Monday, October 1, 2018

WATCH: Jeff Flake JOKE About The "Elevator" Stunt

James T. Harris

WATCH: Jeff Flake JOKES about the "elevator" stunt while speaking at a progressive "Global Citizen Event" with Democrat Chris Coons.
We got played.

Who Was behind the Flake Set-Up?   
. . . "A CNN camera broadcast the event live, and from there it went viral."  . . .

We can only guess whom the girl on the phone is talking with.  
. . . "The New Yorker reported that, after the incident, Flake “looked more withdrawn than ever, eyes wet, voice a little frayed, chin tucked down in the somber knot of his tie.” Shortly afterward, Flake voted to refer Kavanaugh’s nomination to the full Senate but with a sudden proviso: He wouldn’t vote for the judge on the floor unless the vote was delayed to do an FBI investigation, “limited in time to no more than one week,” into “current allegations that are already there.” Democrats rejoiced.A reporter for the Washington Examiner asked Flake, “Did the women who confronted you this morning, did they have any role in changing your mind?”“No, no,” Flake said as he shook his head.Fair enough, but liberals certainly have convinced themselves to believe that the in-your-face strategy worked. So no doubt we’ll see more of it in these uncivil times. As an example, liberal journalist Ana Marie Cox tweeted out video of the Flake incident, praising the success of the confrontation: . . .
Update: Jeff Flake: I Never Would Have Delayed A Week If Running For Re-Election
"Republican Sen. Jeff Flake admitted on Sunday that had he been running for re-election in Arizona, requesting the FBI to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Brett Kavanaugh would have made him unelectable to the Senate.
"The Arizona senator voted “yes” to advance Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and into the full Senate on Friday with the condition that an FBI probe would briefly investigate Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation of sexual abuse against the judge.
"Flake notably announced that he would not be running for re-election in October 2017. CBS News’ Scott Pelley asked Flake if he had been seeking to hold his Senate seat, would he have been able to demand an investigation.
“ 'No,” Flake responded on “60 Minutes.” “Not a chance.”
“ 'There’s no value to reaching across the aisle,” Flake continued. “There’s no currency for that anymore. There’s no incentive.' ” . . .

What Is It With Arizona Senators?   "Yes, one half of the Judicial Committee have been acting like triggered sorority girls for the entire hearing. They’re falling apart – rightfully so, with the loathsome ways they’ve behaved." . . . 

Earl of Taint

The new virtue class

Ed Straker

"Move over, minorities claiming victim status, men disguised as women, and illegal aliens: there's a new virtue class in town! It's called "alleged survivors of sexual assault."  Any woman can be a member, simply by her own say-so.  The group has five constituent parts:" 
. . . 
"The man-bashing harpy Senator Mazie Hirono says women who are "survivors" must be "believed."  That is what this is all about.  Anyone can claim membership in this group, without any evidence, and once self-declared membership has been announced, such people acquire victim status and the power to demand that everything they say be accepted as truth.  Those accused are deemed guilty with no chance to prove their innocence, if such a thing could even be proved.
"But like the boy who cried wolf, unsubstantiated or even contradictory allegations of sexual assault cast doubt on all people who claim they are "survivors," whether their claim was valid or not.  That's why the woman who trapped Jeff Flake claiming to be a "survivor" is about a credible a rape victim as Rachel Dolezal is as a chapter head of the NAACP."

More like, "the left must be believed".

How to Survive a Character Assassination

Robert Oscar Lopez   "A friend jarred me the other day by sending me this note:
Watching the left's insane treatment of Kavanaugh reminds me of some of what you dealt with at CSUN.
" 'CSUN" stands for California State University Northridge.  My friend referred to the eight years during which I worked for that organization, 2008-16.
"My friend sent me the note because the factors involved with Brett Kavanaugh's frightful battle for the Supreme Court coincided with my own harrowing experience with liberals: the California university professoriate; the Clintons; feminists; the intelligence field; Dianne Feinstein; Kamala Harris; the Supreme Court; and, most importantly, a psychedelic and Kafka-esque series of sexually charged investigations.
"I decided to write ten tips for people who might one day be "Kavanaughed."
"What has happened to Brett Kavanaugh will surely happen to many who read this.  The cruel tactics and psychological machinery behind what the left does now to Kavanaugh developed in the lower rungs of society.
"Picture This
"To give you a sense of what I faced at CSUN, let me share a story.  My lived experience left me particularly vulnerable to smears by the time I was in my early forties." . . .
More at the link...

