Sunday, April 14, 2019

Some more reading assignments in case you get bored.

'Model' Assaults #WalkAway Founder Brandon Straka at the Airport for Wearing a MAGA Hat  . . . "It's hilarious how this "model" decided to assault someone and then claim he had no right to film her because of her profession. Sorry, honey, but in the real world, when you assault someone in public, you're agreeing to be on camera (and in handcuffs). It's too bad Straka didn't call the police, because she should have been arrested." This contains another Starbucks story as well.

Progressive Democrats Are Mainstreaming the Lunatic Fringe and if that isn't enough: Roots of the Left's Acceptance of Pedophilia.

Remember Murietta? Dumping unvetted migrants into the cities of political foes was done by Obama first  . . . "And instead of talking about it, they really did try to bus the unvetted migrants into small cities such as Murietta, California; Yuma, Arizona; and a conservative area of New Mexico, bringing crime, disease, and a high need for social services, without consulting those communities.
"The residents protested, and the Obama administration declared them 'racist' in a bid to scare them into line."
Questioning Global Warming  "When pollsters realized the public and elected officials weren’t buying global warming as a concept or policy, in a brilliant political move, they came up with the phrase “climate change.' ” . . .

Mich. Farmer Fights Back Against East Lansing for Violating His Religious Freedom
"A Michigan farmer is challenging city officials after he was banned from a farmer's market following a Facebook post in which he affirmed the Catholic Church's teachings on marriage."

This tiny election proves Trump’s coalition is alive and well  "Less than a month ago, conservative Judge Brian Hagedorn was a dead man walking.
"As he raced against liberal Judge Lisa Neubauer for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the local press portrayed him as an anti-gay extremist and bigot. They called out the Christian school he founded for its code of conduct stipulating “no sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman.”
"Never mind that this code of conduct is common practice at private religious schools across the country." . . .
As the Democratic Party shifts further left, they need to face a question: What do you do when you have all the money in the world, the media and culture on your side and you still struggle to win over voters?

Mask off for the left after disgusting string of tweets mocking Rep. Dan Crenshaw's war injuries. Updated

Update: Liz Cheney: Ocasio-Cortez ‘Ought to Go Thank’ Crenshaw for Defending Her Freedom . . . " 'Remember, it was the worst attack on U.S. soil in our history," Cheney added. "It was at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists and anybody who holds the views that Representative Omar has expressed on this issue and on anti-Semitism has no place on the House Foreign Affairs Committee." . . .

Monica Showalter  "For the far left, nothing is sacred when it comes to sticking up for anti-Semitic, 9/11 trivializing Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn).
"Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a decorated former Navy SEAL who suffered major injuries in the war on terror as a result of 9/11, had this to say about Omar's latest statement trivializing 9/11:
Full NBC interview:

This week was a new low in partisanship & dishonesty.
I watched in disbelief as some covered for Omar by coming after me with lies & absurd claims that I don’t support 9/11 victims.
What a disgusting, dishonest tactic.
Why turn this into a political football?
Full NBC int: . . .
. . . "After that, the left spewed a string of ad hominem attack that can only be characterized as vile. "According to the Washington Examiner:
Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who was wounded in Afghanistan, was derided the left and accused of "playing the wounded victim" after he called for “deference” in discussions of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Crenshaw, 35, who wears an eye patch after losing his right eye in Afghanistan, has received two Bronze Stars, including one with valor, the Purple Heart, and the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor.
"It gets worse. They called him some of the sickest epithets ever seen against a wounded war vet: ‘Captain shithead,' 'Nazi,' 'eyeless f--k,' according to the Examiner's headline." . . 

Yes, Representative Ilhan Omar Somebody DID Do Something! An Open Letter.

"It never had to come to this, and except for your choices it never would have."
 Townhall  "Rep. Ilhan Omar, Please stop with the dramatic theatrics. Please also tell your attack hounds Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Rashida Tlaib to stop lying.

"Americans publicly disputing your actions and words does not on its face demonstrate a public safety threat towards you. If there is evidence of a specific, valid, and violent threat against you please report such to the appropriate authorities."

