Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Billboard Thanking Biden in Jerusalem Now Criticizes Him

  Breitbart (breitbart.com)  

"A billboard in a western Jerusalem neighborhood that once thanked U.S. President Joe Biden for his support has been changed to criticize Biden for pressuring Israel not to pursue Hamas terrorists and win the war in Gaza.

"As Breitbart News noted in October, shortly after the outbreak of war:

On Emek Refaim — a street in the heart of the old German Colony, an area popular with Americans — a billboard thanking President Joe Biden for his support was the only face in sight Friday evening. Families gathered quietly for the Sabbath meal; some walked through the streets, the mothers pushing strollers, the fathers carrying rifles slung across their shoulders. There are fears that some of the Hamas terrorists who infiltrated Israel on Oct. 7 had lain low, and could strike again at any moment.

"Biden had visited Israel just a few days before, the first U.S. president to visit Israel during wartime.

"But today, Biden is viewed as hostile to Israel, after criticizing Israel’s war effort and withholding crucial weapons due to Israel’s operation in Rafah to defeat Hamas.

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