Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Our Soleimani links for you

Dems Forget Soleimani's Plot to Bomb Washington
Perhaps President Trump should invite some of the families of the soldiers Soleimani murdered and some of the wounded warriors he maimed so Pelosi could look up at them and see why the killing of enemy combatant Soleimani in a war zone as he plotted to turn our embassy in Baghdad into another hostage crisis or worse, another Benghazi, was justified.
 Wait. Didn't Obama's 'Amazing' Shrink-Wrapped 'Iran Deal' Outlaw the Missiles the Ayatollah Used?  . . . "In fact, the Obama administration's Iran deal, the JCPOA – worst acronym ever – did not cover ballistic missiles. It referred to nuclear weapons.
"In other words, the deal covered weapons that the Ayatollah was least likely to use, but didn't cover the ones he could readily use." . . .

Israeli think tank has Soleimani's number . . . "The title of the study just out is "The Soleimani Killing: An Initial Assessment" and it's a must-read at this link here. The essays are short and striking. Here's a bit of sampling of what the short papers contain:". . . 

I still look for "non-Iranian" parties to target places here in the US, Trump himself possessing many targets.

Rent-a-Mobs Will Not Ease Khamenei’s Grim Future . . . "But the bulk of the demonstrators are there, not because they wish to pay tribute to the fallen martyr, but because they have to be. They have been commanded to be present, and, in addition to their fees, they are getting food and transportation to the various mob sites." . . .

Elizabeth Warren Won’t Criticize Soleimani, Deflects By Bashing Trump Instead (VIDEO)  "Democrats are so consumed by their hatred of Trump, that they can’t bring themselves to admit that Soleimani was an evil man who deserved to be eliminated.
"During a recent appearance on CNN, Elizabeth Warren referred to the man responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers as a high ranking Iranian government official.
"She then spent the rest of her appearance bashing Trump." . . .

Khamenei: Our military action against US 'not enough'

CNN Gives Platform To Spokeswoman For The 1979 US Embassy Hostage-Takers To Push Iran Propaganda  "CNN has no shame. Via Daily Caller:" . . .

How many virgins does one get for dying in a funeral procession for a terrorist mastermind?

Middle Easterners do not "funeral" well  Watch what happened at the funeral of the Ayatollah Khomeini
In case the video does not play, try this link instead: "Middle Easterners do not "funeral" well"

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