"Someone in the President’s camp deciding to side-by-side your unfortunate expression with vivid proof of what took place on the worst day in American history is not a threat to you in anyway—except perhaps—and quite appropriately—in your race for re-election.

"If you prefer not to be included in such controversy—stop wading into it. No one forced you to take an honorarium from CAIR. Your characterization was callous. Your facts were grossly inaccurate. And your attempt to deflect criticism on to the words of President Bush standing atop the rubble of the towers or the tweeted video of President Trump, when understood in context, reveal to us a continuing picture of who you are in your most core anti-Semitic & anti-American self.
. . . 
"And lest anyone is confused, it will not be based on your religion, the opposition committed to your removal will be based squarely on your incapacity to speak truth, act in the good of the American people, and your inability to restrain your decidedly racist and anti-Semitic worldview." . . .

Former Hillary Press Secretary Tied to Effort to Get Kavanaugh Fired From George Mason University

Stalking a good man and his family, the left shows the face of pure evil in my opinion. TD

Legal Insurrection

. . . "Lukas Mikelionis of FOX News has more on this:
Ex-Clinton official leads ‘dark money’ effort to boot Kavanaugh from teaching gig
A top aide to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign — now leading a liberal “dark money” group — is backing a student effort at George Mason University to get Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh fired from teaching a summer course over misconduct allegations.
A student group calling itself “Mason For Survivors” began circulating a petition last month, so far attracting nearly 5,000 signatures, urging to “terminate AND void ALL contracts and affiliation with Brett Kavanaugh at George Mason University” on the grounds that the justice was accused of misconduct.
But the campaign is being given a partisan boost thanks to Brian Fallon, former press secretary for Clinton’s 2016 campaign, who’s now in charge of Demand Justice, a liberal advocacy group that doesn’t disclose its funding.
Fallon and his group are paying for Facebook ads that target anyone linked with George Mason University, urging them to sign the petition, in addition to signing a separate petition that calls upon the Democrats in Congress to investigate Kavanaugh, the HuffPost reported.
Stalking Brett Kavanaugh (2018)

Saturday Night Live starts taking on leftists - and gets funny again

Monica Showalter  "Is Saturday Night Live changing its ways? Is it feeling a shift in the political winds?
"Seems that yet another side effect of President Trump's exoneration in the Mueller report (besides the rising stock market) is that Saturday Night Live is no longer doing boring skits about him. They've dropped that old dead cat, and moved on to the rich, rich, material in the assorted leftist bigs and pillars of the establishment who've found themselves heading for jail. Those leftists may be down and out, and therefore easy targets, but they also threw in a striking political jab at MSNBC." . . .
Language advisory in the clip:

. . . It works. And the more they do this, the higher their ratings will go. It's amazing to see economics infiltrate the minds of New York lefty comic writers and actors, some of the country's most influential arteestes - and it could be a bellwether.  . . .

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Terrifying video on antisemitic conference at the University of North Carolina

So much for Obama saying over and over, "That's not who we are".

One of my favorite scenes from "Saving Private Ryan" Taunting antisemites:

Thomas Lifson  "Ami Horowitz, the investigatory filmmaker who often exposes campus madness, has produced a video that ought to terrify anyone familiar with the history of Weimar Germany.  Then, as now, universities were among the leaders in whipping up Jew-hatred and actually persecuting Jews.  One of the neglected aspects of the origins of the Holocaust is that the purge of Jews from Germany's famous universities opened up new career possibilities for those faculty and students who remained once their institutions were 

"We are not (yet) at the point of expelling Jews from faculties and student bodies, but we are at the point of violent attacks on Jews being justified by faculty members at prestigious universities, as a jaw-dropping interview in Horowitz's latest video (embedded below) shows.  We are also at the point where multiple academic departments at such a university — a publicly owned and funded institution of (purported) higher learning — are comfortable sponsoring an academic conference with open Jew-hatred, and government funds (nearly a quarter million dollars!) are allocated to sponsor it."
"Horowitz was denied access to film the conference but snuck in sound equipment and somehow managed to get a clip of the crowd cheering when the speaker onstage complimented them: "You look beautifully antisemitic," to the accompaniment of loud music and strobe lights." . . .

