Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Kaepernick: the American left packaged into one man

Kaepernick’s disgraceful, ridiculous ‘racial’ lens on Soleimani slay

"In the torrent of idiotic commentary unleashed by the killing of Qassem Soleimani, Colin Kaepernick’s deserves a place of honor.
"The NFL washout and Nike persona who makes sure the company doesn’t produce any overly patriotic sneakers tweeted: “There is nothing new about American terrorist attacks against black and brown people for the expansion of American imperialism.”
"For Kaepernick, Soleimani is just another dark-skinned man brutalized by America. The Iranian terror master was, in effect, driving while non-white and paid the ultimate price. For all we know, the operator of the MQ-9 Reaper drone that took him out was making a white-supremacy hand signal while unleashing this racist attack.
"This interpretation of events takes identity politics to a whole new level, defining the blood-drenched hit man for a terroristic, profoundly anti-Semitic, deeply intolerant theocracy as a victim, based on his skin color alone.
"Obviously, no one will mistake Kaepernick for an original thinker; he’s only repeating things he’s read or been told in a slightly more ­lurid form. His worldview is disproportionately represented in academia and on the left, which object to calling Soleimani a monster (hence, Elizabeth Warren’s pathetic backtracking after initially condemning Soleimani)." . . .

Iran is our enemy.  They’ve been telling us so for 40 years. Yet, the traitorous Democrats side with Iran.
Diamond & Silk Say Kaepernick Might Be Happy Living in Another Country 
"Conservative activists Diamond and Silk roasted Colin Kaepernick on Monday after he trashed the United States while making millions of dollars on American soil.
“ 'I’m tired of these people talking about [how] they don’t like our policies,” the duo stated during their appearance on The Todd Starnes Show. “Ignore race baiters, haters, and agitators. And that’s what Colin Kaepernick is.”
“ 'They don’t like America, but they make millions and millions of dollars in America,” Diamond and Silk continued. “Then go somewhere where you like it.”
"Kaepernick recently drew criticism for his controversial tweets following the United States’ fatal attack on Iranian leader Qassem Soleimani.
“ 'President Trump has been trying to give Iran a chance,” Diamond and Silk said. Listen to their entire interview here.
“ 'They keep testing the waters. They keep pushing the paper over the edge until it falls.”
"The dynamic duo believes that President Trump’s approach to foreign policy “has the United States of America looking strong,” adding that Democrats are only in it for the money.
“ 'Obama drew a line in the sand and gave them 150 billion,” they said. “[President Trump] took a drone and some missiles up over there.' ” . . .

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