Saturday, March 10, 2018

What actually are "crisis actors"?


"Award winning role play actors and film makers specially trained in disaster and crisis management.

"We dramatise* events for emerging security needs in the UK, Middle East and worldwide. Our specialist role play actors – many with security clearance – are trained by behavioural psychologists and rigorously rehearsed in criminal and victim behaviour to help police, the army and the emergency services, hospitals, schools, local authorities, government, private security firms, shopping centres, airports, big business, criminal justice departments, media and the military to simulate incident environments for life saving procedures.

"We use state of the art British film industry techniques, props and special effects to help trainers deliver essential, hands-on, high octane crisis response and disaster management training. We also work with trainee doctors, psychologists and care professionals." . . .
*British spelling.

I do recall reading the LA Times daily during the 80s, very often seeing on the Metro section front page, a photo of families with grieving, angry faces right after one of their members was shot by police during an altercation.
That would be the very same police that, during the Rodney King riots, stayed away from violent areas, likely from fear that any incident would be portrayed as racist.
Maxine Waters did so anyway, even though many people were nearly killed by her voters, simply by driving through her district. TD

Friday, March 9, 2018

Trump's popularity hits new heights - and Dems run scared

Monica Showalter  "In agonizing, painful, miserable news for the Trump-hating left, a new Marist poll finds that President Trump's popularity has reached a new high at 42% approval, the highest it's been since he took office. According to The Hill:
Trump's approval rating rose from the 38 percent he received in the poll last month. And the percentage of Americans who strongly approve of Trump held at 24 percent from last month’s survey, an all-time high for the president.
"At the same time, Trump's disapproval rate, now at 50%, fell four percentage points from 54%. The voters that the Trump haters the left has fed from for the past year, is shrinking.
"Something has changed. And better still, these good numbers for Trump are a trend. For the rest of us, the trend is your friend.
"The reason he's up, despite the Beltway's over-covered supposed turmoil at the White House, and the Russia,Russia,Russia obsession of the leftwing press, is not hard to discern. Job creation just hit the 300,000 mark, a number we have not seen in about a decade. Taxes went down - and they went down hard for almost everyone. Factories and their jobs are returning to the states. Workforce participation is growing. And get a load of this one, from the Wall Street Journal:
 Full article

Barack Obama and Rachel Dolezal, media darlings, head for Netflix

"As all of Social Media shuts down Conservative and Libertarian speech, Barack and Michelle Obama are working out a deal to launch a Netflix show that will reach 118 million homes and all in time for the elections.
"It will give them a national platform for their “inspirational” stories.

The Obamas are currently in negotiations with Netflix, according to the New York Times.Recently, former “Late Show” host David Letterman signed on for a series of six episodes with the streaming giant, rolling out his debut with President Obama as his first guest. During the interview, Obama expressed his disdain for Fox News, saying “If you watch Fox News, you are living on a different planet than you are if you are listening to NPR. If I watch Fox News, I wouldn’t vote for me. I would watch it and say ‘Who is that guy.’”The New York Times article speculated possible show scenarios and said: “Mr. Obama does not intend to use his Netflix shows to directly respond to President Trump or conservative critics.”Of course, it will be indirect, he will be more subtle. But not so subtle that the dumbest among us can’t figure out who he means.
Obama and phony African-American Rachel Dolezal heading for Netflix
. . . "Dolezal's teenage son Franklin, who is biracial, is featured in the trailer where he implores his mother to stop publicizing her beliefs.
" 'I resent some of her choices and I resent some of the words she has spoken in interviews,' Franklin said during the documentary's trailer. "

 See the source image

Farrakhan’s Rant Against 'JEWISH CONTROLLED FBI' Demand His Dem ALLIES To RESIGN

“None of these Democrats went into those meetings with Farrakhan not knowing who he was,” Brooks said. “At some point they made the decision that they were going to go ahead and meet with him.”

Socio-Political Commentary...  "Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has answered those who denounced as anti-Semitic his recent "Jews are my enemy" quote with another broadside, this time tweeting a video clip where he says "The Jews have control over those areas of government" - in referring to the FBI. 