Which 2020 Democrat Is the Most Conservative?

PJ Media  "Candidates for the 2020 Democratic nomination are even more liberal than you might think. On Thursday, the American Conservative Union (ACU), the group behind the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), released its ratingsfrom the 2017-2018 Congress. Eleven of the Democrats running for president in 2020 appeared in the report, and here is how they scored, from most liberal to most conservative.
"PJ Media has included one Democrat who is considering a presidential run. Seven of the twelve ranked more liberal than an outright socialist."

Most liberal: Eric Swalwell:
"According to the ACU, the most liberal 2020 Democrat is Eric Swalwell. In 2017, he voted conservative 4 percent of the time, and he did so in 2018 as well. But his lifetime rating is 3.98 percent, the worst among presidential candidates.
And he is from California, elected by Californians in the Bay Area city of  Alameda.
Oh, and the Obama-esque Bobby O'Rourke: he "has a creepy cult-like following, and he seems totally obsessed with himself, but he is one of the most conservative Democrats running in 2020. That said, he still has less than a 10 percent lifetime conservative voting record. According to the ACU, he voted 4 percent conservative in 2017 and 8 percent in 2018, earning a lifetime rating of 8.08 percent."

Most, um...conservative: Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio)

"Tim Ryan, the only 2020 Democrat to score more than a 10 percent lifetime rating with the ACU, is running a Midwest-focused campaign aimed at the "forgotten men and women" Donald Trump courted in 2016. That said, Ryan is far from moderate, and he ranks among the least memorable of the 2020 field."

Where they all "stood" on the "Green New Deal": "Every Democrat senator running for president — Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) — voted "present," refusing to take a stance on the legislation most of them have endorsed in public.
"Many of these candidates announced their support for a Green New Deal even while choosing to vote "present" on the bill sponsored by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)".

Trump Threatens To Dump Migrants In Sanctuary Cities

Zero Hedge  . . . "After reports surfaced that the idea was brought up twice and shot down by attorneys from Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), President Trump tweeted on Friday that his administration is "indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only," adding "The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!' " . . .

The plan was reportedly pushed by senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller, according to two DHS officials; once in November and again three months later during the shutdown talks. 
White House officials first broached the plan in a Nov. 16 email, asking officials at several agencies whether members of the caravan could be arrested at the border and then bused “to small- and mid-sized sanctuary cities,” places where local authorities have refused to hand over illegal immigrants for deportation.
The White House told U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement that the plan was intended to alleviate a shortage of detention space but also served to send a message to Democrats. The attempt at political retribution raised alarm within ICE, with a top official responding that it was rife with budgetary and liability concerns, and noting that “there are PR risks as well.” -Washington Post
. . . " 'This was just a suggestion that was floated and rejected, which ended any further discussion," the White House said in a statement. 
"Until today...
"Contrary to the report, ICE acting deputy director Matthew Albence acknowledged the discussion but said he was never pressured, saying in a statement: "As the Acting Deputy I was not pressured by anyone at the White House on this issue. I was asked my opinion and provided it and my advice was heeded." 
"After the November discussions, Albence brought ICE attorneys into the picture after the topic came up again three months later, who ultimately killed the idea. 
Trump has been demanding ­aggressive action to deal with the surge of migrants, and many of his administration’s proposals have been blocked in federal court or, like the family separation policy last year, have backfired as public relations disasters.
Homeland Security officials said the sanctuary city request was unnerving, and it underscores the political pressure Trump and Miller have put on ICE and other DHS agencies at a time when the president is furious about the biggest border surge in more than a decade. -Washington Post . . . 

Malkin’s Handy History of Fake Noose

Michelle Malkin

"Is it any wonder that American news consumers are at the end of their ropes of patience with the “mainstream media”?

"Three weeks ago, when I first documented troubling questions, contradictions and doubts about Trump-hating, attention-craving actor Jussie Smollett’s absurd hate crime claims, few in the “professional” journalism herd paid heed. Now, with a grand jury investigation on the horizon, everyone’s a Johnny-come-lately debunker.

