Tuesday, February 1, 2022

BOMBSHELL: Key Evidence Undermining Ukraine Impeachment Narrative Withheld From Trump Defense

  PJ Media

"In 2016, Burisma Holdings was being investigated by Ukraine’s then-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin while then-Vice President Joe Biden’s Hunter sat on the company’s board making $83,000. So Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine unless they fired Shokin.

"Biden argued that his actions were above board because he was carrying out the “official policy” of the Obama administration to root out corruption in Ukraine. “It was a fully transparent policy carried out in front of the whole world and fully, fully embraced by the international community of democracies,” he claimed.

"But according to official memos seen by Just The News, this is not the case. Instead, these memos indicate that U.S. State Department officials were “impressed” with Shokin’s anti-corruption plan and fully supportive of his efforts—undermining a key narrative during the Democrats’ first partisan impeachment of President Trump.

"During the trial, House Democrats maintained that Shokin was fired because State Department officials weren’t happy with his anti-corruption efforts, not because he was investigating Burisma. But these memos obtained by Just the News and the Southeastern Legal Foundation under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show that senior State Department officials, including then-Secretary of State John Kerry, were “impressed” with Shokin’s efforts.". . .

Five Impeachable Offenses of Joe Biden – Nation HQ   (PJMedia) – According to a new Rasmussen Reports survey, half of U.S. voters believe that Joe Biden should be impeached . Nearly as many think Republicans will pursue impeachment if they win back the majority in November, as they are expected to do. I’m skeptical that Republicans will do it, but some have hinted that impeachment is absolutely on the table.

"“If we take the House, which I said is overwhelmingly likely, then I think we will see serious investigations of the Biden administration,” Ted Cruz said earlier this month . “Whether it’s justified or not, the Democrats weaponized impeachment. They used it for partisan purposes to go after Trump because they disagreed with him. One of the real disadvantages of doing that is the more you weaponize it and turn it into a partisan cudgel, you know what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”

"I’m all for some payback for what the Democrats did to Trump, but I also don’t think impeaching Biden over policy disagreements or fake accusations (like what happened to Trump) is the way to go either. So, the question is, what can we legitimately impeach Biden for?

"Well, here are five things.". . .

Image from Todd Schowalter Productions.

The reign of Democrat Joe


. . ."A mere 32 seconds' worth of video depicting the end of Biden's address to the nation's governors proves that he is not in charge of his presidency.  He indicates that the plan was for him to take questions, beginning with one from the governor of Utah.  (The oddity of a POTUS planning in advance the questioners at the end of events, including press conferences, is a separate and disturbing issue.  Scripting so closely suggests an inability to handle spontaneity and stage management of Q&A that is unseemly.)

"But, as you will see, someone else decided that Biden was not going to follow that plan.  My guess is that he was showing signs of incoherence, of the phenomenon known as "sundowning," where a dementia patient loses coherence as the day wears on.". . .

. . ."Former Bush Vice President Dan Quayle, writing in his memoirs Standing Firmsaid the moment the Thomas Nomination was announced:
[W]e knew that the long knives of “political correctness” were being sharpened for use against this strong, independent man who did not fit the liberals’ idea of what a black jurist — in fact, any black man — should stand for. 
… But the forces lining up against Thomas were considerable, and the nature and rhetoric of their opposition was sometimes almost sickening. (Washington Post African-American) Columnist Carl Rowan said that “if you gave Thomas a little flour on his face, you’d think you had [KKK leader] David Duke talking.” A leader from the (leftist) National Organization for Women said, “We’re going to ‘Bork’ him. We need to kill him politically,” while one black (Democrat) Congressman declared that “a black conservative is a contradiction in terms.'”. . .

. . ." The fact of the matter here is that Biden’s pledge to nominate a “black woman” is at its heart not about about nominating a black or a woman at all. In fact it is really all about nominating a liberal.

"And Biden, as with most Democrat elites, fully expects that by definition a black woman is a liberal.

"No sexism or racism there."

Monday, January 31, 2022

Furious National police union demands Jen Psaki APOLOGIZE for 'laughing off' Americans' concerns over 'soft-on-crime' policies from 'the safety of the White House'

Daily Mail Online    . . ."Psaki was speaking about a Fox News segment during an appearance on the Pod Save America podcast last week when she questioned what 'soft-on-crime consequence' even means and insisted Americans care 'more about what’s happening in their lives than what’s necessarily happening in every cable news chyron'.