"The clip featuring the latest remark was posted to Farrakhan's official Twitter account on March 7, well after the controversy erupted over the remarks made earlier, at a Chicago event on Feb. 25. Those comments brought new attention to Farrakhan's links with seven members of the Congressional Black Congress, as well as to Women's March co-president Tamika Mallory, who attended the Farrakhan event, and posted a photo of herself with Farrakhan on her Instagram feed after the speech. 

"The controversy sparked calls by many Republicans for Democrats to vigorously denounce Farrakhan's remarks. Others who quickly condemned Farrakhan's remarks also asked pointed questions on why much of the media was either slow to report the story, or have chosen to ignore it entirely. Farrakhan tweeted this week: "The FBI has been the worst enemy of Black advancement. The Jews have control over those agencies of government." 

"The Republican Jewish Coalition on Tuesday called on the seven members of the CBC members to resign. The coalition’s director, Matt Brooks, told Fox News the Democratic leaders with ties to Farrakhan have been quick to denounce President Donald Trump and the GOP for remarks or actions that they view as bigoted, but overlook blatant racism and anti-Semitism when it comes to Farrakhan.

“ 'There’s clearly a double standard,” Brooks said, then amended that to say “No, there’s a double double-standard. Not only do you get the progressive left wing and more centrist Democrats who aren’t shy about criticizing President Trump or branding the Republican Party as white nationalists or neo-Nazis, but when it comes to condemning Louis Farrakhan, they’re silent.' ” . . .

Obama was ashamed of being photographed with Farrakhan, but, well, you know.  "Barack Obama posed for a photo in 2005 with Louis Farrakhan, the virulently anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam movement, and the photographer said he suppressed its publication at the request of a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

"The future president was the U.S. senator from Illinois at the time.

"The Trice Edney News Wire first published the photo on Jan. 20. It quotes the photographer, Askia Muhammad, saying that after snapping the picture at a meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus, an unidentified member of the caucus asked him immediately not to run the photo." . . .
Farrakhan expressed support for Obama’s candidacy in 2008, and Obama’s pastor at the time, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, had praised Farrakhan on multiple occasions. That made Farrakhan an issue during the primaries campaign that year, and Obama’s rival at the time, Hillary Clinton, called on him to repudiate Farrakhan. Obama did so during a primaries debate.

I think many in the media prefer nuclear danger to seeing President Trump bring peace in Korea

MSM scramble to find reasons to ridicule Trump's North Korea triumph
"If you expected the media to hail North Korea's urgent request for talks –from the position of supplicant – you have underestimated the force of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Only one mainstream media figure came close to acknowledging the potential for greatness.  Poor Erin Burnett of CNN apparently didn't get the message before going on air and acknowledging the upside potential of this development.
"Lawrence Bonk of the Media Research Center:
CNN's Erin Burnett had some startling words for the president, should he pull off denuclearizing the country.
Burnett actually said that he would go down as a "great president" if his talks with Jong Un go well.
. . . "Samantha Vinograd, of the Obama national security adviser's staffer that did nothing to stop North Korea's nuke program, is dead certain that there simply is not enough time, a view from within the box of failed diplomacy:" . . .

Thomas Lifson: Three reasons why North Korea's offer of direct talks is a victory for Trump  . . . "Now, make no mistake: there is no guarantee that the forthcoming talks will be successful.  But the framework is far more favorable than for any other previous negotiations with the Norks.  They must realize that Trump is a different kind of president from the ones they have been able to lie to and extort and bamboozle while they keep going toward an effective nuclear strike force capability.  All of the many critics who fretted that President Trump could blunder our way into nuclear war have egg on their faces."

Make that five administrations before Mr. Trump came along.

CNN's Camerota Demands Democrat Give Trump Credit for NoKo Meeting, Other ‘Successes’  . . . "While speaking with guest Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Camerota asked the Democrat what he thought about the agreed to meeting. Of course, he had only negative things to say, doubting the meeting would go anywhere and also calling it a “risky” move “which seems to validate this totalitarian regime.”
"Surprisingly the CNN anchor gave some pushback. “But do you give President Trump credit for the economic sanctions that have allowed this to happen and brought Kim Jong-un to the table?” she asked.

