Ann Althouse "I got a kick out of the letters to the editor, which are startling when you substitute the word white for gay."
"From the January 8, 2000 entry in David Sedaris's diary ("Theft by Finding: Diaries (1977-2002)"):
In the mail came two issues of a gay-lifestyle magazine its founder is hoping I might contribute to. It’s not my kind of thing, but I got a kick out of the letters to the editor, which are startling when you substitute the word white for gay.Visit the link to read the comments.Dear Hero,
I am a white man living in Kansas and your hot magazine came as such a relief. Finally a publication for people who are proud to be white, and want to know what other white people are up to. It’s nice to know that I am not alone. White people have come a long way, but we’ve got a lot farther to go. There’s no white pride parade in my town, but in the meantime I’ll keep my fingers crossed, and continue reading your great white magazine!