"And everyone’s making excuses: How could we have known? Why would anyone lie about racism? What could have possibly prepared us for such a scandalous swindle?
"I’m especially looking at you, Robin Roberts. You and ABC’s “Good Morning America” willingly played public relations agents for Smollett last week while his story was already falling apart and he refused to be fully transparent with investigators. Now, you defend yourselves by hiding behind a veil of ignorance about hate crimes hoaxes.

"Listen and learn, addled enablers of fraud. Fake Noose is a sick phenomenon that has run rampant across the country unchecked. I’ve chronicled the self-victimization pathology in my books, columns and blog posts for years:

Columbia University, 2007. Remember black psychology professor Madonna Constantine? She made the rounds on none other than ABC’s “Good Morning America,” claiming she found a “degrading” noose (made of hand-tied twine) hanging from her office door. Constantine led fist-waving protests, decried “systematic racism,” and prompted a nationwide uproar, as I reported at the time in the New York Post. Things didn’t add up when Columbia initially blocked investigators from obtaining 56 hours of surveillance video. No culprits could be found on the militantly progressive campus obsessed with diversity and multiculturalism. It turned out that Constantine was desperately trying to distract from a brewing internal probe of her serial plagiarism, for which she was eventually fired. The hate crime probe hit a dead end and Constantine faced no criminal charges over the Fake Noose incident.

Baltimore Fire Department, 2007. Another manufactured outrage erupted when . . ."

What The Covington Media Coverage Unveiled: The Anti-Catholic Bigotry Rooted Deep Within The Democrat Party’s Klan DNA

Sarah Watching
"Please note the author uses “Democrat Party” intentionally because it is anything but a “Democratic” party. Also, the image is from a[n] Easter Procession in Segovia.  For more info, visit the image here and note (!) what the artist writes about these penitential robes."

"Dehooding The Democrats
"From the flagrant bigotry of the Democrat Party’s KKK days through the present moment, leftist hatred of Catholics has endured the test of time and identity politics.
"Sure, the Democrats and their sounding horn, the so-called mainstream media, hate Donald Trump and #MAGA hats. But even a remotely reasonable person (which excludes all liberals) must admit that the jumping-to-conclusions and unfair coverage of Covington High School students and a lone Indian activist, wreaked of the left’s rabid Alinskyism. (Do they have any idea how foolish they look?)
"In addition to unveiling the Democrat Party’s abiding KKK intolerance of Catholics, Covington coverage also pointed out the ignorance of Democrat pundits and those who write their talking points (they really should study history). But who is more witless? The mynah bird or the talking point writers they mimic? Rhetorical.
"In what rivals a Joy Behar conversation for stupidity, CNN commentator Angela Rye made the following comments regarding Catholic high school student Nick Sandmann and Native American activist Nathan Phillips. (Democrat SEO keyword du jour: “standoff”.)
“Forget Donald Trump for a moment and just think about the symbol of that red hat. When I see the Make America Great Again hat now, Chris, I am triggered. I’m so triggered.”
"As if she thought someone cared about her adolescent reaction, the blather continued:
“…this Make America Great Again hat is just as maddening and frustrating and triggering for me to look at as a KKK hood. Like, that is the type of hatred that his policies represent. And until we can have common ground and understanding about that … that it’s that triggering, we’re going to continue to have problems.”
"Like, the irony! Like, President Trump’s policies have brought about the lowest unemployment ever for African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, and like, Asian Americans and women, like, is that the type of hatred that his policies represent? Or is that like, Nelly Rye’s grossly obvious bias?" . . .

Also at this site: "Is The Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings The First Public Display Of Christian Persecution At The Hands Of The U.S. Government?"

The inquisition must go on...and on. . .

