Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Flashback clip of Jeff Sessions swatting Biden's hand away from his granddaughter proves everyone knew about Joe...

  Revolver News 

"Sadly, the Democrats, who demand that we “believe all women,” didn’t believe these particular women—clearly because it didn’t suit their narrative." . . .

  "The bad news for America is that Joe Biden has been a fixture in US politics for decades. The really bad news for Joe Biden is that much of his repugnant behavior has been caught on video and is still circulating today, constantly reminding everyone what an inept “leader” he has always been and highlighting his predatory behavior and actions towards young girls. A quick search online will pull up a plethora of clips showing Joe’s groping, touching, and creepy nuzzling of very young girls. There’s no denying this behavior is unacceptable, and most on the left and in the media know they can’t defend it, so they try to ignore it and pretend the mountain of past clips doesn’t exist or that he doesn’t still behave that way today. Though, when Joe gets handsy these days, the media dismisses it as “grandfatherly behavior.”

"You mean like this?"

   Remember when Jeff Sessions slapped Joe Biden’s hand away from his grand daughter? 

 More at Revolver News

Greta Thunberg and the Greatest of all Heresies

 American Greatness (  

As Chesterton never said but is often quoted as having done so, “When a man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything.” 

 Greta Thunberg Mural Equipped With Laser Eyes That Shoot At SUVs | Babylon Bee 

"The other day, as environmental hero/prophetess Greta Thunberg donned a keffiyeh and joined the pro-Hamas protests in Malmo, Sweden, social media blew up with its usual mix of angry condemnation and fierce support. “How could she?” countless posters tetchily demanded, only to be met, in response, with the equally peevish “How could you?” With a few notable exceptions, most observers missed the obvious point that of course the erstwhile environmental activist was protesting the Jewish “oppressors” and supporting their poor, Palestinian victims; of course she took to the streets with neo-Marxist identitarians to demand “justice” and an end to “colonialism;” of course she has and will continue to embrace every subversive left-wing liberationist cause. How could do otherwise? After all, these causes are all interconnected, if not wholly identical." . . .

. . ."Chesterton writes, “then he is by that very process sinking slowly backwards into the vagueness of the vagrant animals and the unconsciousness of the grass. Trees have no dogmas. Turnips are singularly broad-minded.”

"Greta Thunberg is a turnip. To be sure, she is a broad-minded and “enlightened” turnip, but she is a turnip nonetheless. And so are all of her compatriots protesting throughout the West for the environment and against the Jews, for the Palestinians and against homophobia, and for the Mullahs of Iran and their homicidal proxies and against fossil fuels. They are all believer in and practitioners of “the Modern Phase.” They are Marxists, but not just Marxists. They are Marxists with iPhones who use those iPhones to spend their parents’ money ordering head scarves from Amazon, which they then use to cover their hair and their faces while they demand equal treatment for women, even those women who were born men.

"As Chesterton never said but is often quoted as having done so, “When a man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything.” And so it is with our turnipified youth. They are “spiritual” but not religious. They are disciples who follow no dogma. They embrace all causes while believing nothing. They are destroying our civilization so that they may save the world. And while they may accomplish the former, the latter is far beyond the limits of their imaginations and dedication."

Greta, be glad you are not this Israeli girl! 

Greta Thunberg has “disgraced herself” and the entire “climate change cult”, says Sky News host Rowan Dean.   @darrylweidenhofer   
"She is no kid that sat outside of the parliament. Her father was a political activist. Hell she even goes to the world economic Forum and gets a room given to her.That should tell us everything"

161 years ago; The Battle of Gettysburg

The American Catholic – Politics & Culture from a Catholic Perspective

"Julius Howell, Civil War General (January 17, 1846 - June 19, 1948) joined the Confederate Army when he was 16. After surviving a few battles, he eventually found himself in a Union prison camp at Point Lookout, Maryland. In 1947, at the age of 101, Howell made this recording at the Library of Congress."
"You can hear in this man's accent how the English accent morphed into the American Southern accent. His accent is closer to the English accent than the speakers of today, still recognizable even as English."
British tourist Arthur Fremantle observed that Southern men spoke with English accents while Southern women spoke in the musical "southern twang".