"She laughed off concerns despite a 510 percent nationwide spike in carjackings over the last year, 28 police officers being shot in January and widespread criticism of Democratic DAs including New York's Alvin Bragg who are going softer on criminals.  

"She said that while CNN and MSNBC were focused on Ukraine-Russia tensions, 'On Fox is Jeanine Pirro talking about soft-on-crime consequences, I mean, what does that even mean?' 

 ' 'There's an alternate universe on some coverage,' Psaki said. 'What's scary about it is a lot of people watch that. They think that the president isn't doing anything to address people's safety in New York and that couldn't be further from the truth.' 

" Psaki then seemed to imply Americans care more about 'what's happening in their lives' than crime spikes.". . .  

Whoopi Goldberg: Holocaust 'not about race'. Will The Whoopster get a pass on this?

Might she have thought of murdering millions of men, women, and children - because they were Jews - to be not 'Race-Race'Whoopi is a stickler for the fine points

"Whoopi Goldberg argued on ABC's The View Monday the Holocaust was "not about race," prompting pushback from co-hosts on the show.

"If you're going to do this, then let's be truthful about it," Goldberg said. "Because the Holocaust isn't about race. No, it's not about race."

"Co-host Joy Behar asked Goldberg: "Then what was it about?"

" 'It's about man's inhumanity to man," Goldberg responded. "That's what it's about."

"Ana Navarro, another co-host on the show, interjected, saying, "Well, it's about white supremacy. That's what it's about. It's about going after Jews and gypsies."

" 'But these are two groups of white people," Goldberg cut in. "But you're missing the point. The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley. Let's talk about it for what it is. It's how people treat each other. It's a problem. It doesn't matter if you're Black* or white, because Black*, white, Jews ... everybody eats each other.' ". . .

My strong opinion is that Whoopi gets a pass because her point of view was leftist and against a group of people defended by Christians and conservatives.

*Notice now that of all ethnic groups, only the term "black" is capitalized. Part of the George Floyd penance includes kneeling for him.

Whoopi Goldberg May Have Finally Gone Too Far With Disgusting Comments on the Holocaust – RedState

Fox News vs. CNN; a train wreck?

 Tucker Carlson says Jim Acosta is 'dumbest anchor in the U.S.' as war of words intensifies | News - Tucker Carlson (headtopics.com)  

 "Tucker Carlson has attacked CNN host Jim Acosta after he criticized his conduct during an interview with Andrew Yang.

"Acosta added: "Yes, Tucker Carlson your suggestion that Kamala Harris isn't quite American because she spent part of her childhood in Canada has put you over the top. "We once honored you with the distinction of bulls*** factory employee of the month but now that 2021 is coming to an end, we decided to recognize you as our first ever bulls*** factory employee of the year. That is right Tucker, you earned it."

"Acosta went on to criticize the Fox News host and accuse him of spreading misinformation regarding the coronavirus pandemic and serving as a

"mouthpiece" for some white supremacists. He said: "You have just spent the past year peddling vaccine conspiracy theories about Bill Gates. You have served as a mouthpiece for white supremacists who embrace the great replacement theory.

" 'You also spread the false flag conspiracy theory that Trump supporters were not responsible for the insurrection on January 6, only to contradict yourself days later. Now your latest lowlight, you had a crew embedded with during his trial, yes, during his trial." headtopics.com". . .

Lunatics: Acosta & Guest Compare Unvaccinated to Committing Human Sacrifices | Newsbusters   "Just when you think CNN can't go any lower they manage to prove us wrong. On Sunday afternoon's CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta, the leftist anchor brought on Atlantic writer Kurt Anderson to claim that those who are skeptical of the COVID vaccines are akin to the Aztecs committing "mass human sacrifices."

"Acosta commenced the deranged segment by asking Anderson about his article in the Atlantic which he argues "the anti-vaccine right has brought human sacrifice to America."  Anderson wailed that:

Once the Republican Party decided under Donald Trump to politicize this so strictly, vaccine protocols, the public health protocols, and then once we had a vaccine that was so astoundingly effective and where refusing to take it, not taking it, led to deaths very clearly and has led to more deaths by far among people who watch Fox News, who are on the right it really -- I realized that it suddenly it wasn't just a figure of speech or a piece of rhetoric that people had used from the beginning. Left and right, mass human sacrifice but that it was real. . .

