Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Jews are figuring out that Biden and the Democrats are not their friends

 Andrea Widburg - American Thinker

"Although the number of Muslims in the U.S. is growing fast (and will grow faster if Biden has his way), as of 2020, Jews still outnumbered Muslims (2.4% of the population versus 1.1% of the population). By putting all his eggs in the Muslim basket, Biden may have committed a fatal election error...or at least, I hope he has."  AW

. . ."In almost all American Jewish households, every adult member is a college graduate, with each subsequent generation more radicalized than the one that came before. For sixty years, Jews have been drinking deeply from the leftism that permeates academia. They are in the forefront of the ideology and seated in the front of every classroom. I think that’s very sad, but it’s also the truth. (It’s also why we’re seeing East Asian Indians shift left in their politics as they go through the same radicalizing process.)

"But the one thing that dogs the Jews, always, is their fear of another Holocaust. Ultimately, it overrides all other considerations, and what they’re finally figuring out is that it’s the Democrat party that is actively calling for their deaths on college campuses and passively planning for their deaths via Joe Biden’s pro-Hamas and pro-Iran policies. And so—finally—the stiff-necked people may be coming around:" . . .

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