Saturday, April 13, 2019

Malkin’s Handy History of Fake Noose

Michelle Malkin

"Is it any wonder that American news consumers are at the end of their ropes of patience with the “mainstream media”?

"Three weeks ago, when I first documented troubling questions, contradictions and doubts about Trump-hating, attention-craving actor Jussie Smollett’s absurd hate crime claims, few in the “professional” journalism herd paid heed. Now, with a grand jury investigation on the horizon, everyone’s a Johnny-come-lately debunker.

"And everyone’s making excuses: How could we have known? Why would anyone lie about racism? What could have possibly prepared us for such a scandalous swindle?
"I’m especially looking at you, Robin Roberts. You and ABC’s “Good Morning America” willingly played public relations agents for Smollett last week while his story was already falling apart and he refused to be fully transparent with investigators. Now, you defend yourselves by hiding behind a veil of ignorance about hate crimes hoaxes.

"Listen and learn, addled enablers of fraud. Fake Noose is a sick phenomenon that has run rampant across the country unchecked. I’ve chronicled the self-victimization pathology in my books, columns and blog posts for years:

Columbia University, 2007. Remember black psychology professor Madonna Constantine? She made the rounds on none other than ABC’s “Good Morning America,” claiming she found a “degrading” noose (made of hand-tied twine) hanging from her office door. Constantine led fist-waving protests, decried “systematic racism,” and prompted a nationwide uproar, as I reported at the time in the New York Post. Things didn’t add up when Columbia initially blocked investigators from obtaining 56 hours of surveillance video. No culprits could be found on the militantly progressive campus obsessed with diversity and multiculturalism. It turned out that Constantine was desperately trying to distract from a brewing internal probe of her serial plagiarism, for which she was eventually fired. The hate crime probe hit a dead end and Constantine faced no criminal charges over the Fake Noose incident.

Baltimore Fire Department, 2007. Another manufactured outrage erupted when . . ."

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