Mansion Marxists

Black Lives Matter’s founders are known for property they like to buy — but there’s more to BLM’s spending and it’s upsetting rank-and-file members. 

 That includes the recent BLM “Black Xmas” campaign, which denounces “white-supremacist-capitalism,” given that “capitalism doesn’t love Black people. "Capitalism seems to love Patrisse, and she it.

The American Spectator   "The term “mansion Marxist” is an oldie and a goodie. It’s right up there with “limousine leftist,” but richer (pun intended) because it denotes an especially outrageous kind of left-wing hypocrite: For instance, the Soviet party apparatchik basking in the warmth of his seaside dacha while the masses shiver in breadlines. Or the self-proclaimed fighter for the working man who yaps about income equality while filling his pockets with profits pilfered from party coffers. Gus Hall, the corrupt head of Communist Party USA from 1959 to 2000 was a master of the craft, dutifully stuffing his wallet with cash from the Kremlin before sparing a dime for his union brothers on the factory floor.

"I wrote a long piece on this phenomenon for The American Spectator last fall. Titled “Marxist Greed,” it looked at cases from the Kims of North Korea to Xi Jinping to Nicolai Ceausescu, who had castles all over Romania. Fidel Castro, for instance, was worth a cool $900 million at the time of his death, while all Cuban workers subsisted off an annual salary of $120. You couldn’t own a home or boat in Cuba, but Fidel damn well owned the island. Raul Castro, too, is a multi-millionaire.

"Marxism, you see, is for the ruled, not the rulers; it’s for the masses, not the masters.

"When I Googled “mansion Marxist” yesterday, what popped up were three news articles about the founder of Black Lives Matter, Patrice Cullors, a homegrown American Marxist.

" 'We are trained Marxists,” said Patrisse of her and BLM co-founder Alicia Garza. “We are super-versed [in] ideological theories.” Particularly critical race theory.". . .


Climate Change, the Flu, and the Death of Satire


Follow the Fauci? (wnd.com)

. . ."Things don’t bode well for a society that takes everything so deathly seriously.

The American Spectator  "It has become ever more difficult in recent years to write satire because the world is going crazy so fast that satire becomes reality — sometimes poisonous reality — before you can finish writing or even start laughing. Even somewhat far-fetched predictions can no longer be taken lightly.  

"This column suggested recently that if the government can do the kinds of things it has been doing to “protect” the public against the Fauci Flu, think what it can do to prevent the “existential” crisis of climate change. 

"The Fauci Flu has not yet been referred to as an existential threat. But why not? Simply because no one would believe that? How can you be so sure? 

"It is true that for many months many people have been discounting whatever the government has been saying about the Flu, and masks, and the vaccines, and the boosters. Think about, among other disgraces, how then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo lied about the number of people who had died (largely because of his policies) in nursing homes. And now we learn Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan did the same thing. That rising distrust in government is one reason it has become ever more necessary for the government to try to shame people into doing what the government announces is good behavior. 

"But not everyone distrusts government. Rasmussen Reports released a poll recently that showed Democrat voters support harsh measures against the unvaccinated. The poll found that 48 percent of voters favor imposing a Fauci Flu vaccine mandate on employees of large corporations, and 48 percent oppose. Okay (sort of), up to that point, but then the results get nasty. " . . .

Soros Dark Money Helps Fund 23 Leftist DAs to the Tune of $29M

 Newsbusters  "Soros money is like air — it’s everywhere, even if you don’t see it. A shocking report from the Capital Research Center uncovered at least “29 million in funding” that helped elect 23 leftist district attorneys across the country.

"The Capital Research Center (CRC) report exposed George Soros’ multimillion-dollar scheme to elect district attorneys around the U.S. Soros has given at least “$29 million in funding … through a personal network of political action committees (PACs) formed specifically to back left-wing DA candidates,” since 2016, according to CRC researchers. [Emphasis added]. 

"Among the district attorneys who received funding were the now-infamous Kimberly (Kim) Foxx, for dropping charges in the Jussie Smollett case, and Philadelphia district attorney Lawrence (Larry) Krasner. It was on Krasner’s watch that Philadelphia reportedly became the “murder capital of the United States” last July. 