An Englishman's Journey Through the Confederacy During America's Civil War ( "After graduating from Sandhurst, Great Britain’s West Point, Arthur James Lyon Fremantle entered the army in 1852 and soon became an officer in England’s renowned Coldstream Guards (both his father and grandfather had served with distinction in the same regiment). At the age of 25, Fremantle was promoted to lieutenant colonel and eventually rose to the rank of full general, becoming along the way one of the most senior officers in the British army. In 1885, he commanded a brigade of Guards during the Sudan campaign and was later appointed governor of Malta, a strategically important British possession in the Mediterranean.

"Fremantle’s credentials certainly bespeak a distinguished military career, but perhaps his greatest importance to military history lies not in his service to queen and country but rather in the form of a short three-month diary he kept while on ‘vacation.’ Fueled by a strong desire to get a firsthand view of the boiling crisis in America as the Southern states struggled to free themselves from their Northern counterparts, Fremantle secured six-months’ leave and crossed the Atlantic.

"Upon entering the Confederacy, Fremantle made a breathtaking tour, visiting every Southern state except Arkansas and Florida. Within three months he had met most of the top Confederate leaders in both Eastern and Western theaters, including Robert E. Lee, James Longstreet, Joseph Johnston and Jefferson Davis, to name a few. But by no means did Fremantle limit himself to the leading figures; he befriended a gamut of men and women from all walks of life, and left behind an excellent account of the common soldier and the fiery Southern womenfolk on the home front." . . .

. . ."Even the Pennsylvania women who were disgusted to see the Confederates failed to daunt that Southern good humor. One creative woman protested the invaders by covering her sizable chest with a Union flag. Fremantle stood by as one cheeky Texan warned the woman, ‘Take care, madam, for Hood’s boys are great at storming breastworks when the Yankee colors is on them.’ " . . .

 What the Rebel Yell Sounded Like

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Fall of the House of Presidential Persecutions

 Victor Davis Hanson › American Greatness  What will be the endgame of all these attacks on the American legal system and the warping of it for blatant political purposes?  

Tara Reade was as believable or unbelievable as E. Jean Carroll. Far poorer, and without Carroll’s New York elite connections, Reade alleged that Senator Joe Biden sexually assaulted her at about the same time as the Carroll claim. Yet Reade was written off as a nut, ostracized, and felt to have opportunistically piggy-banked on the #MeToo movement. 

"None of the five civil and criminal cases currently lodged against former President Donald Trump have ever had merit. They were all predicated on using the law to injure his re-election candidacy—given a widespread derangement syndrome among the left and a fear they cannot entrust a Trump/Biden election to the people.

"These criminal and civil trials are merely the continuation of extra-legal efforts of the last eight years to destroy a presidential candidate in lieu of opposing him in transparent elections.

"As such, the current lawfare joins the Mueller investigation of the Russian-collusion hoax. It is a continuation of the laptop disinformation caper and the “51 intelligence authorities” who lied about its Russian origins. It logically follows from the two impeachments, the Senate trial of Trump as a private citizen, and states’ efforts to remove him from their ballots.

"The E. Jean Carroll case, the Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, and Fani Willis local and state trials, and the Smith federal indictment share various embarrassments.

"Suspension of statutes of limitations: Carroll and Bragg could only go to court through the legal gymnastics of enlisting sympathetic judges and legislators to change or amend the law to suspend the statute of limitations as a veritable bill of attainder to go after Trump.

"Violations of the Bill of Rights: In the Bragg case, Judge Merchan’s selective and asymmetrical gag order likely violates the First Amendment (prohibiting “abridging the freedom of speech”). Bragg violated the Sixth Amendment by denying Trump the right “to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation”. Judge Engoron, in the juryless James case, violated the Eighth Amendment (“nor excessive fines imposed”) in assessing Donald Trump an unheard of $354 million fine for supposedly overstating the value of real estate collateral for loans, while violating the Sixth Amendment as well (“the accused shall enjoy the right … to trial by an impartial jury”). The FBI likely violated the Fourth Amendment (“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures”) by raiding Trump’s private residence, seizing his papers and effects (many of them private), and then lying about its own shenanigans of rearranging the seized classified files to incriminate Trump.

"The invention of crimes: The indictments of Bragg, James, Willis, and Smith had no prior precedents. " . . .

College Students Announce Indefinite Hunger Strike For Palestine Between 10 AM And Noon And Also Between 1 PM and 5 PM Every Day Except For Some Light Snacking (Parody)

 Wait! No almond milk?

Babylon Bee

"College Students protesting Israel announced an indefinite hunger strike on Monday, which they say will occur between the hours of 10 AM and 5 PM, with an hour for lunch at noon with only some light snacking permitted from time to time.