. . . "Alas, it was not over. Alger was dead. Communism was dead. Yet the Democrats had learned something very powerful from Alger’s life’s work. If you lie, lie fervently, lie sincerely, and forever there are credulous saps who will believe you. It does not matter how preposterous your story is. These poor saps will not only believe the lies, but they will actually acquire a kind of moral and intellectual superiority by believing it." . . .
The Alger Hiss Democrats in Congress  "Hillary’s explanation for her defeat has been that the Russians colluded with the Trump team in fashioning her defeat. After all, she has been a lifelong enemy of Moscow, almost a member of the John Birch Society. Mueller and the camorra of Clinton supporters that he surrounded himself with must come to her aid now. They would reveal that Trump and the Russians were in collusion to steal her election.
"There is only one problem with this conspiracy. For two long years, after every leak, after every tantalizing tale of collusion, never was there discovered any evidence of it. Thus that is what Mueller reported. There was no evidence. The media and the Clintonites had a lovely theory of collusion. All that was missing was the evidence, and that is what Mueller reported. As I say, I was right all along. Mueller was an honest man." . . .

American Spectator
. . . "So now what are the Democrats going to do? Are they going to move on to something else, or are they going to fabricate another lie? They are going to fabricate another lie. They are going to claim that Attorney General William Barr’s revelations are a “cover-up.” Notwithstanding the law and customs surrounding a grand jury’s treatment of evidence gathered, they are going to claim the right to lay eyes on every jot and tittle Mueller obtained and handed over to Barr. " . . .
The Anti–Bill Barr Smear Campaign  . . . "The question, as Barr said the other day, is whether this surveillance was properly predicated. Barr is being attacked as a partisan hack for saying he’s going to find out. Democrats fear that Trump will use — and exaggerate — whatever is found for his own political purposes, but this isn’t a good reason to oppose Barr’s determining whether the FBI conducted itself with good judgment and in good faith during this episode. The public certainly has an interest in knowing the facts, which is why as many documents related to the beginning of the probe and its conduct should be released as possible.
"Barr is also taking a beating for redacting the forthcoming Mueller report. But it is his responsibility to take out grand-jury material — a D.C. court of appeals decision just affirmed that this material can’t be released to Congress under current statute — classified information, and disparaging references to people incidentally related to the probe. This is simply good practice, and Barr has said he’s combing through the report with Robert Mueller. You know, just like Roy Cohn would." . . .
Tony Branco

What to recall about Joe Biden for 2010

The old, "that is not who we are" speech, followed by bowing in submission and contrition. The key is sincerity and conviction; if you can fake it, you can make it. TD

Biden tells Europeans in Munich that America is 'an embarrassment'  "Biden’s jabs drew applause from European critics of Trump hours after Vice President Mike Pence had spoken at the conference lauding the president's efforts to press NATO allies to increase defense spending in the face of Russian aggression.
"Ironically, Biden lambasted Trump at the high-profile conference for making his grievances with allies public. “You’re never allowed to disagree with your brothers and sisters in public,” he said. “Today, because of, I think, a lack of leadership coming from the other side of the Atlantic, we find ourselves in a different place,and it’s uncomfortable.”
Toon added, TD
"Biden alluded to limbering up for a bid for the 2020 Democratic nomination, which would be his third tilt at White House, after sputtering attempts in 1988 and 2008. “I have spent the better part of the last two years traveling throughout the United States of America, from Minnesota to Texas; from Boston to Birmingham,” he said. “I can assure you, that the American people, the ultimate wellspring of power in the United States of America, remain committed to engaging the world with decency and respect.”
"He added, “Those same people who I met all across the United States, who may feel disconnected, discounted, ignored, or left behind ... They still believe, as I do, that the core values enshrined in our alliances are worth defending.' ” . . .

. . . "Vice President Joe Biden mockingly smiled, wagged his finger, and couldn't seem to stop interrupting Republican running mate Paul Ryan
. . . 
"Early on in the wide-ranging debate on domestic and foreign policy issues, Biden leaned back his chair and gave a big grin, often audibly chuckling at Ryan. His laughter sparked a new Twitter handle called "laughinjoebiden."

"But as the 90-minute debate pressed on, the vice president became increasingly agitated. He wagged his finger at moderator Martha Raddatz. His smile sometimes faded into a scowl." . . . 

The AP report said Ryan "settled on a smirk", but I saw nothing like that. Every reply Ryan gave to a talking point was met with rude mockery and great disrespect." I saw his drinking water as evidence of being thoroughly rattled by Biden's behavior. That was ninety minutes out of my life I'll never get back. TD

Joe became for me, "Toonman":