Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Ricky Gervais Deserves a Medal for Roasting the Wankerati at the Golden Globes

Ricky Gervais Deserves a Medal for Roasting the Wankerati at the Golden Globes

. . . "Gervais is right, of course. The offence-taking industry has got grotesquely out of hand – and no institutions have been more responsible for promoting this cry-bully culture of entitled victimhood than the ones that Gervais lambasted at the Golden Globes.
"It’s a great start to the 2020s – a decade which, I believe, will see a growing backlash to woke culture, as we normal people realise that it’s us, not the snowflakes of academe and the mainstream media and the entertainment industry, who are the majority and that for the last two decades we’ve had our culture stolen away from us by a small, shrill minority of brainwashed fruitcakes.
"Gervais’s Golden Globes performance may yet come to be recognised as one of those pivotal events where we all finally realised that the Emperor of Woke is in fact wearing no clothes.
"The man deserves a knighthood, at the very least, for services to Western Civilisation." . . .

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