Todd Starnes "Liberal activists shouted down a Baptist preacher Thursday as he tried to deliver the invocation at Rep. Jack Bergman’s town hall meeting in Gaylord, Michigan
"The activists, many wearing so-called pink “pussyhats”, boo’d the Almighty and shouted, “separation of church and state” during Pastor Derek Hagland’s prayer.
“ 'As my mother would’ve said, shame on you,” Rep. Bergman (R-MI) told me in a telephone interview. “We were all raised better than that.
"In addition to honorably serving Michigan’s first congressional district, Congressman Bergman is also an American hero. He is the highest-ranking military officer ever to serve in Congress – a 3-star lieutenant general in the U.S. Marine Corps.
"He is also a devout Christian man – and he was especially troubled to see the liberals bully the guest preacher.
“ 'It was a sad state of affairs,” he said. “For a small but very vocal group to make every effort to disrupt even God’s involvement – was just – well – we are better than that as a country.”
“ 'It’s all about them and their agenda and not about the betterment of the country as a whole,” the congressman told me. “People really figure that they can push their agenda just by being vocal and disruptive. That’s not civil discourse.”
"But liberals have no interest in civil discourse. They want to shut down any speech or any issue they disagree with. And they will use any means necessary to silence the opposition – even violence.
"Rep. Bergman tells me they did not force anyone to leave.
“ 'We had a game plan and we marginalized their disruption,” he said. “Being a father and a grandfather – I’m used to dealing with tantrums.”
"And as we all know – nobody throws a tantrum quite like a bunch of crybaby liberals wearing hilariously obscene hats."