Booker and Harris at the Kavanaugh Hearings

Sept 7: Harris, Booker Produce Epic Fail at Kavanaugh Hearings  "Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee madly raced to the bottom of demagoguery and stupidity this week during the hearings to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, to the U.S. Supreme Court.
"But two of the leftists stood out in particular: Senators Cory Booker of New Jersey and Kamala Harris of California, both of whom might be Democratic contenders for the presidency." . . .
"Imperiously warning Kavanaugh to “be sure about your answer, sir,” Harris asked whether Kavanaugh had discussed Mueller or his investigation with anyone, or anyone at the law firm of Trump’s lawyer, Mark Kasowitz.
Harris badgered Kavanaugh with a supercilious tone and facial expressions. Republican Senator Mike Lee of Utah observed that answering the question was impossible, given the number of lawyers and law firms in Washington, D.C., and that Kavanaugh would have to see a list of lawyers who worked at the firm.
“I don’t know everyone who works at that law firm, senator,” Kavanaugh answered, adding that he doesn’t remember any such conversation. But like Lee, Kavanaugh said he would need a roster of lawyers at the firm to answer.
After a testy exchange, Harris turned to the cameras, declaring, “Clearly you’re not going to answer the question.”
On Thursday, Harris came back at Kavanaugh again, and with the same high-handed tone, she said she “received reliable information” that he had such a conversation.
Replied Kavanaugh, “The answer is no.” . . .

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation

Hat tip to Tom Keevers at Moretti Underground
Washington Examiner  "Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., vowed Sunday to launch a thorough inquiry into Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee to find out whether there was any wrongdoing in how they managed the sexual misconduct allegation Christine Blasey Ford leveled at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

" 'We're going to do a wholesale, full scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again," Graham said during an interview on ABC News' "This Week."

" 'The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I'm going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford's trust? Who in Feinstein's office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?" Graham continued, referring to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Debra Katz, one of Ford's attorneys who has been involved in Democratic politics in the past.

"President Trump mocked Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, at a rally in West Virginia on Saturday for saying last week her staff did not leak a confidential letter Ford sent her local congresswoman, Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., in July accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault in the 1980s when they were in high school.

"Ryan Grim, the journalist from the Intercept who first reported on the letter, said on Twitter last week that he did not receive it from Feinstein's staff.
"Trump also said he hoped an FBI probe into Ford's claims, which will delay the Senate's consideration of Kavanaugh's confirmation by a week, uncovers who leaked the letter to the press." . . .
Cotton: Feinstein to be investigated over leaked letter from Ford

We must NOT allow these people to govern this nation!

Kavanaugh’s hearings are a national disaster — and the worst is yet to come

NY Post  "This is a golden age for cynics. You will rarely go wrong in assuming an absence of decency and courage in the political class. However low the bar is set, it will not be low enough.

"Witness how the confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh started as cheap theater and ended in bloodsport. The process by which we elevate someone to the highest court in the land sunk to the lowest common denominator — and didn’t stop.

"And now the national disaster will be aided by more time and a fresh supply of dynamite.

"Friday’s agreement to give the FBI a week to supplement its background check by looking into existing misconduct allegations against Kavanaughguarantees the nightmare will continue, especially for him and his battered family. You don’t have to be a cynic to assume the rabid left will come up with more outlandish accusations in an effort to make up in quantity what it lacks in quality.

"The extension is the devil’s bargain Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake struck with his conscience. First he said he would vote to move Kavanaugh out of committee, then was shouted at in an elevator by leftists and cornered by Senate Democrats. Naturally, he caved in to their demands for the extension while supporting Kavanaugh, pending the outcome of the probe." . . .

