Monday, October 1, 2018

How to Survive a Character Assassination

Robert Oscar Lopez   "A friend jarred me the other day by sending me this note:
Watching the left's insane treatment of Kavanaugh reminds me of some of what you dealt with at CSUN.
" 'CSUN" stands for California State University Northridge.  My friend referred to the eight years during which I worked for that organization, 2008-16.
"My friend sent me the note because the factors involved with Brett Kavanaugh's frightful battle for the Supreme Court coincided with my own harrowing experience with liberals: the California university professoriate; the Clintons; feminists; the intelligence field; Dianne Feinstein; Kamala Harris; the Supreme Court; and, most importantly, a psychedelic and Kafka-esque series of sexually charged investigations.
"I decided to write ten tips for people who might one day be "Kavanaughed."
"What has happened to Brett Kavanaugh will surely happen to many who read this.  The cruel tactics and psychological machinery behind what the left does now to Kavanaugh developed in the lower rungs of society.
"Picture This
"To give you a sense of what I faced at CSUN, let me share a story.  My lived experience left me particularly vulnerable to smears by the time I was in my early forties." . . .
More at the link...

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