Why on Earth are our media –- and our president –- consumed with “Whither Iran?” when hundreds of Americans are dying every day at the hands of the country sitting right next door? Ann Coulter
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"Nor any child rapes, Medicare frauds, heroin dealing or general anti-social behavior making life in America such a pleasure these days.
"Even the 9/11 report could tie Iran to the attacks only on the thin reed of several hijackers passing through Iran on their way to the U.S. -- where our customs officials welcomed all 19 of them with open arms.
"Thirteen of the 19 terrorists had been given Florida drivers' licenses. If we’re going back to 9/11, maybe Trump should consider dropping a drone on Jeb Bush.
"To get killed by an Iranian -- or even to be harassed by an Iranian -- you have to go the Middle East.
"Breaking News: Unrest in the Middle East!
"Why is the solution to this problem always to gather up our best young men ... and send them to the Middle East?
"President George W. Bush tried to pacify that region of the world with the Iraq War. We see how well that worked.
"By 2016, Americans were so sick of pointless Middle Eastern wars that even Trump’s ham-handed attacks on President Bush, saying he had “lied” about weapons of mass destruction, led to Trump’s landslide victory in the most hawkish state of the union: South Carolina.
"But today, Americans are sitting at home being scared out of their wits by news reports of the “threat” Iran poses to their children, their homes, their commute to work, their very lives.
"They can rest easy. It’s more likely that Mars will attack, and we didn’t just kill a Martian general.
"Just in terms of American Lives Snuffed Out, the greatest threat to our country, hands down, comes from Mexico. Doesn’t “national security” have something to do with keeping Americans alive?
"Mexican heroin killed at least 14,000 Americans last year. Mexican fentanyl and methamphetamine killed about 10,000 to 14,000. Hispanic drunk drivers -- Mexicans or other Hispanics given safe passage to the U.S. through Mexico -- kill about 3,000 Americans every year."Even the 9/11 report could tie Iran to the attacks only on the thin reed of several hijackers passing through Iran on their way to the U.S. -- where our customs officials welcomed all 19 of them with open arms.
"Thirteen of the 19 terrorists had been given Florida drivers' licenses. If we’re going back to 9/11, maybe Trump should consider dropping a drone on Jeb Bush.
"To get killed by an Iranian -- or even to be harassed by an Iranian -- you have to go the Middle East.
"Breaking News: Unrest in the Middle East!
"Why is the solution to this problem always to gather up our best young men ... and send them to the Middle East?
"President George W. Bush tried to pacify that region of the world with the Iraq War. We see how well that worked.
"By 2016, Americans were so sick of pointless Middle Eastern wars that even Trump’s ham-handed attacks on President Bush, saying he had “lied” about weapons of mass destruction, led to Trump’s landslide victory in the most hawkish state of the union: South Carolina.
"But today, Americans are sitting at home being scared out of their wits by news reports of the “threat” Iran poses to their children, their homes, their commute to work, their very lives.
"They can rest easy. It’s more likely that Mars will attack, and we didn’t just kill a Martian general.
"Just in terms of American Lives Snuffed Out, the greatest threat to our country, hands down, comes from Mexico. Doesn’t “national security” have something to do with keeping Americans alive?
"That’s not to mention the random murders, the Kate Steinles, the cartel and gang killings, and even the occasional mass murder committed by Mexicans in the U.S. (Look up Eduardo Sencion and Salvador Tapia.)"
"Number of Americans killed in their own country every year by Iranians: 0 that I know of.
"Number of Americans killed in their own country every year by Mexicans: 30,000, by conservative estimate." . . .
"Number of Americans killed in their own country every year by Iranians: 0 that I know of.
"Number of Americans killed in their own country every year by Mexicans: 30,000, by conservative estimate." . . .