Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Gloves Will Come Off In A Second Biden Term

"As horrendous as these border crossing numbers are now, in a second Biden term, these figures will only further be exacerbated as the Democrat Party looks to import millions of likely new voters without a care in the world for what it will do to our cities. The lack of respect that Biden and the Democrat Party have for the citizens of this country knows no bounds."

It’s hard to imagine that anyone who didn’t hate our country would deliberately continue to take us even further towards the path of self destruction than Biden. David Keltz   "If you believe, correctly, that the entirety of Joe Biden’s presidency has been one unmitigated disaster after another—not only for the American citizenry, but for the United States’ standing on the world stage and for our allies around the globe who have embraced the cause of freedom and religious liberty—fasten your seatbelts, because you haven’t seen anything yet.
"If you believe, correctly, that under Biden we are no longer a country that has any interest in securing our border, curbing inflationary spending and excessive taxation, bringing down the price of energy, ridding our institutions of disastrous DEI initiatives, and returning our education standards to one that embraces merit, respect for our Founding Fathers, and our Constitution—brace yourselves, because we may be nearing the point of no return if we aren’t already there.
"If you believe, correctly, that in the first three and a half years of Biden’s presidency we have turned our back on America’s greatest ally in the Middle East, failed to come anywhere close to holding the Mullahs accountable for their belligerent behavior towards the U.S. and the Jewish state, and have done next to nothing to instill any sort of fear or deterrence to the nefarious grand visions of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping—just wait, because the current chaos we’re seeing across the world will seem rather tame for what may be in store in the not so distant future.
"If, God forbid, Biden finds a way to end up back in the Oval Office come high noon on January 20, 2025, the gloves will be completely ripped off." . . .

Illegal migrants are being 'encouraged' to vote, top Republican warns after shocking documents reveals 'training' for noncitizens to cast ballots in Washington D.C. | Daily Mail Online    [Chip] Roy is the lead sponsor of new legislation that will soon hit the House floor to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections - a practice that is already illegal and thought to be rare. 

. . ."Two things can be immediately surmised from this obviously deluded president.

"One, that he must be confident he can rig and cheat his way to victory, same as he did last time. There is something to this, as swing-state Democrats in gubernatorial and secretary of state positions have been making maneuvers to do just that, though their odds of succeeding are longer.

"Two, Biden must be convinced the American public doesn't care about gas prices, grocery inflation, the rate hikes that make home-buying impossible for the young, soaring health care insurance rates, credit card debt, depleted 401(k)s, wokester garbage taught in schools, a woke greenie military, crime without consequences, retail establishments shutting down, city services cut to pay for illegals, and the wide open border." . . .

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