Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Trump undermines himself with crude language

 Cal Thomas - Washington Times  

Curse words are bad when used by a politician we dislike but are ignored, even praised, when one approves of a politician. Here’s a test: Try cursing in church if you want to know if all behavioral standards have been abandoned. 

Mike Thompsonfreep.com)

"If you are the parent of young children, are you OK with your children hearing former President Donald Trump‘s language and putdowns, like the ones at his rally last Saturday in Wildwood, New Jersey?

"One can hear a kid justifying his or her own swearing: “If President Trump can talk like that, why can’t I?” Is this the way we want our children to be raised? They will learn swear words soon enough (and hopefully control their use of them or eschew them altogether).

"There was a time when we were taught to respect those in authority and use acceptable language. I remember my grandmother once admonishing me when I said something “nice young men don’t say in public.” The words that offended her were “toilet paper.”

"Mr. Trump‘s cursing was the perfect finish to a week that included the salacious testimony of porn actress Stormy Daniels at his trial. I understand he is frustrated by a trial that seems to him, and many others, like a political hit, but that doesn’t justify a potty mouth.

"On television, in movies, in certain mean and increasingly upscale streets, men and women are using language that in the words of professor Henry Higgins “would make a sailor blush.” Where is what used to be called decorum? Need a definition of decorum? It is “dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc.” Synonyms include politeness and dignity. None of these are reflected in Mr. Trump‘s demeanor.

"Decorum once included men who muted themselves in front of “ladies.” Now, too many ladies are using curse words in public. Men and women chanted “bull——” at the Trump rally. Mr. Trump called President Biden a “moron” and mocked his way of walking. He said “s—-” more than once. Stay classy, Donald.

"Mr. Trump uses “hell” as a curse word with increasing frequency. Does he believe in hell? Does he believe in heaven and know how to get there? His fervent evangelical supporters, some of whom bizarrely claim he shares their faith, should ask him." . . .

And then there's Cursing Kamala.

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