"Soros' money hit bull’s-eyes almost every time. “Soros cash has generously supported over 20 individual candidates, many of whom won their elections and remain in office today,” noted the report. 

"Foxx currently serves as Cook County State’s Attorney in Illinois. She was “boosted into office with the help of $2 million in Soros cash,” according to the report from CRC

"Foxx’s leadership was disastrous for the people of Chicago. In 2021, Foxx reportedly “presid[ed] over Chicago’s largest spike in homicides in more than 30 years. At the same time, her office dropped charges against 30 percent of felony defendants during 2020, as the CRC report observed. 

"Krasner is another radical district attorney who won a second term with Soros money.". . .

Republic Broadcasting Network » List of Prosecutors Backed by George Soros Causing Murder and Crime to Soar

 . . .Specifically, the public imagination has been captured by the stories of activist DAs backed by the shadowy figure of George Soros.

Many have heard of him, and most understand that he spends millions on U.S. politics, but very few know the specifics. As a result, Soros has become something of a folklore monster whose reputation often exceeds reality.

But when it comes to Soros’s involvement in backing left-wing district attorneys, Soros really is the archvillain that rumor makes him out to be.


The Soros Dozen: Big City Prosecutors Backed by George Soros

The rise of these Soros-backed prosecutors has coincided with a massive surge in murder and crime in many Democrat-run cities, including many where these prosecutors have implemented radical policies toward policing and incarceration.

Remember this TV shutdown of criticism toward Soros? Made all the stranger being from FoxNews:  So its verboten Fox News panelist STOPS Newt Gingrich from discussing Soros elected district attorneys   

. . ."This is one of the weirdest exchanges I’ve ever seen on TV. @newtgingrich correctly points out that George Soros threw an unprecedented amount of money into DA races all over the country to elect radicals and Fox News basically told him to shut up. WTF? pic.twitter.com/IxwcLG2gOH

He was cut off by panelist Melissa Francis – who hosts her own show on Fox Business – saying “I’m not sure we need to bring George Soros into this.” Fellow panelist Marie Harf – who was a spokeswoman for the CIA and the State Department during the Obama administration – joined in, arguing that “George Soros doesn’t need to be part of this conversation.”

“Okay, so it’s verboten?” Gingrich said, incredulous. After a long moment of awkward silence, host Harris Faulkner simply said “Okay, we’re going to move on.”

Some men just want to watch the West burn   . . ."How would a Jewish teenager, presumably raised on stories of historical anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe, who experienced all that at the hands of both Germans and Russians in quick succession, come to see the world?

"Perhaps he would believe that the world created by European Christians was irredeemably evil and must be destroyed? Perhaps he would become an anarchist among anarchists in his heart, burning with a desire to burn down this world which had done such evil to him and his people?

"Into that swirling psychological milieu came the most significant intellectual influence of George’s life, Professor Karl Popper. George studied under him at the London School of Economics, an institution well-known for pumping out hardened socialists year after year to staff the administrative caste of Britain.". . .

Bill Maher: “The Party of FDR and JFK is Turning Into the Party of LOL and WTF”

 “Democrats have become a parody of themselves, just making rules to make rules because it makes you feel like you’re a better person”

Legal Insurrection    "I’ve often said that Bill Maher is like a broken clock that’s right every few months. Now is one of those times. In his ‘New Rule’ monologue this weekend, he went after Democrats for not recognizing the fact that the insane, radical left is dragging them down.

"His monologue is full of great lines.

"Maher begins by noting that former Bush White House press secretary Dana Perino recently suggested on FOX News that Democrats should consider running Maher for president because he understands what their party needs.

"Maher is making the point that he has not changed, but the left has and now some people on the right understand him better than they do. He does all of this to laughter and applause from his liberal audience.

Let’s get this straight. It’s not me who’s changed. It’s the left. Who is now made up of a small contingent who’ve gone mental and a large contingent who refuse to call them out for it. But I will. That’s why I’m a hero at FOX these days. Which shows just how much liberals have their head up their ass, because if they really thought about it, they would’ve made me a hero on their media. But that can’t happen in this ridiculous new era of mind-numbing partisanship, where if I keep it real about the nonsense in the Democratic party, it makes me an instant hero to Republicans.

