Saturday, September 29, 2018

What the Democrats Have Done

Stacey Lennox

And we should never, never forget.

. . . "This newest delay is an opportunity for Democrats to complain about the limited scope of the new investigation, find new "victims" with anonymous claims and endlessly delay this process. The FBI will not provide any conclusions. Just more information.

Then the Democrat members of the Judiciary Committee will take that information and say they need to question witnesses. Investigate new claims. They need more information. More, more, more.....

"This shameless delay tactic that reaches out and touches people who have already given their sworn statements is just despicable. Especially people with admitted psychological and health issues like Judge, Keyser and even Dr. Ford herself. They will not be satisfied until someone is ruined the way they ruined Miguel Estrada and his family. And that type of ruthless win at all costs philosophy should never be forgotten.

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