" 'We mean business!" said Princeton University student Jezebel Bashar. "It will be hard to eat absolutely nothing for part of the day followed by an after-lunch period of a few hours of not eating again, but we are committed!"

"On the first day of the hunger strike, protestors appeared visibly weakened with many resorting to emergency granola bars just to be safe. The group appeared to gain more momentum and energy following their lunch break.

" 'We support Palestine's right to kill every Jew until there are no more Jews!" said one unidentified protestor between massive bites of a New York slice. "Look what you're making us do!"

"Princeton faculty remain supportive of the protests, expressing their firm commitment to freedom of speech for anyone wishing to erase the Israeli state and all her inhabitants from the face of the world for all time. They also admit they're at least a little curious about how far students will take this.

" 'Can you imagine if they went a couple of hours without eating? They could become healthy," commented the head of the Environmental Health Sciences Department.

"New York police, meanwhile, have opted for a different strategy — tempting students with delicious hot dogs. "Fat protestors are easier to control," admitted Chief of Police Anton Kremel. "Ooo look! I got another bite!"

"At publishing time, students had canceled the 1 PM to 2 PM strike due to concerns over plummeting blood sugar levels."

Billboard Thanking Biden in Jerusalem Now Criticizes Him

  Breitbart (  

"A billboard in a western Jerusalem neighborhood that once thanked U.S. President Joe Biden for his support has been changed to criticize Biden for pressuring Israel not to pursue Hamas terrorists and win the war in Gaza.

"As Breitbart News noted in October, shortly after the outbreak of war:

On Emek Refaim — a street in the heart of the old German Colony, an area popular with Americans — a billboard thanking President Joe Biden for his support was the only face in sight Friday evening. Families gathered quietly for the Sabbath meal; some walked through the streets, the mothers pushing strollers, the fathers carrying rifles slung across their shoulders. There are fears that some of the Hamas terrorists who infiltrated Israel on Oct. 7 had lain low, and could strike again at any moment.

"Biden had visited Israel just a few days before, the first U.S. president to visit Israel during wartime.

"But today, Biden is viewed as hostile to Israel, after criticizing Israel’s war effort and withholding crucial weapons due to Israel’s operation in Rafah to defeat Hamas.

Trump undermines himself with crude language

 Cal Thomas - Washington Times  

Curse words are bad when used by a politician we dislike but are ignored, even praised, when one approves of a politician. Here’s a test: Try cursing in church if you want to know if all behavioral standards have been abandoned. 


"If you are the parent of young children, are you OK with your children hearing former President Donald Trump‘s language and putdowns, like the ones at his rally last Saturday in Wildwood, New Jersey?

"One can hear a kid justifying his or her own swearing: “If President Trump can talk like that, why can’t I?” Is this the way we want our children to be raised? They will learn swear words soon enough (and hopefully control their use of them or eschew them altogether).

"There was a time when we were taught to respect those in authority and use acceptable language. I remember my grandmother once admonishing me when I said something “nice young men don’t say in public.” The words that offended her were “toilet paper.”

"Mr. Trump‘s cursing was the perfect finish to a week that included the salacious testimony of porn actress Stormy Daniels at his trial. I understand he is frustrated by a trial that seems to him, and many others, like a political hit, but that doesn’t justify a potty mouth.

"On television, in movies, in certain mean and increasingly upscale streets, men and women are using language that in the words of professor Henry Higgins “would make a sailor blush.” Where is what used to be called decorum? Need a definition of decorum? It is “dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc.” Synonyms include politeness and dignity. None of these are reflected in Mr. Trump‘s demeanor.

"Decorum once included men who muted themselves in front of “ladies.” Now, too many ladies are using curse words in public. Men and women chanted “bull——” at the Trump rally. Mr. Trump called President Biden a “moron” and mocked his way of walking. He said “s—-” more than once. Stay classy, Donald.

"Mr. Trump uses “hell” as a curse word with increasing frequency. Does he believe in hell? Does he believe in heaven and know how to get there? His fervent evangelical supporters, some of whom bizarrely claim he shares their faith, should ask him." . . .

And then there's Cursing Kamala.

Christian Veteran Now Facing Hate Crime Charge for Toppling Satanic Display

 The former Navy pilot is looking at 5 years in prison thanks to Soros-backed D.A. | Frontpage Mag

"FrontPage Mag readers may recall that back in December I wrote about Michael Cassidy, a conservative Christian and former Navy pilot who tore down a Satanic altar competing with a Christmas display of the Nativity in the Iowa State Capitol. Originally charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief, Cassidy was subsequently hit with a hate crime charge by Polk County Democrat Attorney Kimberly Graham, a prosecutor funded by – surprise – left-wing billionaire financier George Soros. Cassidy is now looking at a possible five years in prison.

