Saturday, April 13, 2019

The inquisition must go on...and on. . .

. . . "Alas, it was not over. Alger was dead. Communism was dead. Yet the Democrats had learned something very powerful from Alger’s life’s work. If you lie, lie fervently, lie sincerely, and forever there are credulous saps who will believe you. It does not matter how preposterous your story is. These poor saps will not only believe the lies, but they will actually acquire a kind of moral and intellectual superiority by believing it." . . .
The Alger Hiss Democrats in Congress  "Hillary’s explanation for her defeat has been that the Russians colluded with the Trump team in fashioning her defeat. After all, she has been a lifelong enemy of Moscow, almost a member of the John Birch Society. Mueller and the camorra of Clinton supporters that he surrounded himself with must come to her aid now. They would reveal that Trump and the Russians were in collusion to steal her election.
"There is only one problem with this conspiracy. For two long years, after every leak, after every tantalizing tale of collusion, never was there discovered any evidence of it. Thus that is what Mueller reported. There was no evidence. The media and the Clintonites had a lovely theory of collusion. All that was missing was the evidence, and that is what Mueller reported. As I say, I was right all along. Mueller was an honest man." . . .

American Spectator
. . . "So now what are the Democrats going to do? Are they going to move on to something else, or are they going to fabricate another lie? They are going to fabricate another lie. They are going to claim that Attorney General William Barr’s revelations are a “cover-up.” Notwithstanding the law and customs surrounding a grand jury’s treatment of evidence gathered, they are going to claim the right to lay eyes on every jot and tittle Mueller obtained and handed over to Barr. " . . .
The Anti–Bill Barr Smear Campaign  . . . "The question, as Barr said the other day, is whether this surveillance was properly predicated. Barr is being attacked as a partisan hack for saying he’s going to find out. Democrats fear that Trump will use — and exaggerate — whatever is found for his own political purposes, but this isn’t a good reason to oppose Barr’s determining whether the FBI conducted itself with good judgment and in good faith during this episode. The public certainly has an interest in knowing the facts, which is why as many documents related to the beginning of the probe and its conduct should be released as possible.
"Barr is also taking a beating for redacting the forthcoming Mueller report. But it is his responsibility to take out grand-jury material — a D.C. court of appeals decision just affirmed that this material can’t be released to Congress under current statute — classified information, and disparaging references to people incidentally related to the probe. This is simply good practice, and Barr has said he’s combing through the report with Robert Mueller. You know, just like Roy Cohn would." . . .
Tony Branco

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