Post-Kavanaugh midterms update

Don Surber  "Democratic voters woke up today with a victory snatched away once again. They came so close to destroying Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday morning, only to have him successfully defend himself.
"Democrats failed. Again. Failure has consequences. I am a Cleveland sports fan. There are decades when I don't follow a team or two that closely.
"The empty seat syndrome may hit Marxist Democrats at the polls.
"But Republicans are up against it. They have to defend just eight seats in the Senate. Four are listed as tossups at Real Clear Politics.
"The House is a bigger mess with Real Clear Politics giving Democrats a 206-189 lead with 40 tossups. Republicans hold 38 of those tossups.
"However, the DNC has $8,214,021 cash on hand, while the RNC has $41,754,556.
"Democrats hope the Kavanaugh confirmation will ignite their base, which is a mob of self-entitled people who wear pink knitted caps in the middle of summer.
"I don't know about that.
"Former Bush 43 administrator James S. Robbins laid out the Democratic plan in a USA Today column." . . .

The Truly Terrible Damage Wrought by Jeff Flake

Bob Barr  

"Any member of Congress is capable at any time of doing harm to his or her political party or even the country itself.
"Casting a vote undermining a carefully crafted piece of legislation after committing to colleagues not to do so. Making a public statement clearly at odds with universally accepted norms. Engaging in conduct that is unlawful, unethical, or both. Refusing to apologize when such an act clearly is necessary and appropriate. These are but a few actions in which a senator or member of Congress can engage that can hurt their party colleagues or, in extreme cases, the country.
"Rarely, however, can someone in as important a position as a sitting United States senator do such great harm as that by Arizona’s Sen. Jeff Flake in telling his Republican Party, and indeed the entire country, that he would refuse to vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the floor of the Senate — even after voting to have the nomination reported favorably by the Judiciary Committee on which he serves — unless the FBI conducts another investigation; this one focused on the allegations leveled against Kavanaugh after the week-long hearings conducted by the committee earlier this month." . . .

Frenzied Left stooping to homophobia to bash Kavanaugh supporter Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham, who is unmarried, has occasionally been derisively accused of being gay by critics and pundits who engage in homophobia by using homosexuality as an implicit insult.

. . . Kimmel then engaged in gay-bashing, comparing Graham to Liberace, a famous gay performer.
“And once he got some camera time–somebody must have told Lindsey Graham that Donald Trump was watching because he lit up like someone left a thumbtack on Liberace’s piano bench,” Kimmel said.
On Friday, HBO host Bill Maher went even lower, not only joking about Graham being gay, but poking at the late John McCain as well.
Maher joked that Graham needed the “stabilizing influence of his dead boyfriend.”
Finally, CNN hosts Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon yukked it up Friday, mocking Lindsey Graham for having “the vapors.”
“First he’s got the vapors!” Don Lemon said in a mock Southern accent, referring to a joke where women who were said to have the “vapors” if they were acting hysterical or irrational.
Thomas Lifson: Frenzied Left stooping to homophobia to bash Kavanaugh supporter Lindsey Graham  "Remember when making fun of people because you thought they might be secretly homosexual was considered a bad thing by leftists?  That was back when a “right of privacy” was imputed to the Constitution (right there in the penumbra, a previously unknown codicil invented to justify abortion.) It suggests that there is something wrong about homosexuality, which is about as politically incorrect as you can get. Just ask the Human Rights Campaign (, one of the richest and most influential lobbying organizations. (Except that the HRC is silent so far on what follows.)

"No fewer than 3 prominent Trump-hating celebrities have turned to mockery of Senator Lindsey Graham as a potential homosexual, something that he has never, to my knowledge, commented upon. He is an aging bachelor, and that’s all they know. But that’s enough if the issue if torpedoing the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh.*
"If vulgar and distasteful graphic language disturbs you, read no further, for the slurs directed at Senator Graham are hideous and disturbing." . . .

. . . "Nobody walked off the set in outrage, and no booing from the audience. Roseanne Barr lost her hit TV show over less. If the hypocrites at the HRC were to make an issue of this, Maher might be in danger. But the HRC is more dedicated to advancing leftist causes than to fighting homophobia, it is quite clear to me." . . .
A Hollywood liberal... (just what is she anyway?) ...speaks out:
Video here, if you can stand it

"Watch the sorry spectacle for yourself, and judge the reactions:
*Emphasis mine; TD

Many Women Line Up In Support Of Kavanaugh Pick; "Ignored by the alphabet networks."