"Maher is not a fan of ‘woke’ politics. He makes it quite clear." . . .

DC Comics' 'woke' Superman reboot fails to fly with readers: report

 Fox Business

Interest among fans reportedly slipped further when DC Comics Publisher Jim Lee announced the company was changing Superman’s motto of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" to "Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow."

"Superman: Son of Kal-El" #1 sold only 68,800 copies since it debuted in July. That made it the 17th best-selling comic that month, according to industry resources website Comichron.

"Those sales numbers fall way short of prior Superman reboots.

 " 'Superman" #1 sold 133,700 copies in 2018, "Superman: Rebirth" #1 sold 118,434 copies, "Superman" #1 sold 105,380 copies in June 2016, and "Superman" #1 sold 118,376 copies in September 2011.

"In October, California-based DC decided to make the new Superman bisexual, starting a friendship with reporter Jay Nakamura in an attempt to boost interest.". . .

Sunday, January 30, 2022

SF man allegedly responsible for half of the city's anti-Asian hate crimes in 2021 released from custody

 “Someone please help me understand what mental illness causes a 37-year-old man to vandalize 27 Asian-owned businesses,” one Twitter user wrote. Another commented, “This scumbag career criminal is not even in jail after being caught in the act of damaging properties.” Still seeking his photo. TD 


Derik Barreto, 37, is allegedly responsible for more than half of all anti-Asian hate crimes reported in San Francisco last year.

He was reportedly released from custody after the court granted him mental health diversion.

The news of his release comes amid mounting concerns for the safety of AAPI communities around the country.

A man allegedly responsible for more than half of all anti-Asian hate crimes recorded in San Francisco last year is reportedly out of custody, raising safety concerns across local communities.

"Derik Barreto, 37, is accused of targeting 20 Chinese-owned businesses and seven others in Chinatown, the Ingleside neighborhood and the Ocean Avenue corridor between April and August of 2021. He allegedly rode on a scooter and used a slingshot, pipe or hammer to destroy the stores’ windows, as seen in several surveillance videos.

"Following his arrest, the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office charged Barreto with a total of 33 crimes, as NextShark previously reported. Those included 27 felony counts of vandalism, four felony counts of second-degree burglary, one misdemeanor count of possession of burglary tools and one misdemeanor count of possession of a concealed weapon.". . .

Boudin’s announcement comes as he faces renewed criticism in a fatal hit-and-run case, whose one of two victims was Asian. Critics believe the victims would still be alive if the DA had not discontinued California’s Three-Strikes law in the city, which would have kept the suspect — a repeat offender — behind bars.

A search for photos of this anti-Asian criminal has been a complete no-go. One search yielded this:

Derik Barreto booking photo 0 posts "It seems we cannot find what you are looking for. Perhaps searching can help."

Odd, considering every arrest should have yielded booking photos

San Francisco reports 'alarming' increase in anti-Asian hate crimes – SFBay (sfbayca.com)

Pittsburgh bridge's 2016 infrastructure funding reportedly diverted to bike lanes and green energy programs

 American Thinker  
  The bridge that just collapsed in the city of Pittsburgh was set to be restored in 2016. Instead of replacing the completely rusted out supports, they diverted the money to bike lanes, green energy programs and lanes for self driving cars.

. . ."Virtually every infrastructure bill has been like this. The Americans for Prosperity website has a history of these continuous infrastructure bills, all of which left a lot of decaying infrastructure and a lot of greenie gee-whiz idiocies:

  • In 1998, President Clinton and Congress worked together on a $217 billion transportation bill.
  • Who can forget President George W. Bush’s 2005 bill that included funding for the infamous Bridge to Nowhere.
  • President Obama’s 2009 “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” had an $831 billion price tag.
  • The Trump Administration proposed or endorsed several costly infrastructure plans between 2015-2020.
  • If President Biden’s recent proposal gives you déjà vu, you’re not alone. His promises sound familiar to us, too.

"We know that in California, legislators and executives enjoy lying about spending for infrastructure investment, too. Remember when they hoodwinked voters into approving a gas tax for infrastructure in 2019? Yep, same story, they didnt bother with infrastructure such as roads and bridges. They set up greenie playthings instead and wasted the cash even as gas prices skyrocketed with all those added state taxes." . . .