"Blumenthal predictably gave Democrats credit for the sanctions, saying Trump bowed to their pressure. Again, Camerota pushed back, asking, “Why do you say he only reluctantly imposed the sanctions, when he, let’s be honest, he is the first U.S. President to come this far with North Korea. Doesn't that say that he is doing something different?' ” . . . CNN? Really?

Related: Will Trump get an attaboy for THIS?  "FOR ALL THE TALK ABOUT TRUMP BEING AN INCOMPETENT TODDLER, I notice that Saudi Arabia is liberalizing at a previously unimaginable pace, other Asian countries are siding with us against China, and now Trump’s going to meet with Kim Jong Un, which if he were a Democrat would be celebrated as a masterstroke no matter what the results. But my favorite take is actually Trump’s:

Kamala Harris sees California as the future of America

Kamala Harris On Immigration: Sessions Wants To Roll Back The Clock, "California Represents The Future"   "Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) appeared on MSNBC's All In with host Chris Hayes Wednesday night to discuss Attorney General Jeff Sessions' speech on California ignoring the nation's immigration laws and likening it to nullification. Harris warned that it's not a good idea for Sessions to bring up Civil War history and said his credibility is "pretty shot" on those issues.

"Hayes prompted the comments from Harris when he brought up Sessions' reference to "slave states in nullification and secession" in denouncing California for evading federal immigration law. (Editor's note: Sessions actually said: 'There is no nullification. There is no secession.' He then invited "any doubters to Gettysburg, and to the graves of John C. Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln." There was no abject overtures to slavery and reconstruction.)" . . .

The Russians are staying! The Russians are staying!

Some reporter once reminded President Nixon that he once said the administration should be examined with a microscope. Nixon replied,"With a microscope, yes; but not with a proctoscope"

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded, that the fight is fixed.  . . . "Everybody knows there two kinds of "public servants" in America: those who are held accountable for their actions and those who are not.  The unaccountables are almost always Democrat.

"Everybody knows that the king and queen of all unaccountables are Bill and Hillary Clinton.  Their careers have been a crescendo of criminality for which they have never been held to account." . . . 

. . . "Everybody knows that Barack Obama is doubly unaccountable.  He is unaccountable by physiognomy and by exquisite hypocrisy. Holder and Lynch, both also double-unaccountables, subverted the justice system as Obama's attorneys general, criminally conspired in multiple ways for political ends." . . .

Mueller tight-lipped as media leaks shape Russia narrative   "Leaked glimpses of special counsel Robert Mueller's activities tell an incomplete story, angering some Trump associates — but likely serving the purposes of others."
“Unfortunately, the media are all too willing partners in this arrangement often encouraging this conduct and providing cover to these leakers by giving them attributions that make it impossible for there to be accountability,” Lowell said.
 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

CBS Urges Oprah to Run Against Trump: You ‘Heal and Connect All People’

MRC   "CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King on Tuesday urged her best friend Oprah Winfrey to run against Donald Trump in 2020. King even absurdly insisted she could stay on at CBS and cover the race “impartially.” The co-host, it turns out, has been lobbying her friend to run for months. On the show, King pleaded, 
But I also think you have a unique ability in terms of healing and connecting all people.”

"King even cited the late poet Maya Angelou, pleading to Winfrey: “What do you think Maya would say? It's one of these times I wish Maya was here. What do you think that she would say?' ” 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Finally the media liberals get some push-back

Disney CEO: Joy Behar Apologized Directly To VP Pence, Jemele Hill Was ‘Disciplined’  "At a Disney shareholder meeting today, CEO Bob Iger faced a tough question about the behavior of Joy Behar and also Jemele Hill. The question was asked by Justin Danhof of the National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative group based in Washington, DC. Here’s a portion of Danhof’s question:
 .ESPN has seemingly become a 24/7 anti-Trump tirade network which reached its pinnacle last fall when host Jemele Hill called President Donald Trump a white supremacist. Mr.Iger, you admitted to intervening to make sure that ESPN’s leadership didn’t fire her for these defamatory remarks. What kind of message does that send to other company employees? Just last month, Hill again publicly declared that President Trump and his supporters are white supremacists. . . .
"There was some speculation last year that Iger might be hesitant to fire Hill because she had supporters on the left (including Al Sharpton) who Iger may need to court if he decided to run for president in 2020. " . . .

