Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Christian Veteran Now Facing Hate Crime Charge for Toppling Satanic Display

 The former Navy pilot is looking at 5 years in prison thanks to Soros-backed D.A. | Frontpage Mag

"FrontPage Mag readers may recall that back in December I wrote about Michael Cassidy, a conservative Christian and former Navy pilot who tore down a Satanic altar competing with a Christmas display of the Nativity in the Iowa State Capitol. Originally charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief, Cassidy was subsequently hit with a hate crime charge by Polk County Democrat Attorney Kimberly Graham, a prosecutor funded by – surprise – left-wing billionaire financier George Soros. Cassidy is now looking at a possible five years in prison.

"As reported by Ben Zeisloft at The Republic Sentinel, the far-left ideologue Graham has received over $300,000 in campaign contributions from the Justice and Public Safety PAC, a Soros-funded entity:

Graham campaigned on decreasing racial disparities in prosecution and has since introduced drug diversion programs during her first year in office. The official has voiced numerous leftist views on social media: she wished that George Floyd would “rest in power” on the day police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted, as well as claimed that crime prevention involves “tackling environmental racism” and said that “cash bail makes our communities less safe.”

“ 'After accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from George Soros, Iowa prosecutor Kimberly Graham is now pushing what appears to be a politically motivated ‘hate crime’ enhancement in a conservative-leaning midwestern state,” stated Cassidy’s attorney Davis Younts, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel, in an interview with The Sentinel.

“The addition of a hate crime enhancement means that our client is facing the possibility of a felony conviction,” Younts added. “We believe that the application of the enhancement is not appropriate in this case.” . . .

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