Tony Branco |
"Folks, I have had my fill of corona-mania. Also, I am sick of people accusing me of being irresponsible and insensitive for not surrendering to the absurd Democrat and fake news media narrative that says Trump is handling the virus wrong and we're all going to die.
"Mary is a member of a keto diet Facebook group. Someone posted, “Does anyone have a recipe how to make toilet paper with cauliflower?” We both laughed out loud.
"Two guys are running for sheriff in our small town. One candidate hosted a meet-and-greet which Mary and I attended. The other guy canceled his meet-and-greet because of the coronavirus. We're voting for the candidate we met at his meet-and-greet.
"Incredibly, events in our town which usually only draw a handful of people are canceling because of corona. I tip my hat to the pastor of a local church who did not cancel his annual Wild Game Feast. Folks, you have not lived until you have eaten deer sausage and deer bologna.
"According to the CDC during the 2018-2019 flu season, an estimated 16.5 million people got sick and 34,000 died in the U.S. No businesses closed or events were canceled. Under 100, mostly elderly, people have died from corona and everything is closing, devastating our economy.
"I realize everyone has to do whatever they deem necessary to protect themselves and their family. All I am saying is I ain't playin'. I am coronaed out.
"Amid corona-madness, President Trump declared this past Sunday a National Day of Prayer. His Deplorable Choir sings, “Praise the Lord.' ”
This Viral Coronavirus Rant From a Tennessee Nurse Will Make Your Day (VIDEO)
. . . Emily Annette made the video after going to the grocery store and encountering a hysterical woman who was yelling at a grocery store clerk who just happened to touch his own face while he was ringing up groceries.
"The fraudstream media has caused mass hysteria over the Coronavirus and Americans are panic buying and fighting each other for rolls of toilet paper and hand sanitizer.
"Americans are being bombarded with orders to wash their hands frequently and to avoid touching their faces.
"People have lost their minds and this woman’s rant was just the perfect comic relief we needed during this stressful time.
“ 'Ya’ll, there are so many stupid people in this world,” she said referring to low IQ people freaking out over the Coronavirus." . . . Make sure to watch the video until the end!