You Should Know Better!" Meghan McCain DESTROYS Joy Behar 

Comment: "If Meghan deserves credit for anything, it's for having the tenacity and self control to be surrounded by brain dead pirahna's. She is literally on her own, with ALL the others tag teaming against her! That speaks to the difference between the libturds and the conservatives. They (libturds) can NOT go one on one, against a conservative!"

CNN not the most respected name in news

CNN IN CRISIS? February Ratings Down 19 Percent, 16 Percent in Prime Time

"CNN loves to host entire hours devoted to a “WHITE HOUSE IN CRISIS” and touting their latest poll on Trump’s unpopularity. On Thursday, they pushed out Anthony Scaramucci insisting “MORALE IS AT AN ALL-TIME LOW.” But maybe CNN should wonder if the screen ought to read “CNN IN CRISIS?” Where is their morale when they look at the ratings? Mark Joyella at Forbes reports on the latest monthly ratings: " . . . "By contrast . . ."


Trump agrees to meet Kim Jong Un, South Korean official says

Don't get your hopes up, but Trump isn't like all recent past presidents; he gets things done. TD

Trump agrees to meet Kim Jong-un by MAY: North Korean despot invites President to talks and agrees to suspend missile tests 

. . . "A statement from White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said the place and time was to be determined.

" 'President Trump greatly appreciates the nice words of the South Korean delegation and President Moon. He will accept the invitation to meet with Kim Jong Un at a place and time to be determined,' Sanders said. 'We look forward to the denuclearization of North Korea. In the meantime, all sanctions and maximum pressure must remain.'

"Kim sent a personal letter to the U.S. president that was delivered Thursday. 
The message was passed to the White House through a South Korean delegation which held their own talks with the dictator this week.

" 'In return, Kim is offering to suspend his nuclear missile testing program, Chung told White House officials before he briefed press from the building's North Lawn.
He had met Kim earlier in the week in Pyongyang, the dictator's capital. " . . .

Peace move: Kim Jong Un held face to face talks with South Korea's delegation this week - and has passed a message to Trump offering to meet

Politico  "President Donald Trump has accepted an invitation by South Korea to meet directly with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, following talks between South Korea and Pyongyang, South Korea's national security adviser said on Thursday.

"North Korea also signaled that it would not test missiles anymore and would be willing to negotiate ending its nuclear weapons program, according to the national security adviser, Chung Eui-yong.

"Kim Jong Un "stressed his eagerness to meet President Trump as soon as possible. President Trump appreciated the greeting and said he would meet Kim Jong Un by May to achieve permanent denuclearization," Chung said on Thursday evening outside the West Wing of the White House." . . .

SCMP reports:  Via Gateway Pundit
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un may propose sending his sister, Kim Yo-jong, to the US as part of efforts to launch direct talks between Washington and Pyongyang, according to a South Korean diplomatic source.
That may be one of a number of possible messages South Korean envoy Chung Eui-yong will deliver to US National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster in Washington this week, the source told the South China Morning Post, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
“Kim Jong-un has a certain message, which is not publicised to be delivered directly to the Trump administration. It’s something very unconventional and something very unusual. I don’t know if the US will disclose this message to the public.”
Chung will deliver “conditions from the North Korean side to start some bilateral dialogue with the United States,” the source said.

Some deep spititual thoughts

The White House website received petitions requesting that Billy Graham’s birthday be named a national holiday. It’s a partisan idea of course. Republicans are terrified that when the Rapture occurs and the righteous are called to Heaven, it will leave the Democrats with a permanent majority.

Pope Francis urged the faithful Sunday to stay strong to their Lenten commitments halfway to Easter. A new race issue recently arose. There’s a new claim that Jesus was dark-skinned, based on the conclusion that if Jesus had been white, the Romans would have let him off with a warning ticket.

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