scores of attendees were featured with arms lifted in air. This, the scandalously dishonest media wanted for us to conclude, proved that Trump—Trump, one of the most visible and famous men in the world, a man with a public record extending back three decades, a real estate mogul who had a long-running, top-rated NBC television show!—was the new Hitler and his supporters Brown Shirts.

The Persecution of Major Matthew Golsteyn by Obama’s Army

The Army states they had no choice after the Major confessed publicly that he did this; their hands were tied.

Independent Sentinel  
Maj. Golsteyn said:
“There’s hundreds of dudes that are caught all the time. We caught probably close to that number and released every one of them because there’s no point in it [to] just stop taking detainees. You know, I could have a guy that[‘s] standing, you know, a nice guy with a family standing against a wall pointing like, you know, just peeking out and like that guy cut off heads three weeks ago. He’s a Taliban tax collector, and this is what he’s doing, but I can’t do anything about that. With this guy in particular, with the IEDs as they were, he was a combatant and was going to go right back to continuing being a combatant. So by the letter of the law I’m wrong, but he never stopped being a combatant.”
Image result for cpt. mathew l. golsteyn, photos

"Deserter Bowe Bergdahl who left his post to join the Taliban is being hidden and protected by the US Army. Army Lieutenant Clint Lorance is in jail for nearly the next two decades for killing the enemy. Matthew Golsteyn was stripped of his Silver Star for killing a terrorist who was blowing up his men. After being punished, he is now being investigated again for talking about it on TV to Bret Baier though he said nothing new.

"The Washington Post reported in February of last year that “CPT. Mathew L. Golsteyn, a former member of the 3rd Special Forces Group and graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., was investigated for an undisclosed violation of the military’s rules of engagement in combat for killing a known enemy fighter and bomb maker, according to officials familiar with the case.”

"Golsteyn was not charged with a crime, but Army Secretary John M. McHugh decided not only to deny Golsteyn the Distinguished Service Cross, but also to revoke his Silver Star which he earned for a different engagement. McHugh cited a provision in Army regulations that if facts become known that would have prevented the awarding of a medal, the award can be revoked.”

" 'Major Golsteyn was found guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer because he violated prohibitive rules of engagement put in place by the administration. They treat the terrorists as if they were criminals and give constitutional rights to them as if these were court proceedings instead of war." . . .

Ellison bolts New York Times interview to avoid questions about his ties to the Nation of Islam

Jihad Watch  "Imagine what he might have done if they had planned to ask him about his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood — an organization that is far larger, more powerful and more dangerous than the Nation of Islam. Ellison has spoken at a convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Yet ISNA has actually admitted its ties to Hamas, which styles itself the Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Justice Department actually classified ISNA among entities “who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood.”

"It gets worse. In 2008, Ellison accepted $13,350 from the Muslim American Society (MAS) to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. The Muslim American Society is a Muslim Brotherhood organization: “In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood operated under the name Muslim American Society, according to documents and interviews. One of the nation’s major Islamic groups, it was incorporated in Illinois in 1993 after a contentious debate among Brotherhood members.” That’s from the Chicago Tribune in 2004, in an article that is now carried on the Muslim Brotherhood’s English-language website, Ikhwanweb.
"Also, the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) raised large amounts of for Ellison’s first campaign, and he has spoken at numerous CAIR events. Yet CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups."  . . .