Friday, March 9, 2018

The Russians are staying! The Russians are staying!

Some reporter once reminded President Nixon that he once said the administration should be examined with a microscope. Nixon replied,"With a microscope, yes; but not with a proctoscope"

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded, that the fight is fixed.  . . . "Everybody knows there two kinds of "public servants" in America: those who are held accountable for their actions and those who are not.  The unaccountables are almost always Democrat.

"Everybody knows that the king and queen of all unaccountables are Bill and Hillary Clinton.  Their careers have been a crescendo of criminality for which they have never been held to account." . . . 

. . . "Everybody knows that Barack Obama is doubly unaccountable.  He is unaccountable by physiognomy and by exquisite hypocrisy. Holder and Lynch, both also double-unaccountables, subverted the justice system as Obama's attorneys general, criminally conspired in multiple ways for political ends." . . .

Mueller tight-lipped as media leaks shape Russia narrative   "Leaked glimpses of special counsel Robert Mueller's activities tell an incomplete story, angering some Trump associates — but likely serving the purposes of others."
“Unfortunately, the media are all too willing partners in this arrangement often encouraging this conduct and providing cover to these leakers by giving them attributions that make it impossible for there to be accountability,” Lowell said.
 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

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