"As reported by Ben Zeisloft at The Republic Sentinel, the far-left ideologue Graham has received over $300,000 in campaign contributions from the Justice and Public Safety PAC, a Soros-funded entity:

Graham campaigned on decreasing racial disparities in prosecution and has since introduced drug diversion programs during her first year in office. The official has voiced numerous leftist views on social media: she wished that George Floyd would “rest in power” on the day police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted, as well as claimed that crime prevention involves “tackling environmental racism” and said that “cash bail makes our communities less safe.”

“ 'After accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from George Soros, Iowa prosecutor Kimberly Graham is now pushing what appears to be a politically motivated ‘hate crime’ enhancement in a conservative-leaning midwestern state,” stated Cassidy’s attorney Davis Younts, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel, in an interview with The Sentinel.

“The addition of a hate crime enhancement means that our client is facing the possibility of a felony conviction,” Younts added. “We believe that the application of the enhancement is not appropriate in this case.” . . .

Egypt's Duplicity, the World's Silence

 Gatestone Institute 

Evidently the Egyptians would rather see the Gazans starve; then, the international community, as usual, would hold only Israel responsible. Pictured: Egyptian army soldiers stand guard at the Rafah crossing on Egypt's border with the Gaza Strip 

. . ."By turning a blind eye to its widespread smuggling industry, Egypt significantly contributed to transforming the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip into a major base for Islamist terrorism.

"If the Egyptians actually cared about the Palestinians, instead of blocking the entry of aid into the Gaza Strip, they could easily coordinate with Israel though alternative border crossings such as the nearby Kerem Shalom terminal.

"The Egyptians, however, are refusing to send aid to the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom border crossing. For the past week, the Egyptians have been blocking aid to the Gaza Strip by refusing to coordinate the entry of truckloads through the Rafah and Kerem Shalom border crossings.

"The Egyptians appear to be playing the "humanitarian aid card" to pressure Israel to stop the war on Hamas. They seem to believe, perhaps correctly, that by blocking the aid to the Palestinians, the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip will escalate and the world will blame Israel, not Hamas or Egypt, for the ongoing suffering of the people there. Evidently the Egyptians would rather see the Gazans starve; then, the international community, as usual, would hold only Israel responsible.

"That is the real problem: Where is the demand from the international community for Egypt to deliver aid to the Gaza Strip? Where are social media posts, the US college campus protests, and the op-eds condemning Egypt for deliberately withholding aid from Gaza's Palestinians?

"Why doesn't the Biden administration pressure Egypt, and not just Israel, to allow aid to enter Gaza for the Palestinians?

"Instead of pressuring Israel in order to avoid targeting Hamas terrorists in Rafah, US President Joe Biden could have already been on the phone with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to urge him to assist his Palestinian brethren." . . .

Jews are figuring out that Biden and the Democrats are not their friends

 Andrea Widburg - American Thinker

"Although the number of Muslims in the U.S. is growing fast (and will grow faster if Biden has his way), as of 2020, Jews still outnumbered Muslims (2.4% of the population versus 1.1% of the population). By putting all his eggs in the Muslim basket, Biden may have committed a fatal election error...or at least, I hope he has."  AW

. . ."In almost all American Jewish households, every adult member is a college graduate, with each subsequent generation more radicalized than the one that came before. For sixty years, Jews have been drinking deeply from the leftism that permeates academia. They are in the forefront of the ideology and seated in the front of every classroom. I think that’s very sad, but it’s also the truth. (It’s also why we’re seeing East Asian Indians shift left in their politics as they go through the same radicalizing process.)

"But the one thing that dogs the Jews, always, is their fear of another Holocaust. Ultimately, it overrides all other considerations, and what they’re finally figuring out is that it’s the Democrat party that is actively calling for their deaths on college campuses and passively planning for their deaths via Joe Biden’s pro-Hamas and pro-Iran policies. And so—finally—the stiff-necked people may be coming around:" . . .

My Day with Cornell Protestors: Antisemitism, Denial, and Ignorance

 Susan D. Harris - American Thinker

There are many who still associate the black and white keffiyeh with former Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) head Yasser Arafat.  It’s a statement of solidarity that’s hard to stomach when transposed onto American campuses; especially for those of us old enough to remember its long history of turmoil and terrorism. 