Weasel Zippers
“If you’re going to use sexual assault to slow somebody down, it had better be the truth,” Scott said. “Even if Brett Kavanaugh is innocent, he is still going to live with this the rest of his life.”
Well, there go your chances of eating out.

AP   . . . "Female voices have echoed throughout the U.S. Senate this week demanding male senators justify their support for Brett Kavanaugh’s U.S. Supreme Court nomination despite an allegation of high school sexual assault.

"But other women have spent hours calling Senate offices in support of Kavanaugh, condemning what they saw as an anti-Republican ploy that’s damaged not only Kavanaugh’s reputation and livelihood but also his accuser’s.

"To Hannah King, a college senior from Bristol, Tennessee, Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations of a drunken attack by Kavanaugh at a 1982 party when both were in high school were jarring and scary. But while King expressed empathy for Ford, she also said she’s concerned about the timing of Ford’s allegations, which surfaced publicly only after Kavanaugh — already a federal judge — was nominated to the Supreme Court.

“ 'It was too timely and strategic,” said King, 21. “Anything like that makes you question how true it is.”

"King spoke Friday after the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance Kavanaugh’s nomination to the full Senate. Hours later, Trump ordered an FBI investigation of Kavanaugh upon Republican Sen. Jeff Flake’s insistence. Flake’s demand came after two women who said they had experienced sexual assault confronted him on an elevator at the Senate and demanded he take action against Kavanaugh. Two other women besides Ford have also lodged public sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh.

“A lot of times, you cope by suppressing and forgetting,” said King, who leads the King University College Republicans. “But someone’s promotion isn’t something that should prompt someone to come forward.”
. . . .
“I’m very empathetic to women who’ve been through this type of situation,” said Mace, 40. “But on the other side, we have laws in this country that protect individuals from being wrongfully accused.” . . .

Monica ShowalterEven the AP notices a lot of women are supporting Kavanaugh
What it signals is that Republicans should recognize they’ve been rolled enough by Democrats and make no further concessions to their demands for additional delay, The facts from the weeklong FBI investigation will fall where they will, and the women’s vote as an emotional grounds driver of votes is not what the Democrat narrative says it is. Republicans are never going to get the votes of the hard left, whose main priority is abortion, so they need to stand up to the Democrat games-playing. This AP story shows that the much-feared women’s vote is not going to be as decisive as doing the right thing.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

What the Democrats Have Done

Stacey Lennox

And we should never, never forget.

. . . "This newest delay is an opportunity for Democrats to complain about the limited scope of the new investigation, find new "victims" with anonymous claims and endlessly delay this process. The FBI will not provide any conclusions. Just more information.

Then the Democrat members of the Judiciary Committee will take that information and say they need to question witnesses. Investigate new claims. They need more information. More, more, more.....

"This shameless delay tactic that reaches out and touches people who have already given their sworn statements is just despicable. Especially people with admitted psychological and health issues like Judge, Keyser and even Dr. Ford herself. They will not be satisfied until someone is ruined the way they ruined Miguel Estrada and his family. And that type of ruthless win at all costs philosophy should never be forgotten.

Democrats' OUTRAGEOUS CONDUCT Toward Kavanaugh Victimized Him, Ford and ALL Americans

Gregg Jarrett at Socio-Political Journal
The plain truth is that it didn’t matter who President Trump nominated to fill the existing vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court. The president could have nominated a saint and Democrats would have done everything humanly possible to stop the nominee from being confirmed. No shameful tactic would have been spared. Both Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford are the victims of the outrageous conduct by Senate Democrats. And so are the American people.

. . . "Kavanaugh justifiably heaped scorn on Senate Democrats for what was he described as a “smear” and “character assassination,” pointing out correctly that they revealed the allegations against him by Ford only when his confirmation seemed assured.

"Kavanaugh laid bare the partisan motivations of Democrats for ruining his reputation and destroying his family. He condemned their actions for transforming the Senate confirmation process into “a national disgrace” and “replacing advise and consent with search and destroy.” 

"At times, questioning resembled a theater of the absurd as some clueless Democratic senators like Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut implied that cryptic references to drinking in Kavanaugh’s high school yearbook were somehow incriminating evidence of attempted rape. That’s so ridiculous as to be laughable.  

"More than anyone, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., is responsible for this abomination." . . .