AfterMath - Home (

. . ."Nearly fifty years on, everyone’s favorite contemporary activist, Greta Thunberg, has similarly been filmed chanting “crush Zionism,” and was recently detained for protesting Israel’s participation in a European song competition while wrapped in a keffiyeh that’s almost larger than she is.

"Back at Cornell, I’m watching similarly deluded ivy league college students dancing and laughing as they adjust their keffiyehs and fervently pound nails into a large “Hands off Rafah” sign they’ve been building.

"I ask one of the leaders of the group if she knows where Rafah is; I can tell by the confused look on her face that she doesn’t have a clue.  The only thing she can tell me is that “they’ve evacuated innocent Palestinians there and Israel is going to attack it and kill them.”

"Obviously these students are ignorant or don’t care that Rafah is considered the final outpost of Hamas; it’s where the terror masterminds are suspected to be holed up with their fighting brigades, and where the remaining hostages (including Americans) – both alive and dead – are believed to be held.  (Hope Forum, a group which represents some of the hostage families, has criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu for his delay in “conquering Rafah and rescuing [their] loved ones…”)

"It’s clear that Israel cannot win the war without going into Rafah.  And sadly, that’s a fact that President Biden knows too, so why would his administration decide to stop sending weapons to the Jewish state?  Esteemed Israeli journalist Caroline Glick wondered the same thing as she concluded that Biden’s recent actions were symbolically saying: “I have totally betrayed Israel and I am totally betraying the Jews.”  She added, “It also tells all of the antisemitic rioters on campus that violence pays … not only will you not be punished for it you will be rewarded.  I am going to answer your demands that the United States betray Israel and stand with the people who massacred [on October 7].” . . .

The Gloves Will Come Off In A Second Biden Term

"As horrendous as these border crossing numbers are now, in a second Biden term, these figures will only further be exacerbated as the Democrat Party looks to import millions of likely new voters without a care in the world for what it will do to our cities. The lack of respect that Biden and the Democrat Party have for the citizens of this country knows no bounds."

It’s hard to imagine that anyone who didn’t hate our country would deliberately continue to take us even further towards the path of self destruction than Biden. David Keltz   "If you believe, correctly, that the entirety of Joe Biden’s presidency has been one unmitigated disaster after another—not only for the American citizenry, but for the United States’ standing on the world stage and for our allies around the globe who have embraced the cause of freedom and religious liberty—fasten your seatbelts, because you haven’t seen anything yet.
"If you believe, correctly, that under Biden we are no longer a country that has any interest in securing our border, curbing inflationary spending and excessive taxation, bringing down the price of energy, ridding our institutions of disastrous DEI initiatives, and returning our education standards to one that embraces merit, respect for our Founding Fathers, and our Constitution—brace yourselves, because we may be nearing the point of no return if we aren’t already there.
"If you believe, correctly, that in the first three and a half years of Biden’s presidency we have turned our back on America’s greatest ally in the Middle East, failed to come anywhere close to holding the Mullahs accountable for their belligerent behavior towards the U.S. and the Jewish state, and have done next to nothing to instill any sort of fear or deterrence to the nefarious grand visions of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping—just wait, because the current chaos we’re seeing across the world will seem rather tame for what may be in store in the not so distant future.
"If, God forbid, Biden finds a way to end up back in the Oval Office come high noon on January 20, 2025, the gloves will be completely ripped off." . . .

Illegal migrants are being 'encouraged' to vote, top Republican warns after shocking documents reveals 'training' for noncitizens to cast ballots in Washington D.C. | Daily Mail Online    [Chip] Roy is the lead sponsor of new legislation that will soon hit the House floor to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections - a practice that is already illegal and thought to be rare. 

. . ."Two things can be immediately surmised from this obviously deluded president.

"One, that he must be confident he can rig and cheat his way to victory, same as he did last time. There is something to this, as swing-state Democrats in gubernatorial and secretary of state positions have been making maneuvers to do just that, though their odds of succeeding are longer.

"Two, Biden must be convinced the American public doesn't care about gas prices, grocery inflation, the rate hikes that make home-buying impossible for the young, soaring health care insurance rates, credit card debt, depleted 401(k)s, wokester garbage taught in schools, a woke greenie military, crime without consequences, retail establishments shutting down, city services cut to pay for illegals, and the wide open border." . . .